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SubscribeHmm. Other fish...
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Registered: 31-Mar-2004
male usa
I have a cycled 16 gallon tank with 20 lbs of LR, 1 margarita snail, 3 blue-legged hermits, and one royal gramma. Are there any other fish, PREFERABLY PAIRING ONES, that I can safely add to the tank?

EDIT: Does anyone know anything about keeping Mini Pink Tip Tulip Anemones? Would one fare well in my tank? thanks!

Last edited by 123mjb at 20-Jan-2006 20:20
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Report 
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male usa
matted pair of true percula clown would be nice


>>>----> <----<<<

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:40Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
EditedEdited by 123mjb
That'd be nice, but i've been told before (on this site) that that would put too much of a strain on the bioload. Any other sugesstions?


What about a pair of yellow-tailed damsels OR a pair of regular firefish?
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 16:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-ohio
If you can find them, there are several different types of gobies that do well in pairs. And many times these are sold in pairs. If you keep the temp of your tank in the 70s, mid 70s even better, you could try a few Catolina gobies. I have seen several places selling mated pairs of firefish lately. You may have to do some looking around, but they are out there for sale.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 17:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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That tank would be too small for a pair of clowns IMO.

I agree with Marc, your best bet is some type of goby. You can find shrimp/goby pairs sometimes, that's a pretty cool symbiotic relationship to watch.

I've never seen mated firefish for sale, but I wonder how they pair off? The purple ones are really cool. Not too expensive either. The only downside about firefish, or any fish from the dartfish family, is that they are GREAT jumpers. These guys defy all the rules. They'll jump through just about anything, especially when startled. You have to have a tightly covered aquarium to keep these guys. Other than that, they're great, hardy fish.


-Formerly known as the Ferretfish
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 17:58Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-Mar-2004
male usa
Thanks for the help! I did have another question, though. What about a pair of blue damselfish OR a pair of clown gobies. Both are always locally available, and they are some of my favorite sw fish. Oh, and like i asked before, Does anyone know anything about keeping Mini Pink Tip Tulip Anemones? Would one fare well in my tank?
Thanks again!
Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 19:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
do u have a power head i think u need one to keep a anname


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Post InfoPosted 19-Feb-2006 20:01Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
My tank has excellent circulation. I was thinking that mabye instead of adding any pairing fish, that i would just get a bubble-tip anemone and a clarkii or tomato clown. Does anyone have any exp. with this stuff? Thanks!
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 19:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 20-Feb-2006 19:47
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Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
Anemones get rather large, and will soon out grow that tank. Keep this in mind.

Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 21:43Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-ohio
I agree, I would not recommend an anemone in that small of a tank. The other worry about it is, if it dies, it can cause a drastic ammonia spike in that small of a tank, and you could loose your entire stock. This is the major concern I fear.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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