Glossolepis dorityi

Common Names: Dority's rainbowfish
zig-zag rainbowfish
Family: Melanotaeniidae
Category: Rainbowfish
Distribution: Australia; Known only from the Grime River system of NW Papua. Mainly from Lake Nenggwambu or Kali Biru Lake.
Main Ecosystem: River; River
Temperament: Peaceful; Peaceful
Diet: Ominvore; Mostly insects in the wild, but will gladly accept most all prepared foods.
Care: Like most other rainbowfishes. A very easy to keep fish. This fish hails from a lake that is heavy in vegitation, and they are mostly found near the outlet of the lake into the river, where the vegitation is even more dense. A highly planted tank will suit these fish very well. Well filtered, clear water is very prefered.
6.5 - 7.8
24°C - 27°C
75°F - 81°F
12 dH - 16 dH
Potential Size: Male: 10cm (3.9")
Female: 10cm (3.9")
Water Region: Middle, Surface; Middle-Surface
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Males are silvery in color with multiple zig-zag red stripes running horizontally through their bodies. The upper half of the body being less colorful with stripes than the lower, except during courtship, when they become even more intense in color. Females are mostly silver, and lack these red colored stripes. The males also have the distinctive elongated posterior rays on the first dorsal fins, that over laps the second dorsal, while the females first dorsal does not, or just slightly t
Breeding: These fish breed like most all other rainbowfishes. They are easily bred, using live plants or spawning mops. Remove the mops after spawning, as the parents have been known to eat their eggs. Place in a low current tank, as the fry cannot handle much current of any kind. Feed the new born fry on the smallest of foods, like infusoria, APR, and vineger ells. The small fry cannot take even finely crushed flake, and baby brine shrimp are too large even, and they may even try to eat the fry. After
Comments: A very stunning fish. With its zig-zag patern of red stripes running through the body. No other rainbow can be confused with these patterns.
Main Colours: Silver, Red
Markings: No Markings
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Concave
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Image Credit: ©
Submitted By: ACIDRAIN
Contributors: ACIDRAIN
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