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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# General Freshwater
  L# Black Knife
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SubscribeBlack Knife
Posts: 16
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Registered: 31-May-2007
We have a black knife still small about 5" long but I'm wondering if he/she is the cause of our problems. Recently we've been having problems with our ADF's and snails. We can't seem to keep any of them for more than a few weeks. At first I thought it might have been a cycling tank thing so we quit stocking the snails and frogs. The tank has been cycled for about a month now and we are now missing completely 2 frogs and 2 mystery snails, shell in tank missing body and other totally MIA I know our black knife is a potential killer to smaller fish like neons and the like but does anyone think he's attacking our frogs and snails while were sleeping? He does like some flake food but mainly likes blood worms and always comes out during feeding time.


55 gallon FW API Master Liquid Test Kit.
4 Silver Dollars, 2 Angles, 2 Danios, 6 Tetras, 4 dwarf Guramis, 2 powder blue and 2 red and 1 Black knife Started 5-25-07
Post InfoPosted 17-Jul-2007 04:53Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
I suspect your Knife fish is "Guilty as Charged."

You may want to reconsider its tank mates.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 17-Jul-2007 16:00Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 13-Jun-2004
male usa
very possible; You got me on the shell part, But if you never saw them fight, BGK have a huge mouth. It can relly be sacary at times. So the frogs are probably eatten, but im not so sure about te snails. But it can happen.
Post InfoPosted 17-Jul-2007 19:04Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 16
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Registered: 31-May-2007
Thanks for the replies, well out of nowhere one of the snails reappeared, missing for 2 days but we are still down 2 frogs and 1 snail, this shell is in the tank but the body is MIA and I'm sure food.

Thanks for the conformation. I thought that might be whats happening but wasn't sure.

55 gallon FW API Master Liquid Test Kit.
4 Silver Dollars, 2 Angles, 2 Danios, 6 Tetras, 4 dwarf Guramis, 2 powder blue and 2 red and 1 Black knife Started 5-25-07
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 02:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
Is this the tank in your sig? Both angels and dwarf gouramis are murder to snails. They won't last. ADF are also not good choices for large community tanks with somewhat agressive fish. They are poor feeders and need to reach the surface to breathe fairly frequently. They do best in shallow tanks with slow moving peaceful fish. They will not get any food in tanks with fast or large agressive fish and they will not be able to reach the surface in deep tanks without alot of decorations at least comign close to touching the surface. The absolute maximum depth I've been told for adf is 2' and I did have 2 in a 90g which is 2' high. I had driftwood large enough to break the surface and a hanging net for fry on the side. The frogs never went more than 6" down and often hung on the net just below the surface. They did far better in a little 5g than in a large tank. I also had to reach in and dump the food right in front of them or everything else would eat it first. These guys really do best in a tank more like a 20g long or a small species tank like a 5-10g devoted only to them.
Post InfoPosted 18-Jul-2007 04:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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