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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Some better pics of my Inspector Pleco!!
Hey guys, I finally got some new pics of my pleco with my brand new christmas present, a Fujifilm S3000SE! I got a ton of pics, and here are some of...
So_Very_Sneaky616-Jan-2005 05:01
Gold Nugget pleco- safe with other plecos??
My LFS has Gold Nugget Plecos for $7.00! I thought that was a great price & wanted to know if anyone has any experience with adding them with oth...
tkchill02316-Jan-2005 04:26
Cory Eggs
I think I have cory eggs. I moved them to a breeder tank because I didn't want the ghost shrimp to demolish them. I am not sure if they will hatch o...
pugperson616-Jan-2005 04:11
pleco change colors!!??
At one of my LFS, there is a pleco labeled butterfly pleco. Not knowing what this fish was, I did not buy it. So I go online and lookup butterfly plec...
Racso415-Jan-2005 18:10
Lima Shovel-nosed Cats
ive looked around the internet and found these. i think that 3 or 4 would be cool in my 125g tank. does anybody know anything else about them or any c...
greenmonkey51514-Jan-2005 17:35
Panda Breeding Aquarium Up And Running!
Saturday, January 8th ... Just in case everyone is wondering what's been happening to me while I've been away, well ... first of all, the various pub...
Calilasseia314-Jan-2005 16:50
Fishy dream - pleco
So, yeah... had a scary fishy dream last night (shattered heater in my 20 gallon). However, out of the whole thing, what I really remember is that...
kitten1014-Jan-2005 16:39
New Pleco, wil he be ok?
Greetings.... i have just added a new baby pleco...(1 inch) to a 2 week old 10 gallon tank. will he be ok? he seems fine to symptoms...he w...
Peter17314-Jan-2005 07:03
Sad day for my Otto
Well i bought 5 ottos 15 days ago, i found one dead today tank conditions are perfect, i tested as soon as i found him, then did a 15% PWC just i...
chrism614-Jan-2005 01:19
stabbed by C. sterbai! ouch!!
just did the yearly cleanout of my 6 foot tank - had to catch all the fish including my tribe of sterbai. unwittingly cornered one of them in the net...
jase1011114-Jan-2005 01:17
Please ID these corys *56k warning* (pics about 300 kb each) cory 001.jpg cory 002.jpg cory 003.jpg SOrry ab...
victimizati0n713-Jan-2005 00:41
clown loaches
what size tank do these guys need? Will they eat smaller fish like small cories and danios? I am getting 100 gallon soon...
brtaylor2000512-Jan-2005 17:08
Pick me a pleco!
Exept for brittle nose what other pleco doesent grow big and eats alot of algea?...
CoryAddict1212-Jan-2005 07:40
royal plec temp
i got my royal plec today but when i got home i found that my heater was unplugged in my 20g since last night. the tank went from 78 to 70. but i neve...
greenmonkey51012-Jan-2005 03:08
Black Sail Cory
Somewhere on the internet I read about a type of Cory called a Black Sail. Is anyone familiar with these and have the scientific name. The LFS doesn...
83mulligan411-Jan-2005 22:05
Long Finned Corys
Okay, saw them @the LFS this weekend....fins the lenght of a male betta, pretty sure they were bronze cory....please tell me this is from selective br...
Babelfish310-Jan-2005 22:44
Cory Choices
Okay folks, yet another stocking thread. Due to 'complications', my newly-formed German ram pair died. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say...
sirbooks810-Jan-2005 21:35
Lazy ottos - what to do?
I have 3 ottos in my tank at the moment, and they aren't touching any algae at all - and there's heaps of it! I feed them algae wafers every 2 days o...
jappy210-Jan-2005 18:09
Cories laid eggs!
There are about 5 eggs on the side of my tank. the mother is not even looking after them and I keep on scaring my angels away because they want some c...
CoryAddict910-Jan-2005 16:21
Brittle Nose
Hey! I have a 55 gallon and the only bottom feeders i have are 6 cories and 2 ottos. I was wondering if a brittle nose pleco would fit? Also since im...
CoryAddict410-Jan-2005 12:43
Mixing Corys
It it alright to mix different species of corys (like a bronze and a panda cory) One time I got speckled ones and put them with my bronze ones and the...
CoryAddict810-Jan-2005 12:27
Pages: 1, 2
I recently just bought 5 ottos, and the 8 hours of acclimating them was worth it! I hope to post pics soon. What do they normally like to eat besides...
ericm2010-Jan-2005 08:49
royal pleco in 75g
could i add a royal pleco to my 75g i have a 2 blue acara, 1 green severum, 5 giant danios, 5 yoyo loaches. the plec is 3 and a half inches. it would...
greenmonkey511010-Jan-2005 08:23
Difference between C. julii and trilineatus
[link=Here]" style="COLOR: #0000FF[/link] is a picture that shows the difference between a tr...
Racso1710-Jan-2005 07:17
Help buying pleco decision
I saw a 5" gold nugget pleco at my lfs, should I buy it? Its 15 bucks. And what pleco cost the most?...
Trojan_man710-Jan-2005 03:40
Hong Kong Pleco
What do you guys think? Is a Hong Kong Pleco a good algea eater? Thanks for your input. Thanx for your help....
nikola_89509-Jan-2005 15:06
mysterious snails........ Angel009-Jan-2005 04:53
True freshwater eels?
Just a curiousity question, are there any eels that can live happily in freshwater? I know they probably get way to big to fit in any of my tanks but...
Fishyandrew45609-Jan-2005 02:20
What's so special about Vampire plecos?
I was at my LFS yesterday and they had a 5 inch Vampire Pleco for sale for 29.99 USD. Now I'm kindof new to the Pleco world, I've only kept common ple...
Dempsey fan408-Jan-2005 20:18
do Rubber Lipped Plecos make good algae eaters?
i have a 50 gallon and it's beginning to grow a good amount of algae. I'd rather not get a common pleco being that i don't have room for one, and wou...
betahex608-Jan-2005 20:10
Hillstream Loaches - Are they right for me?
Hi I have a 46 Gal cold water tank with a Fluval 4 plus pump and 2 strip lights (1 UV, 1 Normal). See attached pictures... [link=http://www.ucantlos...
sherman12208-Jan-2005 10:05
YoYo loaches & Snails
Well.. ive developed a bit of a snail problem in one of my tanks.. id like to use loaches to take care of the problem but dont have the space for the...
jakeoman508-Jan-2005 08:46
how to feed a pleco
I have a 90G Mbuna tank with a common pleco. he's about 12inches long, Since the're ABSOLUTLY no algae in my tank I bough my plec some algea disk. O...
braytag307-Jan-2005 20:54
my clown loaches are breeding
Pages: 1, 2, 3
hi. My clown loaches are breeding, wat should I do????...
clown loachs rule5707-Jan-2005 08:08
30 gal.
hi all. i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about any modifications that i should do to my 30 gal. tank. so here are the specs: 30 gal Pengu...
fishman24507-Jan-2005 06:32
Identifiy this Pleco! Pics! --> :[ --> :)
Pages: 1, 2
Just wondering if people can confirm whether or not I really purchased a Bristlenose Pleco a couple days ago. The reason I'm concerned is that...
sly2606-Jan-2005 22:27
Any info on the queen of arabesque pleco
She looks georgeous. I have some questions - How big does she get? - How big does the tanks need to be? - Can she live with angels?...
CoryAddict506-Jan-2005 04:39
synodontis petricola questions
How fast do these grow? How long do these live? Read conflicting info on weither they are social to each other or not, can someone give clear info abo...
openwater305-Jan-2005 22:21
my black ghost knife
my ghost knife is now eating my flake food and crickets is it becuase Im underfeeding it with bloodworms and krill or is it just because he likes it I...
switchbladeclownloach405-Jan-2005 17:41
Plecos, food, air and POOP!!
Got a couple of quick questions about plecos, first of all do plecos need to surfuce for air because mine likes to swim up to the top of the tank re...
jakeoman1405-Jan-2005 02:08
I have a gibiceps pleco... Any idea's.
Pages: 1, 2
I went to my lfs a brought a Gibiceps pleco, never heard of them before but was told to look after it just like a common pleco. It looks great it is w...
stew2104-Jan-2005 02:33
BN Plec
My BN plec seems to be thriving, I've noticed that he's starting to grow more whiskers. He already had a lot on the top of his nose but now their star...
WiseIves703-Jan-2005 18:01
Which catfish or pleco for new 30 gallon tank?
Wondering what kind of catfish or pleco would be recommended for a new 30 gallon tank -- there are so many varieties readily available, but i'm concer...
Daisy903-Jan-2005 15:41
cory middle fin
I notice on of my cories is missing the second fin I dont know what the name of it its but its the second pair of fins that it has and it just one. No...
brtaylor2000103-Jan-2005 09:18
Bumble Bee catfish
i saw some of these at my lfs today I dont know anything about them could you answer the qs below how big do they grow? do they like company? will...
Alex602-Jan-2005 06:29
Cory Scare
I was watching my tank when I noticed my largest albino cory would twitch or shake himself. I immediately thought he had some lethal nerve disorder....
pugperson302-Jan-2005 04:49
well i've recently got 2 microsynodontis's they look really nice but they hide (like most of my catfish do ) they will be going into my african...
synodontis502-Jan-2005 03:07
i got some pinkish greenish loaches
my lfs label them, as clown loaches ill try to get dsome pics...
tetrafan313131102-Jan-2005 00:58
Need Help...Corys?
Hey guys/girls,<br> <br><br> I just bought a new 10 gallon tank and i need to know weather to put in some cories or not? I alrea...
Peter17801-Jan-2005 22:40
our cories our breeding!
Our Emerald cory has laid eggs!!! Now what! We separated the babies and put them in their own tank. What kind of water would they like? How many ti...
jr8sr3201-Jan-2005 05:15
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