Old Text: | Difficult; It is reported by a British Fishkeeper Des Penny that his catfish bred in 4.8-6 pH, with a temp of 22-25.5ÂșC. His feeding regime consisted of many rich foods, including shredded cod and coley (Pollock), prawns, mussels and cockles, oxheart, and feedings of live Daphnia, bloodworm and river shrimp. He also noted that it could have been the sudden drop in temperature from a 50% water change quickly rising again, the fact that his Charachacins were spawning at the same time, or the varied diet he was feeding his M. iheringi.
07-Jan-2025 11:41:29
URL: /profiles/reviewedit.php?id=1239
Call to undefined method Text_MappedDiff::Text_MappedDiff()
#0 /home/fishpro/public_html/profiles/reviewedit.php(325): Diff->__construct('Difficult; It i...', 'Difficult; It i...')
#1 {main}