Neolamprologus tretocephalus
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Neolamprologus tretocephalus

Common Names: Five Bar Cichlid
Poor Mans Frontosa
Synonyms: Lamprologus tretocephalus
Family: Cichlidae
Category: Cichlids
Distribution: Africa; Lake Tanganyika - from the northern half of the lake.
Main Ecosystem: Rift Lake; Rift Lake
Temperament: Territorial; Generally males defend territory, swimming around and over the spawning site while females care about fry. Very Aggressive when breeding.
Diet: Carnivore; Carnivore
Care: Thrives on a good flake food diet, supplemented with quality pellets and frozen foods. Requires clean, hard, and alkaline water. Provide a rocky tank, with a sand substrata. As with any tank provide efficient filtration. Not for the community tank, keep with similar sized and temperamented Tanganyikan cichlids.
7.5 - 8.5
23°C - 27°C
73°F - 81°F
8 dH - 12 dH
Potential Size: Male: 15cm (5.9")
Female: 15cm (5.9")
Water Region: Middle, Bottom; Middle-Bottom
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Can be easily distinguished from N. sexfasciatus by counting the black vertical stripes along the body, which are 5 in the first and 6 in the other. The male is much heavier about the head and "shoulder" (pectoral) region,
Breeding: Cave spawner, egg layer – difficult to breed.
Main Colours: Black, White, Blue
Markings: Striped Vertical
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Convex
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Image Credit: ;Wingless Dragon
Submitted By: Wingless Dragon
Contributors: renegade545
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