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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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male/female corys??????
how can u tell if a cory is male or female?? i saw all 6 of my peppered cories tonight, first time for ages. they were out and very active tonight. an...
_wendy_507-May-2005 18:09
upsidedown catfish around the right way
I have an upsidedown catfish that has made a small hole underneath one of my decorative rocks and seems to never leave there. but when I feed the othe...
Bubblebrain207-May-2005 18:04
nervous cories
Six cories (5 trilineatus, 1 panda) live with the Psycho cichlid. He has killed every other fish he's lived with except these cories and my BN. Yester...
Theresa_M507-May-2005 16:57
cory ID please
Pages: 1, 2
I rescued these two little friends from a lfs today. I'm definitely not a cory expert so could I please get an ID on them? Theresa_M atta...
Theresa_M2006-May-2005 22:57
any corys with khulis
are there any corys that can go with 3 khuli loaches in a 10 gallon thanks...
LOACHESRCOOL1406-May-2005 06:50
Clown Loach Food?
Ok, this may be a crazy question, but what do you feed your clown loaches? I've been feeding them shrimp pellets, and they won't eat them. Not sure...
Canadian_Mickey706-May-2005 04:54
so much for BN's
i really liked this little guy, but now he's dead i don't know why but i am realyl upset about this. post mortem veiwing has told be that his...
stuquarium506-May-2005 04:50
worn out corys
Hey guys, i was looking at my dads fish, and a few of the smaller corys arent looking well. They are around 8 years old, and i can just tell they are...
victimizati0n805-May-2005 02:42
Identify my Corydoras, please.
Can you please tell me what type of Corydoras is this :- [link=
jasonpisani405-May-2005 01:50
Prolly a dumb question but i was told to put zucchinni in wiht my plecko and oscar and both will go crazi, true or false??(i meant crazi in a good way...
Donkynutz604-May-2005 22:58
good idea?
how would 6 khulis and one gourami be in a 10 gallon?...
LOACHESRCOOL504-May-2005 17:08
The L numbers
Hi Folks The L numbers Firstly, can I say that these L numbers are fanastic fish. I am a "pleco" fan, considering that these are shipped from the j...
davetherave304-May-2005 08:06
Veg for my pleco.......
ok, i was wunderin, wud my plec. eat celery? if not wot veg cud i give him, my dad grows lettuce in the garden and we have loads of cucumber.......i w...
smilingpiranha1204-May-2005 02:17
BN not eating fruits or veggies
I tried a cantelope aka rock melon in my tank and my BN plec never touched, nor did my farowella catfish. My swordtails were the only that pecked at...
fishguy303-May-2005 20:56
Krusty and Side show Bob
Hi This message is to say a big thanks to everyone that helped out on the topic what is the lowest temp for a BN. We carefully listened to all advic...
carolinedraper203-May-2005 20:28
Pages: 1, 2
is 3 zebra loaches and 6 khuli loaches overstocked i do 2 weekly water changes...
LOACHESRCOOL2002-May-2005 23:11
In need of a bottom feeder
I am restocking my 46 gallon tank and I am in of a bottom feeder. Right now I have 2 gouramis, a red tail shark, 2 angelfish, 2 dwarf cichlids, 6 pla...
kidsmom202-May-2005 21:54
whip tail cats
are there any small whip tail cats around? i was reading a book and for one of the whip tails it said they get to around 8 inches. i need two small...
bettachris102-May-2005 19:39
this smalll??
i saw a khuli loach todday for my 1st timwe ive been wanting 1 for awhiiile it was about as long and as thin as a toothpick i kno its a baby but will...
LOACHESRCOOL1002-May-2005 05:25
BN's in a planted tank
I am really new at keeping BN, is it a good idea to put them in a community planted tank?...
Trojan_man802-May-2005 02:53
Bumblebee Cat v/s baby snails
Hi. I raise baby snails & have brought them into my 72 gl tank. Its been about a few wks & I'm sure the babies are hiding in the gravel BUTTT...
tkchill02202-May-2005 01:22
burmese polka dot loach (Botia Kubotai) ???
found some of these in a local lfs but i cant find any information about them, does anyone have any experience of them? they are really cool and i wou...
hembo666402-May-2005 00:08
Tank Dilemma
Hi everyone, I have just lost 2 cories so im down to 4 now, I also have 4 clown loaches. At first they were fine the cories were actually pushing the...
ClaireH701-May-2005 20:04
What is the lowest temp for BN
Hi went and checked out your fish profiles and saw for the BN Plec the one with .sp after the latin name that they can go down to 15C. Although my fan...
carolinedraper1501-May-2005 19:08
pitcus cat
my friend just dropped off his pitcus cat, b/c it was getting to big even though it is only 3 inchs long, where can he go: i have three options: a l...
bettachris1001-May-2005 18:18
ottos and dwarf puffers
Hi all. going to put my yo-yos and dwarf gouramis in the 30 gal tank very soon and looking to make the 10 gal a dwarf puffer tank. I would like to per...
divertran301-May-2005 15:54
Channel Cat
Well this summer I'll be moving, and first thing I'll be doing is building a pond, reguardless if I'll be able to finish it by the end of summer, I do...
gnr4ever8794501-May-2005 02:06
common pelco
i wanted to get a small common pelco, to take care of my alage problem, so i don't have to clean it, the tank is a 6 gallon, and once the algae probl...
bettachris701-May-2005 01:56
bottom feeder needed, suggestions please
the tank is a very bright 15g with sand substrate and plastic plants. i plan on keeping a male betta with either 3 females, 6-8 glowlight tetra or the...
hembo6661101-May-2005 01:07
Bottom feeder for GT tank
Hey all, Im thinking of getting a BN pleco for my 56 gal tank with my lonely Green Terror (who at 1.5" is not residing in a 20 until it gets set up a...
kmpaton230-Apr-2005 21:38
Peacock ell
My peacock ell doesnt seem to wont blood worms. I need some suggestions on what it might eat?...
Osborne730-Apr-2005 21:36
woops.. sorry cory
i was doing a gravel vac in my tank (in a PO'd mood) and i didnt see the cory in the corner, and i started to gravel vad the corner (it was in the bac...
victimizati0n930-Apr-2005 21:24
Multi Black Ghost knifes
Hi All I'm upgrading to a 5 x 2.5 x 2 Ft tank Tank Capacity: Litres: 671.98 US Gallons: 177.54 UK Gallons: 147.83 and wanted to know your thoughts...
hollywood929-Apr-2005 23:30
i cou;dn;t resist i had to get the little guy. i got a BN catfish this afternoon and he is so tiny he has already disapeared in the tank, maybe 1 c...
stuquarium1929-Apr-2005 06:27
BN question
i just recently bought a "bushynose pleco" from a lfs, its golden colored.. i checked this site just now, and they have bushynose cat, and bushynose...
greenfootball1229-Apr-2005 00:48
BN's & Cories Vs Tannins ???
Hi guys, I have a 20gal tanks set up with some bogwood which is still leaching tannins causing the water to remain "tea" coloured. I have 4 BN's in...
barthog1329-Apr-2005 00:05
what loach suitable for a 15g??
we want 2-3 loaches, but most seem to big, what would be a reasonable loach??...
_wendy_728-Apr-2005 23:18
whats wrong with my pleco
Hi, I have just come back from a friends house and thought i would say hi to my fish, turned on light and my BN Pleco is a really light colour, in f...
leongreenway1428-Apr-2005 20:53
Dojo loach
Can a Dojo loach go with an oscar....
riri11027-Apr-2005 22:46
Pleco ID
I was in the old LFS this weekend and I seen a pleco that almost looked like a golden nugget pleco but with baby blue (also quite bright) dots and str...
angeleel827-Apr-2005 18:54
Pregnant Kuhli?
I was doing a deep gravel vac since I am rearanging some things and when I lifted the rock the kuhlis live under I noticed one was considerably larger...
lowlight1327-Apr-2005 18:45
I've Got Fry!!!
OK last night after feeding everyone in the 125, I got to think again, that I can never get a complete head count on the C. Hasbrosus, why don't I jus...
houston1427-Apr-2005 05:23
My Bronzy did the death leap. . . :-(
Yesterday I looked all through my tank for one of my bronzed cories as I notied I couldn't see him. I had pretty much decided that he must have died...
Gromit626-Apr-2005 23:53
Cat fish Question?!?!?
Yesterday I did a water change/ gravel cleaning. I took out about 35% of the water. After refilling my Synodontis eupterus started doing some wierd...
Wingsdlc1026-Apr-2005 16:04
The big hypancistrus zebra FAQ. HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT L-46? READ THIS.
Though I cannot claim to be an expert on this fish (breed, damnit!), I have had my fair share of experience with this and other hypancistri, among oth...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles126-Apr-2005 09:07
How Many Cories in a 2' or 4' Tank
ba sed on a standard 2 foot and 4 foot tank, how may cories would you recommend? I currently have 6 peppered cories in a 2 foot tank. To me it looks...
barthog1626-Apr-2005 03:18
whats wrong with my corys?
i have 7 corys in my 29 gallon, all misfits none of them had a school i have 3 schwartzis, 3 elegans, and another that im not sure of, but hes a...
fishyhelper288526-Apr-2005 02:18
what kind of a cory am I?
Hi there as a lot of ya'll know Leslie and I went to the Fish Farm last weekend, and found out that they have tons and tons of different fishies, incl...
houston1226-Apr-2005 01:54
loach id
here is a pic of him with one of my female bettas [link=]http:...
fishyhelper288625-Apr-2005 19:19
zebra plec
ive been doing some research lately, read up on the sebra plec. Can anyone give some more backround on it? any owners?...
swiftshark881525-Apr-2005 18:43
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