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  L# How long in a 10g?
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SubscribeHow long in a 10g?
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Nov-2004
female usa
I just rescued a comet goldfish from my brother, who was going to flush him because he didnt want him anymore.

I only had a spare 10g tank... it's a smallish comet, around 3 1/2 inches right now... how long can I keep it in that tank? I'm hoping to get a pond this summer.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
Not very long really. Although rescuing is better than nothing that's for sure!
If the 10 is all you have I'd suggest keeping the temp low, and feedings minimal. Feed peas to help keep things from blocking up, and do twice a week maintence on the tank.

If you have space for a stock tank, they're cheaper than a glass tank of the same footprint and can be found @most feed stores. I have one running with a AC 300 on it for my rescue.

Oh and go flick your brother with a wet fishnet.

^_^[hr width='40%']
"There’s an emptiness inside her. And she’d do anything to fill it in.
And though it’s red blood bleeding from her now. It's more like cold blue ice in her heart.
She feels like kicking out all the windows. And setting fire to this life."

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 02-Nov-2004
female usa
Heh heh, my brother's a heartless jerk. Self-centered and arrogant, he wouldn't care. He's the kind of jerk that makes people cry and doesn't care.

Anyway, I'll look into that for my goldie for sure At first, I was going to give him to my LFS, but... I've fallen in love I may even make a pond! Thanks for the suggestion. The tank he's in has no gravel, and I can't stand seeing the poo, so I'm actualyl siphoning every day to every other day... Can I do it too much?

Either way...thanks a bunches for the suggestion.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
Posts: 6833
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Registered: 17-Apr-2003
female australia us-maryland
No prob...once your goldie is older (so easy to fall in love isnt it ) I'll lend you my "advanced attack goldfish tecnique"'s a great way for your goldfish to learn how to attack people like heartless brothers!

So long as you've got enough filtration on the tank you won't do too much damage in keeping the poo off the floor of the tank. Remember you'll need some ammount of biofiltration and since you don't have the substrate for it to colonize you'll need extra space in the filter. So long as the goldfish is the only thing in the tank I would see something like an AC 200 as being acceptable in this situation.
Even a thin layer of substrate will offer more space for the bacteria than no substrate.

As for the stock tank idea...they make great additions to living rooms .

^_^[hr width='40%']
"There’s an emptiness inside her. And she’d do anything to fill it in.
And though it’s red blood bleeding from her now. It's more like cold blue ice in her heart.
She feels like kicking out all the windows. And setting fire to this life."

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 378
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Registered: 02-Nov-2004
female usa
Ha ha ha...yeah, I certainly don't have enough room in my ... room I'll see how keen mom is on the idea of a tub'o goldfish.

Err, I have two cats, though. What can I do about that? We adopted them and they were already declawed, but something tells me that won't keep them away from fish, since one of them made a snack out of a betta before...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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