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SubscribeWhats your favourite Reality TV Show?
Mega Fish
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female australia
EditedEdited by wish-ga
One that predated Survivor was called "The Mole". A group of people are assigned group tasks and there is a plant that is sabotaging the efforts without being detected. Must go unnoticed throughout the entire series.

Each episode the group is asked who amongst them is the mole via a questionnaire. If you are clueless you leave. The audience has to try and figure out who the mole is too. I believe it was based on a Belgian concept.

It was champion because it engaged the viewers BRAIN. And the contestants got through by being smart not mean/ruthless.

However, after the first series of Survivor aired in Australia the subsequent series of The Mole changed because the contestants were forming alliances 'a la Survivor'. Ruined it.

~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~
Post InfoPosted 02-Aug-2006 05:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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