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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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pleco help
i recently purchased a large pleco for my 55 usg. i only wanted one in there so i wanted one that was good sized. i was told he is just a "common plec...
militarysnake701-Feb-2005 04:00
what to do
im thinking of getting rid of my peppered corys for either stebras or pandas heres the stocking list 12 rummies 1 bn 2 angels 1 rainbow shark which w...
Alex331-Jan-2005 22:11
Still need help IDing a cory
Hey guys, I still couldnt figure out what kind he/she is, so heres a picture, its not very good but any help would do! Ill try and get new and bett...
SamanthaStorm431-Jan-2005 21:57
This year bad for corys?
I went to the lfs and noticed that cory prices are increasing it almost seems exponentially! Well i asked the owner and he told me that cories and be...
Hooktor831-Jan-2005 18:58
Feeding ottos
I was wondering if it is safe to not feed octinuleses...I have one otto and my tank is infested with diatoms, until I get rid of the diatoms can my fi...
Wfish531-Jan-2005 18:26
Growing Algae for Ottocinclus
I was wondering, what past things worked for you guys. I started out with a glass (small) cup filled with tank water and some fertilizer. I now have f...
skystrife431-Jan-2005 18:23
Pandas Moving Home!
Panda Breeding Aquarium - First Occupants! Well, the tests all say that the water conditions are OK. My fishless cycling has completed in record tim...
Calilasseia331-Jan-2005 18:10
in need of farlowella expertise
Here's my farlowella: as you can see, he's darn near 9 inches long! [...
gartenzwerfe431-Jan-2005 09:26
Beautiful fish...
Tell me this isn't the most impressive common bristlenose pleco you've ever seen... I dare you. We got him in this week at the store, and he about...
Natalie1331-Jan-2005 07:25
Zebra plecos for sale
I bet some of you clicked on this because you thought I was selling some my appologies. What I want to know is if anyone knows where I can get ahold...
Dempsey fan1931-Jan-2005 01:55
Pandas (only) my Rhino Plec eating them?
Pages: 1, 2
I have many Panda Corys (started w/7, but they have been proliferating and I was up to 20). I have lost about five of them in the last two weeks. Up...
rasboramary3229-Jan-2005 22:45
I'm Telling You...
I had an interesting disagreement at work today. It was "interesting" only in that it involved plecos... Anyways, a normally-knowlegeable assistant ma...
sirbooks429-Jan-2005 20:11
Loach question
I have a 29gal and I have 2 yoyo loaches and 1 redtailed zebra loach. They are all full grown. They get along except for the female yoyo loach cases t...
Mr329-Jan-2005 18:15
ID a cory?
Hey guys, so i figured out that i have 2 shwartz corys, and 3 C. trillenatus(sp?) but the final cory, i have no clue. He was bought with the Shwartz...
SamanthaStorm629-Jan-2005 04:30
How to tell what sex my cory's are?
Hey Guys, I was just wondering how you tell the difference between male and female corys, I have 6 of them and no idea how many of each? Also one o...
SamanthaStorm728-Jan-2005 18:21
Indian Sun Catfish?
I was in one of my LFS today and they had gotten in a fish that I have never seen before.The guy that worked there called it an "indian sun catfish".T...
Cichlid Keeper328-Jan-2005 04:17
whiptail info
hi everyone. i bought a whiptail, very small, at my lfs the other day to replace my big plec. I was hoping planet catfish might educate me once i go...
poissonrouge028-Jan-2005 03:20
newly hatched brine shimp for cory fry?
Hi all, Do you know if I can feed newly hatched brine shrimp to my 2 weeks old Albino cory fry? How old can they start to have the shrimp? Currently i...
NeonBaby327-Jan-2005 22:41
does size really matter?
This weekend I went on the hunt for a trio of clown loaches. At one store I found two adorable little ones about 1.5" long. I rushed them home, go...
zoeandmaia927-Jan-2005 04:30
poor little mistreated corys need id's
got these at an lfs that I usually never buy from. however a co-worker and friend said her fiance is working at the store and had cleaned up the tank...
Jason_R_S1326-Jan-2005 21:18
For Calilasseia
Help! Please read my last entry in the thread about Rhino Plec killing Panda Corys. I look to you as the ultimate guru in the cory dept. WHat do yo...
rasboramary126-Jan-2005 12:54
Different Loaches?
about a month ago I went out & bought 5 Dario Loaches. 1 died a week later leaving me with obviously 4. However apon further review I think I may...
WiseIves126-Jan-2005 02:03
Can I have some info on them and what size tank they would need please? Thanks...
Perky225-Jan-2005 18:17
pleco food
i have a problem with the pleco in one of my tanks. i feed the other fish shrimp pellets, and he eats those, and i also supplement the tank with alga...
bayara625-Jan-2005 17:40
Royal Pleco with Funky Poop
Recently, last wed., I acquired a royal pleco - George. George came home in his little baggy a little stressed. I could tell because all the brown poo...
tinfoilbarb1625-Jan-2005 14:16
clown loaches
i have a 10 gallon with 6 neon tetra and a dwarf gourami could a put one or two juvenile clown loaches (by juvenile i mean they are maybe 1 inch each...
amico725-Jan-2005 04:47
Newcomers To Corydoras Come Here ...
Your First Corydoras - Hints And Tips Corydoras catfishes are, to many here on the Board, an endless source of delight. Some of us are...
Calilasseia1324-Jan-2005 17:51
Question about rainbow sharks
Hello all, I haven't been on for awhile, but I haven't forgotten this place. Times have just been too busy with my car forum to even think about visi...
Beth M.724-Jan-2005 03:46
sexing my BNs
I bought each of these BNs early last summer. They're each in the 4" range now. Lfs employee sexed them for me (1M, 1F) but now that they're older and...
Theresa_M1524-Jan-2005 00:37
Corys acting odd
Hey all. I have two peppered corys that Ive owned for nearly a year... Been watching them yesterday and today and they're acting really strangely....
Weggy423-Jan-2005 23:51
In search of yo-yos
Hi all. Just where does one get a yo-yo? there don't seem to be any at any of the lfs's around here, and only one was in terested in ordering some. (t...
divertran723-Jan-2005 16:15
What are these Corydoras?. Please.
Can you please tell me what type of Corydoras are these?. [link=
jasonpisani1323-Jan-2005 07:30
Got Clowns again, and 1 ID needed
Well after the disaster I was hesitant, but I picked up 4 more clown loaches on Sun. Was at a LFS and found 3-3.5" clowns. They threw in a 4th 2" for...
stallion81523-Jan-2005 06:33
How do you prepare lettuce? havent given my bristlenoses any vegies for a long time. I might just give them some shelled peas to flush them out....
Troy_Mclure1223-Jan-2005 02:22
an other clown loach question
I know they are too small for my 90G aquarium, but how long do I have before they outgrow my 90G? right now I have 6 clown loaches, they're really sm...
braytag622-Jan-2005 17:26
Sailfin or common?
Hello, How can I tell if my pleco is a common pleco or a sailfin pleco? Stephane...
stephane322-Jan-2005 04:52
tetras with my rubbernose
I just had to relocate my rubbernose pleco to a 10 gal tank, and I'm considering putting a small school of cardinal tetras in to keep him company. Has...
divertran820-Jan-2005 08:46
My cories just laid eggs. I scraped them off with a card into a cup and put an airstone in it. What do i do now?...
CoryAddict720-Jan-2005 02:57
Can I fit............
Can I fit some clown loaches in my 55 gallon. 55 gallon- 3 angels 1 ram 6 cories 2 ottos 3 pearl gouramis 7-10 rummies ( im getting them I dont kno...
CoryAddict1519-Jan-2005 23:02
Bushynose Pleco and Ich treatment - HELP!
Well it seems as if I have Ich in my aquarium, I need to know if my one Bushynose Pleco will be ok with the meds to get rid of this parasite. I have...
Fish On The Brains218-Jan-2005 23:16
I was gonna buy a RTBS, would it go with clown loaches, yoyo loaches, corys, WCMM (and other tetra alike) and gouramis?...
victimizati0n1118-Jan-2005 10:10
Lost a Panda.
I left for work, fed the kids and came back at around 6pm. We're in the middle of summer over here, and yesterday the mercury reached a nasty 40 degr...
Curare218-Jan-2005 08:04
Bucket Habrosus Fry
Well, I knew the Habrosus had started mating. I kept seeing the eggs disappear so I assumed they were being eaten before they could hatch. Well, I f...
Cory_Di218-Jan-2005 07:52
Pleco for a ten gallon?
Hello, Is it possible to keep a small pleco in a 10 gallon tank with 4 dwarf puffers?If so what kind?...
stephane417-Jan-2005 19:32
Is 2" normal size...
... for a Peppered Cory(Corydoras paleatus) that is around 1.5 years old?...
T/A1217-Jan-2005 17:57
Do cories ever look "pregnant"?
I have a few Melenticus cories right now that have their bellies extending below their mouth. I'm not sure if their just fat piggies, sick, or are "pr...
plasmax000317-Jan-2005 16:48
Glass Catfish - the Calilasseia Writeup!
Glass Catfish The Glass Catfish, Kryptopterus bicirris , is probably the most transparent fish in the aquarium hobby, less than 10% of its bod...
Calilasseia417-Jan-2005 16:00
upside down catfish!
i just got a pair of these guys. i'm so excited! one looked really pale and sick, but my bf fell absolutely in love with it. the next week, it was sti...
viciouschiapet317-Jan-2005 10:28
Crazy Catfish Advice
I have a syno network upside down catfish and its basically rearanging the tank for its self. I know it comes out at nite so i have put a small cave f...
brimcv117-Jan-2005 04:56
Small Plec Tank
OK, I was thinking about breeding queen arabesques in a 15g but my LFS haven`t got any in yet and may not for a while. I was just wondering would it...
Perky916-Jan-2005 19:58
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