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  L# Sick White Cloud
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SubscribeSick White Cloud
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
EditedEdited by CrimsonaX
I can't get to a test kit for anything other then PH for about a week, and that is at around 7.0

My white cloud has an odd behaviour, he's swimming awkwardly and looks like he has trouble keeping himself swimming straight/upright. And then usually goes to the bottom of the tank, his gills seem to be working overtime as if he may be having trouble breathing.
The other two clouds he is with don't seem to have the same problem.

Other then that he appears normal, he's a sort of silver color but looks like his upper body has a sort of gold like tinge - I'm not too sure if that's normal.

Any advice for my poor little fishie?

If I can get the rest of the water details any time sooner I'll let you all know.

Tank set up: It's a 2 litre bowl, with gravel, one plastic plant and room temperature water.
I've had it for about a week, and the bolw used to house my male betta who has no sign of illness.

Food: crushed Gold fish flakes daily
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2007 10:49Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 02-Mar-2005
male malta
That bowl is not the ideal setup for a fish. That fish might be suffering from a high concentration of ammonia/nitrites.

Bowls are not for fish. They need a good filtration system and coldwater fish need larger space than that even if it is a small fish. I suggest to change setup as soon as possible.
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2007 12:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Mar-2005
male malta
Again, the fact that it was used for bettas, does not mean that it is ideal for minnows. I suggest to carry out some research on how to set up a tank, and read about minnows to avoid deaths and disappointments.
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2007 12:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
EditedEdited by CrimsonaX
I did not know, it was what was told to be by my local fish store ^^;

Ive just recently found out about their ideal tank and I can afford a better one in the week upcoming.
The bowls been given a slight water change for now, and i can do so on a frequent basis until a better set up is done

Edit: Any good information pages around?
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2007 12:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
EditedEdited by CrimsonaX
One of my seemingly healthy WCs has passed away just now, he had no problems at all so Im positive the issue has something to do with my water...
Im going to get a full water test tomorrow morning.

RIP little fish

Edit: The ill one is alive but floating upside down

seems like my lack of knowledge has killed the poor little guys.
You can be sure I'll be doing my homework before ever buying a type of fish again
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2007 12:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
If you have no filtration on this tank go get an air pump, tubing, and an airstone or if it will fit a small sponge filter instead of the airstone. White clouds come from fast flowing streams with lots of oxygen. Keeping them in a stagnant bowl with no surface movement will be a very quick death sentence. While they are hardy and can survive fairly high ammonia and nitrite levels as well as a broad range of temperatures they will not survive low oxygen.

If you wish to keep white clouds I suggest going and getting at least a 20g long with a large filter. I'd actually get at least 1 filter size higher than is rated for the tank. I kept mine in a river tank with a gph of 220 for my 20 long. I ran 2 powerheads but a filter running that same gph would probably be rated for a 55g.
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2007 17:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
The largest I can fit is a 20 litre tank, 20 litres being the amount of water that fits into the tank not the actual tank size. Anyway, I think being misinformed has sadly led to the demise of my poor little fishies -_-

For the future though, are there other kinds of fish I could keep in a 20 litre if not white clouds?
Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2007 02:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male australia au-victoria
is this the same LFS that gave you the infomation re your 20lt tank?

One thing you must remember the small the tank the harder it can/will be to manage.

I have had aquariums for 35+ years now and setting my Betta tank up was the hardest of all and I can assure I researched and asked lots of questions on FP for over 12 months before I finally started.

Have a look in [link=My Profile][/link] for my tank info

Look here for my
Betta 11Gal Desktop & Placidity 5ft Community Tank Photos

Keith ^D

Near enough is not good enough, therefore good enough is not near enough, and only your best will do.
Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2007 03:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 130
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Registered: 30-May-2007
female australia
I researched my betta on a differant website , it has really good and clear instructions, it's how I found out about the need for heaters and the like.
The pet store I bought the tank from was a differant one, but the place I bought my fighter from didn't exactly give out the best care instructions. That store is what sold me a 2 litre bowl with only room temperature water needed -_-

I've got my betta tanks set up in another post, and in my profile. It's heated, filtered, got decorations and some plastic plants. So far my fighters being fed on bloodworms only though I'll be purchesing some pellets tommorow.

I could take a photo and bring my betta tank discussion up in the approprite forum if you think it's a good idea =)
Post InfoPosted 01-Jun-2007 10:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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