Aulonocara hansbaenschi
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Aulonocara hansbaenschi

Common Names: Firebird Cichlid
Family: Cichlidae
Category: Cichlids
Distribution: Africa; Endemic to Lake Malawi, Africa.
Main Ecosystem: Rift Lake; Rift Lake
Temperament: Territorial; Territorial.
Diet: Carnivore; Carnivore
Care: Feed with flakes and live foods. Hiding places are needed.
7.5 - 8.5
23°C - 27°C
73°F - 81°F
10 dH - 15 dH
Potential Size: Male: 12.7cm (5")
Female: 12.7cm (5")
Water Region: All; All
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Sex can be determined by bright blue colouring of the male. Females are grey.
Breeding: Use a pH of 8.0 and a higher temperature of 27°C. Peacocks are mouth brooders, the eggs are laid on a rock and then taken into the female's mouth.
Comments: A beautiful fish, that comes in several color morphs, with blue and red being the best. There is also an albino variety or this fish. This fish is endemic to the southern part of Lake Malawi, between Fort Maguire and Masinje. They are best if kept several females for each male.
Main Colours:
Markings: Not Specified
Mouth: Not Specified
Tail: Not Specified
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Image Credit: ©
Submitted By: Adam
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