Synchiropus splendidus
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Synchiropus splendidus

Common Names: Mandarin Goby
Synonyms: Callionymus splendidus
Neosynchiropus splendidus
Pterosynchiropus splendidus
Family: Callionymidae
Category: Blennoid_Gobioid
Distribution: Pacific - Western; Western Pacific; Ryukyu to Australia.
Main Ecosystem: Reef; Reef
Temperament: Peaceful; Very docile species, not to be kept with aggressive species.
Diet: Ominvore; Ominvore
Care: Not a beginners species, in fact should not be kept in anything less than a well established systems. These fish are delicate and will only feed foods that are present in a well established tank. Nutrient rich live rock ,heavily overgrown with algae, and substantial interstitial crustacean and worm life (ie copepods). It is recommended that one Mandarin per 150gallons is minimal requirement, as there needs to be ample food resources (self-sustaining) to keep these fish from starving. 98% of thes
8.3 - 8.4
24°C - 26°C
75°F - 79°F
Specific Gravity:
1.02 - 1.026
Potential Size: Male: 6cm (2.4")
Female: 6cm (2.4")
Water Region: Bottom; Bottom
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Males have an elongated spine along the first dorsal fin.
Breeding: Reports have sited these have been successfully bred.
Comments: If there ever was a fish that deserved a rating of "experienced keepers only" it is without a doubt the Mandarin
Main Colours:
Markings: Striped And Spotted
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Convex
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Image Credit: ;Dan
Submitted By: Dan
Contributors: sirbooks
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