Dascyllus melanurus

Common Names: Blacktailed Humbug
Four Striped Damselfish
Family: Pomacentridae
Category: Damselfish
Distribution: Indo Pacific; Indo-Australian archipelago
Main Ecosystem: Reef; Reef
Temperament: Aggressive; While extremely cute as a juvenile, they can be a complete terror as an adult. Best kept in an aquarium 50 gallons or larger to prevent stress to more timid fish.
Diet: Ominvore; Ominvore
Care: This fish will eat just about anything provided to it, from algae to more meaty fare. It is quite common for them to "bite the hand that feeds them" This fish is one of the easiest marine fish you could find, but temperament should be considered. Extremely hardy, they are often used to cycle tanks, but this should be avoided. They are reef safe, and when kept in a reef tank will not need daily feedings, as they will scavenge the rocks and sand for food. They will eat anything offered, includ
24°C - 27°C
75°F - 81°F
Specific Gravity:
1.02 - 1.026
Potential Size: Male: 8cm (3.1")
Female: 8cm (3.1")
Water Region: Middle; Middle
Activity: Diurnal; Diurnal
Gender: Difficult to determine.
Breeding: Has been accomplished, however there is difficulty with feeding the young.
Comments: Quite entertaining fish, will croak at other fish, especially at feeding times. They are greedy little fish with a bad attitude.
Main Colours: Black, White
Markings: Striped Vertical
Mouth: Normal
Tail: Forked
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