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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Corydoras identification, please.
To all Corydoras experts at FP, can you please help me identify these Corydoras. I have a chance to buy some of these little buggers & i want t...
jasonpisani1303-Jan-2006 08:06
what kind of corys?
pic 1 [link=pic 2]
fishyhelper2881003-Jan-2006 03:22
sun cat
Anyone have any experience with the sun catfish from india?...
Johnny the Oranda 303-Jan-2006 02:41
Help! I'm going corry crazy
Happy New Year to everyone, I hope '06 ia a good one you all of you. Here's what I have in my 46gl well planted bow-front - 8 Harlequines, * gold Wh...
eminer12541002-Jan-2006 23:46
Clown Loaches?
For my 55 gallon currently stocked with: 2 mollies 1 dwarf platy 6 white skirt tetras 1 common pleco 20-ish fry from the mollies 1 dwarf gourami wo...
chelaine902-Jan-2006 21:02
Should I rescue this Cory?
Hello , At my lfs there are corys, and in one tank there is one all by himself, no fellow corys to party with. Should i buy that cory, and not let...
fishys_cant_fly1002-Jan-2006 20:17
Kuhlii Loach - OK in a small aquarium?
I've been doing some thinking with regard to my small quarantine aquarium, and keeping it up and running biofilter wise. And a thought occurred to me....
Calilasseia1302-Jan-2006 04:12
Cory Adoption
I am not a keeper of cory cats, so no chances of getting him any friends. He kinda doesn't leave the log much so horrid picture, but he eats voracious...
koi keeper402-Jan-2006 00:14
Cae latch on to german rams like they do to discus, angels? R_Boy Last edited by Rookie_boy at 25-Dec-2005 16:40 [/small...
Rookie_Boy1601-Jan-2006 23:02
Panda Catfish Variations ...
After a suitable quarantine period, my latest new additions to the Panda Catfish gene pool in the Panda Fun Palace™ have settled in to their new...
Calilasseia731-Dec-2005 15:07
Clown Loaches
I have four Clown Loaches which are approximately eight years old. They are great characters and very intelligent. Has anyone else noticed that they...
lyndair1030-Dec-2005 23:20
Small Pleco's??
My experience with pleco's has been I always end up with a species that gets large. I'm currently in the process of setting up another tank which wil...
OldTimer1230-Dec-2005 21:41
a game , what fish am i
what am i dan76 attached this image:...
dan761230-Dec-2005 20:46
worried about my baby!!
Okay, I have a thread "New baby on the way" where my previously thought L-129 was actually identified as a L-318 by Cup of Lifenoodles.....anyway, it'...
crazyred1730-Dec-2005 17:12
Pygmy cories
Are pygmy cories fairly hardy? What is the best thing to feed them? Thanks....
tetrasrcool329-Dec-2005 22:27
Corydoras Breeding Question.
What is your personal experience with breeding Corydoras. Do they eat their own eggs, even if well fed?. Thanks alot. [link=http://uk.p...
jasonpisani1429-Dec-2005 20:24
walking catfish
Plz i want to ask if somebody has any idea about walking catfish if they r 2 in the aquarium and they breed. my aquarium is 40 gal. i have 2 walking c...
paul_219929-Dec-2005 07:36
what catfish can i put in my 20 gallon tank
I'm getting a 20 gallon tank and im going to put a jack dempsey in the tank. I want to get a couple pictus catfish or a couple raphales but i want th...
riri11128-Dec-2005 20:04
Something up with panda cories in oklahoma?
Pages: 1, 2
Okay, so last week, i went on a fish hunt, to buy some new fishies for my 55 gallon, my town does not have an LFS, so my choices were Petsmart, Petco...
chelaine2128-Dec-2005 18:57
Poor Cory! Did I do it?
My poor little cory (one of 5)! I noticed a couple of days ago that his little tail has been completely amputated :#( ...and I don't mean just finnag...
questor928-Dec-2005 01:00
Bengal Loach, Scarf Botia
What water comp. do these need. I like loaches alot and hoped these wood be ok with a pair of kribensis cichlids. Thanks in advance -NewBreeder16[img...
NewBreeder16227-Dec-2005 06:53
clown loaches...can they jump out of a tank?
I was wondering if clownies can jump out of tanks or not. I was checking on my fishtank and one of my clownies was out of the tank and dead.....I fee...
esandbergger925-Dec-2005 16:05
Ottos at 27º
hi there. I've seen the profile of ottos and I Was thinking about getting 4/5 to my new 80g. Problem is that the water temperature I practice in my a...
seventh_son_of_ed925-Dec-2005 09:49
Albino Bristle Nose fry found!!! Yay!
Hello! Lookee what I found today! [/font]...
~jamie~1524-Dec-2005 22:36
Change in Panda behavior
Hello, A couple of weeks ago I moved six false-Jullis from my son's tank into my tank. The move had to be done because my son wasn't following my adv...
eminer1254824-Dec-2005 22:18
shipping pandas....your thoughts?
I have yet to find pandas at any LFS in my area. A small LFS can order them, but at $11.99 each. Wow. I know they are expensive, but didn't know they...
GirlieGirl8519423-Dec-2005 21:16
Corys in a 80g tank
Hi there How many corys can I get to my new 80g? I currently have 8 corys but I'd like to get more. The Thank will be a comunity tank not only dedi...
seventh_son_of_ed422-Dec-2005 03:50
Feeding a bristlenose
I currently have a bristlenose pleco and feed him algae wafers and he chews on some driftwood but I heard you can feed them vegetables.How do you do t...
Plant _LoveRR1022-Dec-2005 03:46
New baby on the way
Pages: 1, 2, 3
I've ordered a new baby for my tank, and he should be here tomorrow!! My son was very upset that I took his "Lips" (common pleco) to the LF...
crazyred4420-Dec-2005 23:38
Hey i have another snail problem in my 65, i now have 3 angels with 5 black phantom and 5 neon tetra 6 bronze cories and 5 salt and pepper corie, with...
Donkynutz920-Dec-2005 19:36
Are these Yoyo loaches?
Hi! I've got these guys for about 2 years and today I decided to take some photos because I bought them as yoyo loaches, but the pattern has become s...
Falstaf1520-Dec-2005 09:26
Skunk Loaches
I am not sure if I was hearing things but this morning when my skunks were out and about with the morning feeding I though I heard them making a click...
Wingsdlc719-Dec-2005 22:08
Cory I.D please?
Well I got a few C. Leucomelas the other week and since then have of my cory's doesn't look like it belongs Here's the pic... [img]...
Tetra Fan518-Dec-2005 22:44
Fussy Ottos
My Ottos have im sure enough algae to eat however i have tried blanched spinach and zuccini but they wont touch it! i left it in there for them for 3...
loulou818-Dec-2005 05:30
Bottom Feeders
I've currently got 12 zebra danios 4 bronze corys and 1 Bristlenose pleco in a planted tank. What kind of bottom feeders could I get aside from increa...
Plant _LoveRR617-Dec-2005 05:01
new Pandas
I got some new Pandas tonight. I wasn't planning on buying anymore fish for my 55g. I have always wanted bandit cories and since I am not an expert on...
GirlieGirl85191716-Dec-2005 19:49
What type of Algae do BN and oto's eat??
I must first say thanks to all who calmed me down when I thought all my plants were dying right after I planted them. They are doing pretty well now...
tinfil316-Dec-2005 16:58
"Bronze Cory" conundrum ...
My LFS acquired, last Wednesday, a batch of Corydoras that were sold to him as 'Bronze Corys'. And, to the uninitiated, they looked like Bronze...
Calilasseia1316-Dec-2005 15:42
30 gallon bottomfeeder.
I'm looking for a bottom feeder for my 30gallon tank. Something that won't eat my rasboras, but something either solitary or that does good in a pair...
gnr4ever87941416-Dec-2005 15:20
Panda Cory Fry
My panda cories keep spawning. I now have 3 different ages of fry....
cbcinnie1116-Dec-2005 10:25
would albino corys act as dithers for other corys? Just asking cos I sold my 2 albino cories, there were with 4 false julli corys, they used to come o...
Rookie_Boy515-Dec-2005 17:23
Orange Laser Cories
Hey folks, Does anyone keep Orange laser cories? If so can you give me some info on them, are they hardy? I saw them for the first time and they...
SJinNJ215-Dec-2005 04:49
red tailed catfish
i have access to some, and i think i know alittle about them, i know that they will outgrow some public aquariums and are a sport fish in S.A, now w...
bettachris613-Dec-2005 20:24
pls id this loach
hey all..pls id this loach for me..thx.. [link=]
ckk125713-Dec-2005 05:58
Should I get it.
There is a 7" royal plec at my lfs that Im interested in. I thought everything was good till I reserved it today. I noticed that its belly was startin...
greenmonkey511213-Dec-2005 03:19
Panda corry question
Hello All, I just noticed something on one of my adult male Pandas. Just behind his 'facial' black strip and just below his eye is a white growth. It...
eminer1254712-Dec-2005 13:41
new false leapord cory!!!
yay! i will post pictures of him as soon as i can...i think its a male, and must be fairly old, has VERY long barbels and is 3" long!!!!!! he is huge!...
reun412-Dec-2005 10:27
rhino plec
I'm interested in hearing from anyone who's kept a rhino plec....personality (shy, agressive, etc), growth rate, good algae eaters, do they like wood,...
Theresa_M409-Dec-2005 06:15
cories and pleco.
ok.. i was looking to add a school of panda cories to my 55 gallon [link=
chelaine709-Dec-2005 02:11
Do Bristle nose plecos eat brown algea?? HELP NEEDED FAST!!
I need to know if this pleco will eat brown algea?!?!?!? The bristle nose is cool and i need a pleco.THanks in advance. -NewBreeder16[img src='/images...
NewBreeder16608-Dec-2005 05:55
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