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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Cory Flakes
I have noticed that my cories like flakes on the bottom better than the little pellets. I wonder if there is any flakes made for cories or other botto...
greenmonkey51723-May-2005 02:46
CAE; definitive answers
ok then, with the chinese algae eater, caslled sucking catfish in sydney, i wanna know what it is they actually eat. I know that I have never seen the...
lifeofcrimeguy522-May-2005 19:20
How can u tell real Jullis ??
I want 2 know how 2 tell whether the cories I have r real julli ??...
LEE_WILMOT_706622-May-2005 15:44
Assrt Cory guide
Im going to get some cories tommorow but the only ones the lfs has are assorted cories. Im going to make a pictorial guide of common species that coul...
greenmonkey51921-May-2005 23:59
What needs to be done to get Corys to breed?
Hey Guys I have a large group of Cory Aenus in my 25g tank, (8) and I would like to have them breed. I am sure that at least 4 of these are females. T...
So_Very_Sneaky1221-May-2005 22:44
pelco question
i got a common pelco(baby around 1-2 inches) to clean off alage from one tank. well after 4 days problem gone for now. i have another tank with a al...
bettachris621-May-2005 21:49
Royal plec with africans
If I could figure out how to get some driftwood into my 125g. Could I put my royal plec with my malawi haps. The water parameters don't matter because...
greenmonkey51120-May-2005 16:38
Boring Pandas :(
Well at the mo I have 2 pandas, who stay in the same place all day. I have put a new lamp in, and was wondering maybe its 2 bright for them.( wot cou...
LEE_WILMOT_7061020-May-2005 10:47
Pictus Catfish eat Cochus Blue Tetra's??
I want to know if the pictus will try and eat my cochus blue tetra's, i sure hope not, i hear it only try's to eat what fits in its mouth, atm im doub...
tweaky620-May-2005 10:44
BN Sailfin
I picked up a BN the other day, but when I got him home I realized his Dorsal and tail fins where much large than my other BN, more like a sail. Is t...
tetratech219-May-2005 21:17
Dojo Loach Question
I was told my the owner of a fish store that Dojo loaches don't eat snails. Was wondering if this is true? I don't know myself but this info came from...
Mindless419-May-2005 16:41
BN feeding
How would you go on about feeding some BN's in a tank with a school of 5 clown loaches? Because every sinking food I put in, even before the BN reali...
Week End719-May-2005 12:24
Chinese Algae Eaters - demon spawn or myth?
Are Chinese Algae Eaters really such evil things??? I know people who swear by them and that they get their tanks free of algae in just a few days....
rasboramary1519-May-2005 08:53
Unusual/uncommon find l171 Hopliancistrus
He's still coloring up a bit--I'd be stressed, too. [link=]
Cup_of_Lifenoodles019-May-2005 06:11
Golden Red Eye Pleco??
Hi All... The other day I bought a fish my LFS describe as a 'Golden Red Eye Pleco' - it looks very much like a common pleco in terms of its shape, b...
geesloper818-May-2005 06:42
Emerald Catfish - Schools or shoals?
Im interested in the schooling.shoaling habits(if any) of emerald catfish. They seem to be very similer to cories(Some lfs' even ID them as such), but...
katieb417-May-2005 16:38
what are good algae eaters?
OK I have a 46 gallon tank with community fish,two angel fish, a RTS and 6 cories. I need a fish that will eat algae but I do not want a chinese algae...
kidsmom517-May-2005 16:37
now there are 10 (updated with a pic)
First I posted about my nervous cories . After t...
Theresa_M917-May-2005 05:34
comin clean
i know people are going to hate me 4 this, but i have a large clown knife, that hasn't had live food for around 5 years. it is something i won't do....
bettachris1017-May-2005 01:54
BN Skin discolourisation
I have noticed that 2 of my 4 BN's have had a slight dis-colourisation on their skin. It appears as a lighter shade in a circular pattern. One of th...
barthog1416-May-2005 21:54
Feather-fin catfish
I just wanted to know if i could have a feather-fin catfish in my 75g? My bottom feeders are,1 pleco and 1 hoplocatfish. Just been to the lfs and they...
Rob16191116-May-2005 16:44
Cory Confusion
Our store's managers (and whichever distributors ship fish to us) know nothing about Corydoras catfish. We got a few new shipments of cories in this w...
sirbooks716-May-2005 01:40
YES!!! I love a good storm !!!
OK last weekend we had one heck of a storm blow in... Well, last night I was doing the nightly feeding and head count routine and was getting...
houston1016-May-2005 00:29
CLown loaches
I am getting some clown loaches from a friend. They are smallish (about an inch and a half) and so I will be trying to put them in a quarentine tank b...
RAST1115-May-2005 08:07
With the upgrading of my 20 tall and cracked 20 long into 2 20 new longs and the anticipated arrival of 3 L-262 (as well as the passing on of several...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles115-May-2005 06:17
bottom feeder suggestions wanted
I'm going to be setting up a 29gallon hopefully with a sand substrate sometime this summer. I was thinking of a pair of angels or similar pretty fish(...
castlequest515-May-2005 06:03
Urgent -- Dwarf Loach on the verge of species extinction!
Pages: 1, 2
I was stunned to learn recently that the Dwarf Loach (Botia sidthimunki) is now listed as a seriously endangered species -- more due to habitat destru...
BruceMoomaw2215-May-2005 01:57
75g Scavenger Catfish
I want a scavenger catfish for my 75g to clean up any uneaten food. I know cories and loaches fit the bill but I want to conserve tank space and not u...
greenmonkey511614-May-2005 20:27
Need some bottom feeders
Hey guys here is the specs for my tank 20 gal 5 black neons 4 zebra danios 2 swordtails 1 pleco I want to add some bottom feeders but corys only do we...
acidfish414-May-2005 03:12
bristlenose breeding
Hi everyone, i have a female bristlenose a bit over a year old, about 2 weeks ago i bought a male bristlenose from the markets, he was fully grown, he...
the11114-May-2005 02:20
Here we go again!
Well, I stopped at my fav LFS today and found not only another two panda cories, but a lonely cory. Of course, I snapped them all up. So... Kanga a...
kitten413-May-2005 23:16
How many Additions at once???
Guys, I currently have 5 peppered corys in my community tank and would like to increase the number to at least 8. Is there a general rule as to how...
barthog1513-May-2005 19:30
YoYo Loaches with no YoYo?
Hi Guys, I was just wondering, I keep seeing pics of peoples YOYO loaches, that have very distinctive YOYO written on their sides, and are very black...
So_Very_Sneaky713-May-2005 03:17
what is better
wat is better for eatting algae...
bettachris1213-May-2005 02:40
My cories are breeding!
I have 3 cories. I can't remember what kind they are. I think they might be juulli cories. They have lots of spots, and shine very blueish-green som...
meanmrmonkey713-May-2005 00:41
albino Bristlenose
Just wondering if any Aussie's have these little guys?? And if so what was the price you paid for them?? I have been quoted $100 each for little 3 -...
RAST1913-May-2005 00:08
Unknown Pleco
Ehm, please help me identify this pleco: http://null [link=]ht...
ThunderBolt412-May-2005 16:50
Substrate for Corys?
I'm planning on setting up a new 65 gallon semi-planted community tank and would like to have some corys. What sized substrate could be considered "al...
questor1112-May-2005 14:48
Gold Pleco?
Just wondering has anyone had any experience with these nice fish. Because they were on special for $20 each for 6cm! They are usually about $50 for t...
Forever-mango412-May-2005 03:57
I was in the chat room last night, and told everyone that I was taking a break for food, and thus rose from my armchair to make tea and an evening mea...
Calilasseia1912-May-2005 02:59
Clown Plecos
I went to my fav. LFS to get some plants and algea eaters, I was just gonna get common plecos, but the guy helping me said that they may eat my anu...
highjinx711-May-2005 20:19
Clown Loach defense system.
I found these iteresting pictures of a clown loach showing the spines near their eyes. You have to scroll down to about halfway down the page to see t...
clownloachfan1211-May-2005 03:29
good buy?
i got a baby pelco for 1.09, is this a good buy, i guess he is a common pelco....
bettachris511-May-2005 01:10
plecos and plants
I think I already know the answer to this but Could I plant my 75g with my royal pleco in it....
greenmonkey51510-May-2005 23:07
Albino & bronze corys school together?
New 42G tank and thinking of getting 6 corys. For variety I would like to get 3 albinos and 3 bronze corys and hope they would all school together. (...
hrk555810-May-2005 02:47
they are certainly getting larger aren't they? i still say metae
Ok I know I'll receive the same link as I did last time but I still say they are me far I have 5 of them, 3 in the 125. They are just as act...
houston1010-May-2005 02:11
Yo Yo Loaches breeding?
I have 3 yo yo's in my 55 gallon. A couple of days ago I saw one yo yo off to the side with another? He was so faded you could not read yo yo on him...
freeblaze409-May-2005 03:31
sexing sailfin pleco
Hello.I have a community tank with some sailfin plecos and common bristlenose. Doing a water change today, and I found some bright orange eggs stuck o...
ikkinisme208-May-2005 18:34
Much Easier to Find Baby.....(now there are 5!!!)
Ok, last night I sat down and hunted for Baby (official name of the cory fry I know I have ) I caught him and moved him to my 20 gallon which I hop...
houston1208-May-2005 03:59
what dither fish
what small group of dither fish could i have in a 10 gallon with 6 khulis?...
LOACHESRCOOL1008-May-2005 01:34
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