Crossocheilus siamensis
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Crossocheilus siamensis

Common Names: Siamese Algae Eater
Synonyms: Epalzeorhynchus siamensis
Family: Cyprinidae
Category: Cyprinids
Distribution: Asia; Thailand
Main Ecosystem: Stream; Stream
Temperament: Peaceful; This is an intensely social fish and will thrive in company. Suitable for community aquaria with other peaceful natured and boisterous fish. Siamese algae eaters appreciate the company of their own species and may wane and become overly timid if kept in solitary conditions.This is a communicative species that requires shoal numbers for their full personality to be appreciated, They will sleep in groups, and feed in co-ordinating lines and rows. They will shoal defensively. This is a consistantly active fish that may annoy fish of a more delicate temperament such as discus, and corydoras with their incessant flight behaviour. The author recommends an aquarium of at least 40 gallons for four adult specimens.The positive aspects of allowing this fish a social life cannot be ignored as regards their health and vigour. This fish has nothing in common with the antisocial and territorial Flying Fox as regards personality, and is consistantly peaceful throughout its life.Scuffles cause no real injuries.
Diet: Ominvore; An omnivore in the true sense of the word. A multipurpose scavenger and algae-eater capable of taking any commerically available fish food, and live and meaty foods, algae wafers and catfish pellets. Will not damage most plants although java moss and similar mosses may be torn up in the search for edible algae. This fish is prized among algae eaters as it tackles hair algae that others overlook. Scale algae is beyond even this fish's abilities.  e to obesity if given a diet too rich in protien , and may ignore algae in favour of other commercial foods. Adults may require other foods to be withdrawn if you wish them to clear the tank of algae. This fish has a high metabolism so starve periods need only be a day or two before algae is back on the menu. Will outcompete other scavenger species like corydoras.
Care: Will eat whatever is fed to the other fish in the tank, but feeds mainly on algae in the tank. Easy to keep, but make sure there is algae for it to eat. If not, supplement it with an algae wafer.
6.5 - 8
22°C - 28°C
72°F - 82°F
5 dH - 20 dH
Potential Size: Male: 16cm (6.3")
Female: 16cm (6.3")
Water Region: All; All
Activity: NonSpecific; Non Specific
Gender: There are no external sexual differences until true maturity is reached at approximately three or more years of age. Females are more massive than males with an average mass larger by 30% or so, although overall length is the same. Females are often deeper bodied, and more  e to weight gain. Depending on standard of care , this may not be conclusive . It is possible to "candle " specimens for the presence of eggs by holding a bright light behind the fish, and allowing the eggs periodically held within the females to be seen. A very difficult species to sex accurately.
Breeding: Not yet recorded in the aquarium with any regularity. In nature females spawn near plants, and males fertilise as would be the expected norm for this type of fish. In captivity females may become gravid but have the ability to reabsorb eggs. The exact prerequisites for stimulating breeding are unknown , although the author has witnessed a laying of eggs. The males made no attempt to fertilise the eggs,and the female ingested the eggs immediately after laying. Almost all specimens of this fish are wild collected, and as such captive breeding is encouraged to relieve pressure on wild populations.
Comments: A wonderful fish that is known to even eat red algae. Not to be confused with the Flying Fox or False Siamese Algae Eater. These fish are jumpers though, and won't hesitate to leap out of the water. A good cover for the tank is required. New owners of this fish might be unecessarily distressed by their unusual sleeping behaviour. It is not uncommon for these fish to sleep nose down, even upside down, either supported by water flow or jammed into or precariously perched upon aquarium decor and equipment. A true sign of distress however , often indicating, stress from water chemistry issues or stress from persecution by other fish is a blanching out of the black lateral stripe, something that should be taken very seriously, and potential causes investigated immediately. Siamese algae eaters regualarly blanching out are often only hours away from death.
Main Colours: Black, Brown, Gold
Markings: Striped Horizontal
Mouth: Downturned
Tail: Forked
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Image Credit: longhairedgit
Submitted By: Zack
Contributors: longhairedgit
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