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  L# Bolivian Rams - Who's who?
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SubscribeBolivian Rams - Who's who?
Posts: 16
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Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
EditedEdited by fallingfornova
Hey everyone,

I've recently purchased two bolivian rams. I tried my best to get a male and female, but between me going "that one", them all scattering, and the lady on the ladder trying to catch them I really have no idea what I ended up with! They are both cuties, and have fit in well with the rest of my fish (sort of, just what I was looking for to finish up my stocking).

Now, onto the fish! These two are great with the platies, guppies, and betta... But they seem to be kind of mean with each other. In fact, yesterday (twice) I noticed them sort of grabbing each other's mouth and holding on, and wiggling around... Is that aggression, or some sort of odd mating ritual?! Anyway... Here's the link to my photo album - (I know there are pictures of both fish... I just don't know which one's which.)

Do you guys think you can tell what I have? Two males, two females, one of each? And is the (in my uneducated in bolivian rams guess) aggression a problem? Normal? Just plain weird? Thanks!

(I'm going to try to get some new pictures of them today - and maybe actually learn to tell them apart! If I do, I'll post saying there are new pictures up in the album)

Thanks in advance for any help!

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 18:44Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
The lip locking is aggression. Chances are that they're just trying to figure out who the boss ram is going to be. If you notice things escalating, one of them may need to be removed. It probably won't go too far though.

The fish in your third photo looks like a female. I don't see filaments on the pelvic, dorsal, or caudal fins. There aren't too many egg spots on the dorsal and anal fins, and the genital tube is thicker than a male's would be.

The other fish (the one without the rips in the anal fin) is more difficult to identify. It appears to be a female, though a better close up picture would help confirm.

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 19:22Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
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Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
EditedEdited by fallingfornova
Thanks for your response!

I've taken some more pictures, so... Hopefully those will help! I've got to sit down today and try to figure out which one is which. I knew there was a reason why I liked livebearers so much! Anyway, I really do appreciate you taking the time to help me figure these two out.

ETA: New pictures are the first 10 pictures in the album.

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 20:11Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 3875
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
Both look like girls to me.

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 20:32Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big E
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I agree that they both look female.

Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 21:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
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Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
Thanks you two!

I was fearing that, after I went back to look at the store. There were some there that definitely looked like males!

Do you think these two girls are going to be just fine with the two of them? Or would they (appear to) be happier if I got two males, or got rid of one and got a male instead? (My signature has what's in the 33 gallon)

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 02:44Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big E
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Personally, I'd think of leaving the two girls plus adding a male. I think the 3 of them would be fine in a 33 gallon tank.

Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 04:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Yeah you'd have a bigger problem if you had two males and then added a female.

The lip locking sounds perfectly normal, they are cichlids after all. They'll probably do it less often as they settle in, and even less if you add another one.

Make sure you have plenty of hiding places so they can hide if things get a bit too hairy for them, try putting two caves (a third one if you get another one) at opposite ends of the tank.

Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 19:45Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
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Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
Ah, awesome. I'll keep my eye out for a male ram then. I bet I'll make that one happy male!

I have a few hiding places (including one coffee mug), and I intend to add more (fake) plants.

Thanks again for all your help (everyone)!

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2006 02:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
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Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
Hello again my helpful fish-smart friends!

Okay, I couldn't resist. Went to the petstore to pick up a couple more silk plants and came home with a new ram. He was all alone in the tank.

Well, okay, by saying 'he', I'm assuming that it's a male. Which is where you guys come in! He definitely looks a bit different than the two girls.

It would be great if you guys could take a peek and let me know. Thanks again, so much!

(And if it's another female, I give up!!)

I have more pictures loaded than these, but I think this is the best one. (All of them:

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 14-Jul-2006 05:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 3875
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Registered: 26-Jul-2004
male usa us-virginia
Yepper, looks like a male. The fin filaments and genital tube point to his masculinity. He'll probably have a good time in that tank with the two ladies. He might even decide to mate with both of them.

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 14-Jul-2006 14:20Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
Kudos: 5
Registered: 11-Apr-2006
female canada
SUCCESS!! Yahoo!!

Thanks. I was pretty sure he was a male, but just wanted to double check.

I should put an R rating on my tank... Between the guppies, platies and now the rams... It's gotta be a mating frenzy in there!

Thanks again for taking the time to help!

10 Gallon: Gold Danios 5 Gallon:Flik the Betta
33 Gallon: Platies, Guppies, Bolivian Rams, Honey Gourami's, and Spot the Spotted Climbing Perch
Post InfoPosted 15-Jul-2006 04:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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