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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Cichlid Central
  L# Help With 37 Gallon Fish Tank Stocking
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SubscribeHelp With 37 Gallon Fish Tank Stocking
Posts: 86
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Registered: 28-May-2004
male usa
i am going to be given a 37 gallon fish tank and im wondering what cichlids i can put in it n how many.
Post InfoPosted 17-Jun-2006 08:42Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 312
Kudos: 339
Votes: 18
Registered: 06-Jul-2005
male usa
Well theres a few choices you have. First you have to decide between african cichlids or central/south american cichlids. If this is your first experience with cichlids I reccomend you read an article on them. I would reccomend browsing through some as you can get a good idea of the different types of cichlids and their requirements there.
Post InfoPosted 17-Jun-2006 19:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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