Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (monthly) P.O. Box 487, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Phone (626) 355-1476 1yr/12 iss. $23.00 2yr/24 iss. $45.00 Outside US $30.00/yr (no 2 year subscr.) Tropical Fish Hobbyist (monthly) One TFH Plaza, Neptune City, NJ 07753 Phone (908) 988-8400 1yr/12 iss. $40.00 Foreign - add $11.00/yr **note: The edition found in retail stores often does NOT have mail order ads; the home subscription edition does. Do not buy one at the store for m/o addresses without checking it out first. Aquarium Fish Magazine (monthly) Practical Fishkeeping (British mag) MOTORSPORT RR1 Box 200 D. Jonesburg MO 63351-9616 US - $42.00 per year KOI USA (bi-monthly) KOI USA P.O. Box 1 Midway City, CA 92665 U.S.A. 6 issues per year $15 in U.S., US$ 19.50 in Canada Marine Fish Monthly Publishing Concepts Corp. 3243 Highway 61 East Luttrell, TN 37779 1yr/12 iss. $20.00 Canada $28.00/yr Foreign $35.00/yr (US $ required) 1-800-937-3963 for subscription by phone
Societies and other Organizations
The official home site of the FAQ is maintained by Erik Olson as part of the The Krib.