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SubscribeWould Like More Info On Moon Lights Please, Long
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Registered: 31-May-2007
Hi all, first post I've done tons of reading in the last 3 weeks. Wish I was fishless cycling but alas, all fish are doing well in a 55g tank. Long story short, got a 55g tank for a great price, military family being sent to Germany, conditions were take old fish that were already transfered to another 80g tank, no used rocks or filters from the 55g but I did get some rocks from the 80g. Numbers are normal for a 3 week tank full of fish, 4 Silver dollars, 2 angles, 2 Danios and some odds and ends consisting of Molly's, tetras, an ADF and a black knife swordfish.

Back on topic, I would like some info on the moon lights. It seems they provide more or less the same light, obviously depending on setup, as regular tubes but at a lower voltage using LED lights? What I'm trying to accomplish is seeing my black knife more at night. He's very active in his house and I have tubes for him to play in the tank but doesn't like them at all. Do the moon lights block the light the fish can see like a night vision light we can see and the fish can't or is it just a different hue of light the makes the fish more vibrant. I just replaced the lights with All Glass tubes and WOW what a difference.

Sorry for the long post but I'm just getting back into fish and so much has changed.

Thanks everyone


55 gallon FW API Master Liquid Test Kit.
4 Silver Dollars, 2 Angles, 2 Danios, 6 Tetras, 4 dwarf Guramis, 2 powder blue and 2 red and 1 Black knife Started 5-25-07
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2007 06:57Profile PM Edit Report 
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male usa us-colorado
The thing to remember when using moon lights, is that
you need to provide periods of complete darkness for
the inhabitants to rest, including any plants.

If you have a planted tank, then you should have about
10-12 hours of full, white, light. Then you want to add
in the moonlights. Use timers and set your lights so
that you see the tank in both types of light and to
accomodate your work or school schedule.

For instance, you could have your white light come on
around 10am and burn till 8pm. Have the white light turn
off at 8 and turn on the moonlights till midnight and then
shut off all light till the next day when natural sunlight
in the room will begin the next light period.

As far as the lights themselves are concerned, you can
purchase hoods with both white and moonlights combined,
or you can purchase a hood for each. The brands and
styles are your choice. Keep reading and good luck.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 13-Jun-2007 15:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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I have been doing some research on moon lights and have found out a few things. Frank is right Have the moonlights off for a while, as far as the type of light they put out, My research indicates that some about as bright as a strong nightlight, and supposedly will not cause a plant to use photosynthesis. I am about to add moonlights to my 55 and have looked at quite a few different ones. So far Lunar Links look the best to me.

Also Try to have the moonlights come on about 10 minutes before the main lights shut off. That way the fish don't get a shock of Light darkness light.And if you use the moonlights in the morning Have them turn off after the main lights come on for the same reason.

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Post InfoPosted 14-Jun-2007 21:56Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Unless you get more expensive timers they usually go by half hour increments so I usually have the moonlights come on a half hour before the other lights go out and then don't run them in the morning. My 55g though has 3 sets of lights because of that. There are two 40w reddish plant bulbs that come on at 9am and go off at 10pm, then four 65w 10,000k bulbs that come on at 10am and go off at 9pm, and finally the blue led moonlights that come on at 9:30pm and go off at 11pm. The tank is completely dark from 11pm to 9am. That way I can put a heck of alot of light on the tank without shocking the fish when the lights come on or go off.

Moonlights won't grow plants. They are nearly all blue light and you can actually use a small regular fluorescent tube that's labelled actinic for a moonlight fixture. You just don't want it too bright or the nocturnal fish won't come out. Don't go fill a double bulb fixture as long as your tank with 2 blue tubes or it will be too bright but a single bulb fixture a little shorter than your tank would work as a moonlight. The leds are just easier to use and fit with an already existing fixture than adding another fluorescent strip.
Post InfoPosted 18-Jun-2007 19:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
I have moon lights on my 55 gallon. I love them!
Bought em on ebay for cheap and they have a dimmer on them as well so which is nice. I simply laid the light strips over the glass top and all is fine.
I have my lights on timers. However, I never thought about having the moonlites come on before the other lights go off. I will fix that tomorrow.
I have lengthend my regular light time to 11 hours a day to promote algea growth. Yeah, my plecos are pigs!
I shortend the moonlight time to compensate for the other lights extended time.
The lites are way cool! Fish are fun to watch and you see alot that you would never see with the regular light on.
Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2007 04:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Speaking of timers I use the ones from Drug stores, they have about 10 minute increments and are pretty cheap. Usually made by GE and cost about 7 dollars. course I have to get 2 more at this point one for moonlights and one for my other ten gallon maybe a third for the Nano tank. any way they are extremely reliable.

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Post InfoPosted 19-Jun-2007 21:46Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
I had bought a timer from home depot that allowed you to set two things on the same timer but couldnt get it to work right. It was frustrating so I went back and bought the cheapies and they work fantastic! Paid 3.99 each. I need to get another for the betta tank and then will be set for now.
Post InfoPosted 20-Jun-2007 03:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-colorado
Hi Zoo,
From your comments about the Home Depot timers, it sounds
like you were trying to turn more that on item on with
a single timer. That won't work. You can turn "A" light
on for a while, turn it off for a while, and turn it back
on again several times over with those timers.
I use two of them. With my light canopy, a two tube CF
light. One light and the fan is connected to one push
button switch and a chord to connect to the AC outlet.
The other light, button, and chord is connected to another
outlet. By pushing the switches into the ON position, and
connecting them to individual timers, you can have the
"main light" and cooling fan come on for say 10 hours,
and mid way through the 10 hour period, turn on the
second light for four hours.


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 21-Jun-2007 08:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 31-May-2007
I installed 2 moon lights, I guess I would call them spot beam lights, they are about the size of a Quarter (.25$ US dollar coin) round and maybe 3/4" thick. They are nice but I would need 2 more for our 55g tank to really do any good. Maybe I've installed them incorrectly but they only light up maybe 10" of the tank each. I have them mounted under the hood above the glass. I used some double sided tape and stuck them to the ballasts, not exactly flush with the glass but close.

Advice anyone.

55 gallon FW API Master Liquid Test Kit.
4 Silver Dollars, 2 Angles, 2 Danios, 6 Tetras, 4 dwarf Guramis, 2 powder blue and 2 red and 1 Black knife Started 5-25-07
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 05:15Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 28-Dec-2002
male usa us-colorado
That type of light gives off a pattern similar to a
pendant light, and has, as you mentioned, a "footprint"
of about 10 inches at that elevation above the substrate.

You will need to order more, and have the footprints over
lapping for what you want to achieve. Mounting them with
double sided tape on the ballasts is a no no. The heat
from the ballasts will turn the adhesive liquid over time
and the lights will fall off. You might be better off
using that tape to temporarily mount them while you move
them back and forth to get the right spots for the effects
you desire. Then mark each spot, and silicone them in


-->>> The Confidence of Amateurs, is the Envy of Professionals <<<--
Post InfoPosted 28-Jun-2007 16:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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