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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Eat your veggies.........
Just wondering what, if any, fruits & veggies you feed your fish (put it in bottom feeders since plecos tend to be the fish most supplemented with...
M.J.1704-Apr-2005 18:44
Loricariid Gazette, Article I: Pleco basics
As of late, there has been an influx of loricariid topics. I thought I'd delve into a bit of article writing myself, to hopefully answer questions bef...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles604-Apr-2005 17:27
Cory ID
Well, I took another trip to a LCPS. In the assorted cories tank, I picked up 8 cories. Five are pandas, but the other 3 are a bit of a mystery. After...
Janna504-Apr-2005 04:08
pimelodus pictus
can i keep these in a community tank and will they get on with shrimp or will they eat then?...
hembo666303-Apr-2005 10:47
Otos-Should I or shouldn't I?
I am setting up a 7 gallon with 5 platys in it. (all female or all male) It will probably be near a window so it might build up algae. Would thsi be o...
labrakitty1203-Apr-2005 09:36
c. sterbai breeding observations (i'm excited!)
hi there folks - i'm very excited because my c. sterbai are breeding again, but i've been watching much more closely and have noticed something that...
jase101103-Apr-2005 04:58
Unknown Pleco
Does anyone know what kind of pleco this is. I bought him about 4 months ago and he was tiny (1.5 inch). I know he's a dwarf. He has an off-white b...
tetratech1502-Apr-2005 23:52
The Candiru Vandellia cirrhosa , one of several Catfishes from the Family Trichomycteridae, has a gruesome reputation ba sed upon accounts of it...
Calilasseia802-Apr-2005 02:15
Spotted cory?
I was at Petsmart yesterday and they had spotted cories. What exactly is a spotted cory? When I look through the profiles, they look like the julii or...
covered-in-bees701-Apr-2005 20:53
catfish..need id..
I went to a lfs...then i saw this guy swiming in a small tank with many other kind of fish..i felt sorry for the guy so i bought him . What kind of...
Rob1619801-Apr-2005 18:58
Sailfin Pleco $$
My lfs has a Sailfin Pleco, which i want to buy. Hes in a display tank so theres no price tag but i plan on bribeing them. He is about 3inches long an...
Alex1001-Apr-2005 17:30
plecos and corys?
I have seven emerald corys in quarantine at the moment, awaiting transfer into my 55. Can they co-exist with a dwarf pleco (the kind that only grows...
LMuha501-Apr-2005 14:28
tank mates for h zebras?
what kinda fish would be a good tank cleaner and tank mate to breeding zebras? I was thinking gold algea eaters or maybe a couple of small corys...
highjinx1031-Mar-2005 04:36
While cleaning our 55 gal aquarium my husband discovered the most amazing thing... A baby Panda Cory!!! Again today, while just turning on the Aq...
dreamweaver88911331-Mar-2005 02:03
what kind of algae do ottos eat?? im thinking of getting ottos and my tank has brown algae growing on the sides,so i was wondering if they'd eat this...
fishowner331-Mar-2005 01:25
Panda, davidsandsi, imitator, or melini?
I rescued some cories tonight from a LCPS. I got 4 sterbai, 2 ornatus/schwartzi(?), and 2 panda(?) cories from the assorted cories tank. All for $2.50...
Janna731-Mar-2005 00:22
Pleco Behavior
I have 5 different species of dwarf plecos in my tank. The other day my snowball pleco was lying on a piece of driftwood when another pleco rested ri...
tetratech230-Mar-2005 19:15
yea! new loaches
i just got some of these. i love high fin loaches. i got 4 of them. around 15 dollars a piece is great. i have seen them at prices of 50 + dollars....
bettachris1230-Mar-2005 10:45
whats the best food for panda corys?
does anyone know thats the best food for pandas?? im still looking for sinking pellets but i dont know what brand is good?? any tip??...
tankie430-Mar-2005 06:41
Leopard Pleco
I've just acquired a leopard plec from a friend because it grew too big for his tank . He's in my 50G with a BN and i was wondering if anyone has had...
daveuk530-Mar-2005 01:55
painted glass cats
i have seen these painted glass cats b4. are they poor mans glass catfish. i could never find out the name. they are to long for the reg glass cats....
bettachris429-Mar-2005 22:30
bottom feeder..what kind is best?
My new tank is 280L/74g Iam going to have 2 zebra plecos in it later. But i need some other bottom feeders that is eating algea and is clean(not to mu...
Rob1619729-Mar-2005 22:26
pic of my new pleco..2 new pics added
Rob1619829-Mar-2005 20:38
cory question?
I will be purchasing some 8 corys soon and began wondering is it possible to not have all the same kind? (ei. panda, & albino)...
Mia829-Mar-2005 20:16
Dont know what to get??
Hey i was just wondering wat pleco or catfish you would recommend for my tank.. i have a 4ft/40gal.. see my profile for my stocking list.. i was thin...
r0b3y329-Mar-2005 18:29
clown loachs and friends
i got three large clown loaches, about 4-5 and one 6-7 inch clown loach. i put them in with my orange tailed loaches all bigger. will they get along?...
bettachris429-Mar-2005 04:08
how much to feed emerald cory?
A couple days ago, I got seven emerald "corys" (yes, I know they're not real corys ...), most of which appear to be close to full grown -- that is, ge...
LMuha928-Mar-2005 16:24
what are "L" s?
?? L-046 ect? What are they, like scientific names?...
Hoa dude_dude1128-Mar-2005 09:12
Tank size for breeding Zebra Plecostomus L-046???
Exactly what the topic says...what is said to be the recommended tank size for breeding Zebras?...
1tankneverenuff1128-Mar-2005 09:04
Uncommon find: Krypto macrocephalus
I have been looking for this species since a while back, as they were on the proposed stocklist for my irrubesco tank (being a predominantly Sumatran...
Cup_of_Lifenoodles728-Mar-2005 02:31
Information about tiny corys! etc: habrosus, hastusus, pygmy, dwarf.
I am considering getting 6 small corys to go in my tank with 5 pandas and 3 shwartzi corys. I have seen habrosus and pygmy I think and they are so cut...
labrakitty827-Mar-2005 22:25
What to do with wierd acting corys
i have two pepper corys which were handed to me by a friend they are both in my 15g along with a dwarf gourami, platie fry and 6 rasbora. they seem t...
SheKoi327-Mar-2005 21:47
HopLO Catfish
I be recieving the above catfish from a friend and i just wanted to know whether they be ok in a tank with angels, gourami's, plec, golden barbs????&l...
corymad03527-Mar-2005 07:13
Feeding My Corys.
Whenever I feed my corys, they don't eat their food up they just nibble at it and leave bits of wafer tablet etc(whatever I feed them) What I mean i...
LEE_WILMOT_706626-Mar-2005 23:14
clown loach spine
i have noticed only once that i saw like two spikes stick out of my clown loach, but then it went away so i thought my mind was plaing tricks on me. n...
bettachris726-Mar-2005 16:20
common pleco stopped growing at 5 inchs....?
I have what, as far as I know, is a common pleco. He looks common, and was marked and priced as common. He started out about 1.5 inches long, and now...
Beefshank526-Mar-2005 16:07
Why is everyone obcessed with corys and plecos???
Pages: 1, 2
This is one of many forums i visit, and on all of them, everyone is talking about corys and plecos, is this cory and pleco season or something? Iv gr...
victimizati0n2626-Mar-2005 15:51
Favourite Cory ?
I'd was jus wondering what the most popular cory is, mine used to be panda, but since gettin C. Habrosus, I've fell in love with them. I also like Al...
LEE_WILMOT_7061126-Mar-2005 07:38
Madagascar Catfish
Can anyone tell me if there are any catfish from Madagascar, and if so are they available and where can you get info on them?...
SydneyPlecFan126-Mar-2005 05:54
ID my New Friend Mr.Catfish
Hey all, I just picked up this new guy today, he is def. a catfish, but he was labelled and sold to the LFS as "Wotroi Cory" and the guy at the LFS sa...
So_Very_Sneaky1226-Mar-2005 05:00
Can you identify this loach?
I purchased two of these loaches yesterday, labelled lizard loach but could not find any info about them on the internet. Could they be Batic loach? (...
tomsouthall725-Mar-2005 21:26
synodontis petricola pairing up?
Do these catfish pair up. I have three in my tank. I notice two stay really close together while the other tends to venture off by him/her self....
openwater125-Mar-2005 16:56
Yes, its true. I finally found a lfs that carries yo-yos, after a year long search. (OK it was only like 4 months but when you're lookin...). Unfortun...
divertran725-Mar-2005 16:32
banjo catfish sighting~!
my latest addition to my tank is a banjo catfish which i bought on tuesday, and it wasn't until last night (thursday) that i had my first sighting of...
Fish_lover1225-Mar-2005 14:58
Zebra Pleco
I was just looking around online earlier and was looking specifically at plecos and came across the zebra pleco...and I must admit...I think it is a r...
absoluterain1825-Mar-2005 07:50
My favorite bottom fish
Pages: 1, 2
high fin loach my favorite, past,present,forever. bettachris attached this image: [img]
bettachris2024-Mar-2005 22:10
brochis splendens vs. corys?
Brochis splendens are often called "emerald corys" -- my LFS bills them this way -- but I gather they're not actually true corys. How do they stack up...
LMuha624-Mar-2005 17:49
New emerald "cory" question
I bought seven brochis splendens yesterday. Six are clowning around, swarming over the bogwood, feeding on an algae wafer, etc. in their 30-gallon qua...
LMuha224-Mar-2005 16:47
what to feed my yoyos
hi everyone, i recently perchised 2 yoyo loaches. They dont seem to want to eat the spirulina discs i feed my common pleco and my corys. What do yoy...
addictedtofish1323-Mar-2005 23:50
Need Help with feeding.
I recently got c. habrosus, which at the shop were labelled c. hastusus. Anyway, I got some Hikari Sinking wafers, and I also have some tetra tabimin...
LEE_WILMOT_706723-Mar-2005 22:29
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