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Is there such a thing as....
I'm contemplating on changing my natural gravel to black gravel. But I dont like the gloss-look of the plastic coated gravel. Is there such a thing as...
livebait1127-Sep-2004 18:02
creating Niagra Falls In A 55 Gallon Aquarium
Hello every1 i need some help. I want to creat the hourseshoe falls of niagra for a project. i have an old 55 i ant to use. i want the water to rec...
rainbow1441127-Sep-2004 11:00
I'm pretty sure I have this in the right place, but mods feel free to move me. I picked up some driftwood at a lake a couple weeks ago. After ster...
terranova726-Sep-2004 04:38
Black and White
Wooo hoo i just bought a 100 gallon tank and im having difficulties deciding the substrate. I was wondering which colour should i go choose- black or...
friedrice410-Sep-2004 22:23
My cave
Maybe this belongs in photo booth? If so can a mod move it? Anyways I had a flash of inspiration and a tube of silicon, lol. I went scouting for pebb...
bonny910-Sep-2004 12:55
aquarium safe rocks
I took a trip to a a lake this weekend, where there was tons of rock. several park rangers told me the rock all around the bluffs were quartzite. I wa...
shaz809-Sep-2004 17:07
keep it or leave it?
Well i added some slate to my tank today and started lowering the pH to get ready to breed my Bolivian Rams. I was wondering if the location of the sl...
Tetra Fan1209-Sep-2004 16:59
rearranging a 10g, any suggestions? (updated)
I hadn't planned on doing this but I was cleaning one of my 10g tanks and decided to change things. This pic would be the 'before' pic. I switched the...
Theresa_M1109-Sep-2004 08:06
Agates in the tank?
Okay, I searched all the pas threads and I didn't find anything specific, so I have to start my own thread I was given about 10 lbs of different s...
CyndieL73509-Sep-2004 03:00
sand pit?
Does anyone know if there is a way to make a small sand pit to put into the tank. I have a 29 gallon with regular gravel, but my loaches really like...
jenbabe256608-Sep-2004 22:08
Thin Rainbow Slate...
Does anyone know of any place that I can get a lot of "rainbow slate" (sandstone) cheap? I live in Memphis, TN and the stores around here have a SMAL...
stsurbrook405-Sep-2004 16:03
Plants catalogs by origin
where can i find which plants come from which part of the world? i think about having a south-american river tank. any suggestions?...
fry305-Sep-2004 07:42
My 45g
Please give me some suggestions at:
jorgemtg104-Sep-2004 09:12
Wildlife / Cabin / Moose Themed Tank
Okay, I am just getting started with one tank, but already thinking about getting another one. The only way I could though is to convince my hubby th...
CyndieL73402-Sep-2004 21:10
colorado rock
my parents came back from colorado yesterday and brought back 450lbs of rock for my pond and tanks. most of it is quartz. yes time to get started on t...
greenmonkey51101-Sep-2004 16:59
Hey i was just wondering what is the difference between seachem's flourite and the Aqualine Terralit??? Has anyone used it before? any ideas? peace...
friedrice401-Sep-2004 16:57
Where to find river pebbles?
I went to a few fish stores and I saw some pebbles that are like 5 bucks for 1 pound. They look really nice and I was wondering if anyone else knew wh...
pcktlnt501-Sep-2004 05:57
aquascaping help
I just picked up my tank last week, and I've been working on putting it together. I have a few things in it, but it still doesn't look complete for so...
sirbooks731-Aug-2004 16:27
How to prepare drift wood?
[font color="#000080"] Hi, On my way back from school today, i found a piece of wood lying on the ground. It looked great, so i decided to make it a...
JQW331-Aug-2004 16:21
Making a cave.
I am planning to make a cave. I'm wondering are clay/plastic flower pots safe for aquarium? I am planning to use aquarium sealant as glue to attach g...
Manix731-Aug-2004 03:48
Picking Colors
Got my new tank, 48x16x16 Thinking what colors I wanna do.. right now it's black sand black background driftwood either orange, black, or white roc...
inkodinkomalinko1127-Aug-2004 18:24
Sand for 10g
I wanted to get my 10g ready for some fiddler crabs. I was wondering what kind of sand i could use. I've heard of Silica sand. Is it exspensive, good,...
nickman713727-Aug-2004 06:39
ideas on arranging new plants
Ok, so I will be getting plants this week, so I'm working on my 55 gallon this weekend!! I am adding diftwood, and making new slate shelves/caves....
crickit99826-Aug-2004 17:12
Cray - Terracotta Pot Tank
i bought a new tank on the w/end to replace the one my bro put a bookshelf thru when i was moving... Here is my setup. Very simple, but Spunky loves...
Callatya926-Aug-2004 11:37
sand, egg crate & anaerobic gas
I'm setting up my tank for cichlids, but the thought just occured to me that since I'm using egg crate to support the rock structure, there's no way s...
johnsmith623-Aug-2004 22:27
fiberglass resin
I want to do a 3d background but didn't want to use concrete. what brand and type of fiber glass resin would work for a background...
greenmonkey51323-Aug-2004 18:40
Painted objects you buy at your LFS
You know those "decorations" that you buy at your LFS that are painted with the worst paint in the world. They sit in your tank for a month or so and...
aquaman18323-Aug-2004 05:02
Grapevine Submersion Problems
I bought a length of grapevine wood/branch/trunk for my established tank. The problem I am having is that the dern thang floats, dagnabbit! I have had...
JediDragon222-Aug-2004 08:41
Making caves?
I wanted to make some caves and hiding spots for my loaches. I know that this can be done with PVC pipes and gravel but I was wondering if anyone knew...
jenbabe256319-Aug-2004 22:59
redoing 20g
im plnating my 20g and was coming up with some ideas tell me how they seem 1. 10 vals along the back of the tank, a sword in the middle, dwarf hairgr...
greenmonkey51219-Aug-2004 05:55
black or white?
ok im gonna get sand for my killi tank and i'm not sure what colour sand to get. [link=my killi looks like this]
synodontis718-Aug-2004 09:07
Drift Wood
Hey I have a question that my mom asked me. She picked up some drift wood off of a beach that she really liked and wants to put it in her tank. I know...
slimdicky518-Aug-2004 05:08
10 Gal ... hehe
Okay, Day one: Said I'd post pictures of it when I got it under control. (Well - as much control as I can get it under ) Compartments left to...
ceridwen316-Aug-2004 22:15
Black gravel with black fish
Would this look good? I was thinking of getting Black anglefish, a Red Tail Black shark, clown loaches, and a BGK. I have found that everything is c...
victimizati0n616-Aug-2004 16:04
Adding Rocks
I'm planning on taking rocks from my backyard. If they dont leech calcium into the water, what should I do to them before adding them to my tank?...
fishnewbie1016-Aug-2004 04:24
Tips on divided 5 gallon?
Here's my divided 5 gallon. It has a male betta on one side and a female on the other. Is there anything I can do to make it look nicer? I plan on add...
Janna1115-Aug-2004 22:00
10 gallon planted-kind of As you can tell,...
Klee215-Aug-2004 18:09
Custom Tank decorations
Will putting a glass bear bottle with an alluminum top mess up the tanks ph level or anything like that. Becuase I this very rare bottle and I want to...
IhAvEsOmEfIsH214-Aug-2004 06:45
Plants and sand (plus corys)
Hi everyone. I'm planning to transfer the contents of two 10 gallon tanks into a 33. I've never had sand in the bottom instead of gravel, but I'd lo...
John'sWildKingdom713-Aug-2004 20:55
Does a submersed goldfish bowl make a good cave...
or should I use a submersed terra cotta pot? I have a goldfish bowl in my 29 gallon right now, I actually think it looks pretty cool, like the bowl f...
fishygirl68913-Aug-2004 16:15
re: aqua scaping my hexagon 25 gallon tank
ok here goes iv got coral sand as substrate and smashed up terracota pots over it like this malawi freak attached this image: [img]http...
nano reefer213-Aug-2004 08:22
Reaquascaping and substrate change - what color?
This is my twenty gallon long, as of last month. I've decided I hate the yellow look....
kitten712-Aug-2004 21:37
are rocks safe
hey i was jsut wondering if pickin a rock out of a stream or anything will give your tanks any bad bacteria or disease the fish. also if you have t...
chumpp_308112-Aug-2004 21:18
Tank chaos ... help me! lol
Okay - my tank is starting to look like a jungle - I have waaay to many plants and the tiger lotus' don't help any ... Anywho - what I want: Someplac...
ceridwen1012-Aug-2004 20:30
Theme tank input please!
This is my pond theme tank: Plants are fake, tank is 2 gallons and houses...
trystianity1312-Aug-2004 05:41
Help.....odd tank
Pages: 1, 2
I have a 5 gal hex. Right now it has some terra cotta pots and a silk plant. Im thinking of adding driftwood with jave moss/fern. 13"L x 11.25"W x 1...
katieb2212-Aug-2004 02:34
Can I put a geoude in a fishtank if I wash it reeeely good?...
123mjb611-Aug-2004 05:43
Gravel to sand
I currently have a 55gal with ugly blue gravel. I am thinking of switching to black tahitian moon sand but had a few questions first. 1: Would it be...
mo735210-Aug-2004 16:48
how to make a jungle?
how would you make a tank just look like a jungle just plant a bunch plants and just let them grow. what happens when a plant gets to big for a tank...
greenmonkey51910-Aug-2004 05:21
Good place to buy decorations for aquariums
Im looking for online places to buy good decorations for aquariums for my 55gal, My LFS sucks and doesnt really have any good stuff. Fake plants,drift...
Graphite609-Aug-2004 05:16
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