Peckoltia sabaji
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Peckoltia sabaji

Common Names: L075
Leopard pleco
Para Pleco
Synonyms: Ancistomus sabaji
Hemiancistrus sabaji
Family: Loricariidae
Category: Catfish_Bottom_Feeders
Distribution: America - South; A widespread fish, found in middle South America. Is known from the Rio Negro, Rio Orinoco, and, of course, Rio de Para. Has been reported from the Amazon, but no documentation confirms this.
Main Ecosystem: River; River
Temperament: Peaceful; An unusually peaceful peckoltia. Is quite tolerant of other all other loricariids, and will form small, dynamic colonies with conspecifics.
Diet: Ominvore; Feeds on a variety of foods. A primarily rich, meaty diet should be offered, supplemented with starchy vegetables and fruits such as squash, potato, melon rinds, and mango.
Care: A reasonably easy and shockingly beautiful fish to care for. One must always watch for nitrogenous contaminants when caring for loricariids, as they tend not to react well to them.
6 - 8
25°C - 27°C
77°F - 81°F
Potential Size: Male: 17cm (6.7")
Female: 17cm (6.7")
Water Region: Bottom; Rarely strays from the bottom of the tank.
Activity: NonSpecific; Though primarily active during nightime hours, these fish will readily forage in the daytime
Gender: Difficult, if not impossible. It has been reported that males are more intensely orange, while females eminate a marigoldish yellow, however, this is debatable. Odontodal growth in almost nonexistant, so standard ancistrine procedure cannot be applied to this species.
Breeding: Accomplished, though difficult, or at the very least, uncommon. Hardness appears to be less of a decisive factor than many other loricariids. Details are unknown, however, it is apparent that this species is a cave spawner and does indeed spawn in a similar manner respective to most hypostomi tribe fishes.
Comments: A confunsing fish in terms of classification. Belonging, at one time or another, to the genera ancistomus and hemiancistrus, this fish is now regarded by several to be an entirely new genus. As a result of its relatively large range and its radical deviation form standard peckoltia procedure, one might consider the several L numbers making up the species as, in fact, separate species of fish all hailing from a collective, new genus.
Main Colours: Yellow, Orange, Black
Markings: Spots Large
Mouth: Sucking Disc
Tail: Concave
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Image Credit: ;Cup_of_Lifenoodles
Submitted By: Cup_of_Lifenoodles
Contributors: Brengun
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