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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Barbel of Cories
Hi, my friend gave me some couries and I noticed that one of them have short or eroded barbels. Can they grow back ? Thanks....
wk528-Sep-2004 03:15
got some new cories...what are they?
I got some new cories today that the LFS had labeled as punctatus; however, when I got home and looked at the picture of them, they don't really match...
jenbabe256328-Sep-2004 01:51
Chinese Algae Eaters
Has anyone else ever had trouble with a Chinese Algae Eater? My Golden Chinese Algae Eater, who is full grown, has started chasing my gouramis. If y...
Bellydancer927-Sep-2004 18:09
Do bristlenoses definitely need wood?
I want to get a bristlenose, but I want to plan ahead a bit. I've seen conflicting information on whether BNs need wood in their diet or not. I know t...
DoctorJ1127-Sep-2004 17:34
How many cories do I bring home at once?
Hi all, Okay, I know that cories prefer to be in schools of 6 each. So when I am first getting them, do I get all 6 at once, or 3 or what? I have...
CyndieL731127-Sep-2004 01:31
New Corys!
I saw these at work today, and I knew soon as I saw them that I had to get them. There are six of them, and each looks a bit different. The best...
Natalie1026-Sep-2004 20:22
I got zebra loaches!!
I got some zebra loaches today from the LFS!! This was the first time I had ever seen them in a store around here before and couldn't pass up the chan...
jenbabe256726-Sep-2004 06:29
Feather-Fin Catfish, to much to eat???
Hi, We recently got a feather fin catfish to add to our tank. It is a 50 gallon with only one full size oscar. They get along quite well. My quest...
highspirited225-Sep-2004 23:16
Can anybody tell me how big or how old a bristlenose catfish needs to be to breed, also how to tell the difference between male and female...thanks...
raindream420-Sep-2004 05:29
What's in the news...
The IBAMA of Brazil is now deciding whether or not to place a ban on Zebra Plecs. So dear god, buy as many as you can now since a ban will mean NO MOR...
Shinigami510-Sep-2004 21:26
"Common" Pleco Growth Stunted?
I have a pleco that I believe is one of the species referred to as a common. I know that some get to be only 8 or 9 inches and others get to be over...
MO710-Sep-2004 18:26
Orange Spotted BN
Anyone have any info on these plecos? Thanks!...
RRB32310-Sep-2004 16:47
will this work??/ 1 butterfly fish,i betta,i fw lobster,5pakstani loches,5 red phantom tetras???...
pacudude510-Sep-2004 10:47
Schwartzi Cory
I recently went looking for my first corydora catfish. I had decided on either pandas or trillineatus (spelling?). Well they didn't have any of thos...
MO310-Sep-2004 08:28
Khulie Loaches - Plant Eaters?
Are Khulie Loaches typically plant eaters? They seem to be destroying the very bottom of almost all my stem plants. Little brats! It was pretty too!...
AngelZoo310-Sep-2004 07:20
feather fin catfish
has anyone ever kept these is so how r they i jsut saw them for the first time today for only 8 bux a piece...
Brybenn210-Sep-2004 04:18
Pictus Catfish
I would like to know what everyone thinks about these catfish! Are they good catfish?? Also, I am thinking about having 2 in my 55 gallon (currently e...
aquaman181809-Sep-2004 23:53
Sun Cat
Does anyone have any experience with Sun Catfish? I saw a few in my LFS the other day and want to get one or two, but I'm having a lot of trouble find...
bayara209-Sep-2004 21:38
Cory schools, will they or won't they?
Pages: 1, 2, 3
*trumpet fanfare* O.k. people, with the powers imbued in me by the 48 hour trial period, I now will make this poll. *thunderclap* I have heard people...
sirbooks4209-Sep-2004 18:59
Albino Cory info Please
I looked for a profile for an albino, but I didnt find one. Can anyone give me some good info on the albino cory? I am interested in pH, temp and ad...
CyndieL731009-Sep-2004 17:21
jullii or trilineatus?
he was sold to me as a jullii but I've been told that jullii's are often mislabled as trilineatus. can anyone identify? [link=http://img.photobucket....
devon71009-Sep-2004 13:09
Common BN with Peppered BN?
Hello guys, long time no see. Anyways, just wondering if the common BN with get along with the peppered BN? I got 2 female commons BN and was thinking...
Forever-mango309-Sep-2004 09:31
blue redtail botia need ideas
I'am thinking of getting some blue redtail botia but don't know much about them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks... [span class="edited"][...
troyh39509-Sep-2004 08:32
Julii Cories in US?
Everyone says they aren't here.. but aren't these Juliis?
girlunderrainbow1909-Sep-2004 05:08
how many corys?
i want some corys for my 60g but i dont know how much i would need to keep them happy and healthy. Ive been looking at panda corys,bronze and albino i...
never say die1609-Sep-2004 02:24
Albino Shark
Hi, I need help on this. I have 2 albino sharks. One of them is aggressive and is chasing the other one. Th poor fellow is hiding under the submersibl...
wk309-Sep-2004 02:11
What else to feed BGK?
I have a BGK that I acquired when he was about 3". Now he is approx. 8". I am wondering if there is something else I can feed him besides the live bl...
luisprado408-Sep-2004 19:13
display cats
I'm setting up a 29 gallon South American tank, and I need a little help. I have five lemon tetras so far, with plans to add one more, then add six pa...
sirbooks1908-Sep-2004 04:40
hi i got 10 cory cat that seem to keep schooling up and down, back and forth against the glass. how do i get them to stay at the bottom...
eyespy908-Sep-2004 04:37
The big, fat, pleco guide
This is largely ba sed off of my own experience researching online/ raising these plecs. I'll just be hitting the main plecs available to most LFS/thos...
Klee1107-Sep-2004 18:12
Which bottom feeder?
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Tank 55 Gallon planted tank (see sig for parameters and inventory). Looking for opinions. [option1]1 Spotted Raphael[/option1] [option2]1 Striped Raph...
ReikoX4107-Sep-2004 09:13
Oto Lifespan?
I wonder how long these little guys live to?...
sly907-Sep-2004 06:03
Kitten's got ottos!
It was a sad, sad day when my beloved albino BN plec - Daffy Dilly - died. Since I loved my silly little guy so, I wanted to get someone like him, yet...
kitten1607-Sep-2004 05:48
Can you identify these guys?
Hello. I'm new & was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me what I've inherited in this established tank? The owner seems to think they're two...
greatgourami806-Sep-2004 17:30
new aquarist with stocking questions
Hello. ive been thinking about having an aquarium for like 4 years (ever since i got my own place), Finaly i decided to take the plunge and buy a t...
Wompa806-Sep-2004 10:37
Banjo Catfish!!
These are pretty cool, so uh what would be the min. tank size to keep one in(or more) A flat tank would be better for these guys, correct?...
me is already in use1006-Sep-2004 05:08
are emerald and bronze corys the same fish?
They look exactly the same from what I can tell. Both have green tints. Are they 2 names for the same fish? -Dennis...
Beefshank706-Sep-2004 04:40
stuck in rocks? or not???
My botia loaches like to [font color="#C00000"]sssqqquuueeezzzeee [/font] in between rock formations and sometimes seem to be wiggling r...
June406-Sep-2004 02:25
Addition of 4 Otos = Overstocked?
Looking at my current stocklist (signature below), would 4 Otos create an overstocked tank? I've noticed lots of algae on plants/rocks/backwall....
sly406-Sep-2004 02:21
Aeration! quick! any ideas plz!!
I have what we have decided is a synodontis catfish which i am temporarily fostering. I dont have any room in my tank nor do I have an extra tank. I s...
devon71205-Sep-2004 22:32
midnight catfish
i was think of midnight cat fish for my 20gallon.can give me some info on them? like how big they get and stuff like that???...
pacudude205-Sep-2004 16:42
I want to see my pleco more
Hey guys, I have a Gold nugget pleco (I got it yesterday) the plecos didnt seem to hide that much in the store (although there wernt that much places...
victimizati0n1405-Sep-2004 07:09
Clown loaches and snails
hello all, i have 3 clown loaches in a 46 gallon with a range of tropical fish and about 100 snails on the plants. The clown loaches have been in ther...
Hellstorm904-Sep-2004 18:11
Melenticus Corydoras?
Found this in the lfs today as I shopped around for cories. I ended up taking the little guys home. However, when I checked them up on this site I fou...
plasmax000204-Sep-2004 16:22
Unidentified swimming object!
Yesterday, I went to my lfs, intending to buy 3 panda cories. The store just happened to be out, but I saw some others that caught my eye, labeled a...
sirbooks804-Sep-2004 04:33
kuhli loach cooties.
i have had a dozen or so of the brown loaches that look like kuhlis in my 150gal for quite some time. a month or so ago, the ac in my house died, and...
mariosim003-Sep-2004 10:31
Which type of cory
If I put 6 neons in a 20 gallon long tank. How many and which kind of cory could I put?...
Bamaboy88603-Sep-2004 09:27
Which type of algae eater
I need a peaceful algae eater to fit in a 20 long tank. Read my sig to see fish in my tank....
Bamaboy881603-Sep-2004 07:16
Small Pleco's
Hey I was wondering what are some peclo's that don't get large over time.. I heard the BN was pretty good.. But I'm pretty sure my LFS doesn't have BN...
Graphite803-Sep-2004 05:51
My pleco
I thought it was cool that for the past two days, my pleco went near the surface, and when i dropped the flakes in he stuck hi mouth halfway out of th...
boil903-Sep-2004 05:29
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