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Mega Fish
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male australia
EditedEdited by hokese
well i think that she will do fine in there,she mite get a little picked on (i would think it would only be the pecking order)and as you said that most of the tankmates are female,breeding will be seldom and therefore no one will get beaten up,if i was you i would chuck her in there now as long as theres room for everyone.when you do decide to put her in there,just make sure as to keep a close eye on her for the first few hours just to make sure that if there is any aggression that its not to bad,but being a hybrid just because she is placid doesnt mean that she dosent have a mean streak in her,eg,ages ago i had a little hybrid (johanni x maingano) and he was very placid when i had him in my daughters little tetra tank,and as when he outgrew that tank i put him in my 55 gal with some sa chiclids and within a day he had completly morphed in colourand turned into the terminatorhe bullied EVERYTHING in there,my oscars,firemouth,bns, the end he just was crazy i ended up giving him to a freind with a afican tank setup and still to this day,that hybrid is the boss of that tank>as for naming him george,if it is a female you can call her georgina
Post InfoPosted 13-Oct-2006 12:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 24-Nov-2004
male usa
are you sure she's 3", looks much smaller. If this is the case she might very well be a JD as it looks more like one in the new pics. Also at the smaller size it would be very hard to sex her (although I'm calling it her). The stressed look definetly makes a difference. I would say post another pic in a month when it's more developed to get a (+) ID.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Oct-2006 01:53Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Oct-2004
female india
I may be thinking of her as 3 inches. She could be like 2.5. It really depends on her mood, sometimes she can be shy and look really small and when asking for food open up her fins fully and look like 3 inches, but she's between 2.5 to 3 inches. In the new pics, she is at the back of the tank and the camera is also at a distance so I dont scare her off.
Post InfoPosted 16-Oct-2006 09:59Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
I think based on comments on the several sites
your pictures have been shown,
that you have a JD x Texas cichlid.

Shes a beaut though.
Enjoy her!

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Post InfoPosted 16-Oct-2006 21:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 07-Oct-2004
female india
Yup, that's what everybody's been saying. Now I hope she just doesnt get too big for my tank. Otherwise, she likes staring at the yellow tetra bits bottle that I keep on the table to tease her
Post InfoPosted 17-Oct-2006 10:15Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 14-Oct-2004
female usa
I would have to say one of the dempsy forms. Mine is a blue dempsy or a green terror??? Both are pretty mean., although I have never had a problme with Envy (my dempsy).

Post InfoPosted 26-Oct-2006 02:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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