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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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How much should Ottos be fed?
hi everyoen, i have 1 otto in a 25L aquarium (actual water volume). my little fish likes zuccinis very much, but i'm afraid i'd overfeed it. how much...
fry702-Aug-2004 10:26
How many Kuhlis in a 10 gal?
Pretty self-explanatory... They'd be alone ine a sand substrate tank....
nattereri1002-Aug-2004 08:31
RIP Baby Pandas :(
Sad News ... I woke up this morning, and all my Panda babies had died. I'm unsure as to the cause, but one of them was looking a bit sickly, so jus...
Calilasseia1231-Jul-2004 15:21
adult pictus catfish
how big do these things really grow? my kids begged me to purchase 2 about 3 months ago. one is a runt, he is still about 1.5", while the other is up...
mariosim031-Jul-2004 11:36
Ever seen this fish, Camelion loricaria
Has anyone seen thish fish. Do you know anything about it? I'll try to attach an image. dannyboy attached this image: [img]
dannyboy531-Jul-2004 06:14
R.I.P. Cory ):
One of my Corys died last night and I was just wondering what he might of died of. For the past couple of days he'd been in the corner of my tank jus...
LEE_WILMOT_706230-Jul-2004 18:52
Getting otos to eat?
I cant get my otos to eat. They are constantly sucking on the gravel and glass, but seem to ignore the zuchinni i have sitting there for them. They re...
katieb830-Jul-2004 16:22
Name that pleco
I recently purchased a pleco labelled "rubber face" that looks just like this , which they're calli...
johnsmith430-Jul-2004 09:26
BN Fry!
About three weeks ago I tore down a tank preparing for my move, and I combined it into three other tanks, putting my female BN into my 55. I was doin...
Alkyne730-Jul-2004 08:14
Ottos...are they the same thing as a Chinese Algea Eater??
Are ottos the same thing as chinese algea eaters? thanks!...
PlatiesAREcool530-Jul-2004 06:44
Do they eat it all
I'd be cautious and say no. They will tolerate lower temps of aound 22 degrees C but not for prolonged periods. I'm not entirely sure of the climate...
FishProfiles.com430-Jul-2004 01:53
Plecky business
Hi Please help I am new to this I understand that a "Bristlenose" Plec matures to about 15cm A "Common" Plec matures to about 40cm But the one I...
davetherave1429-Jul-2004 21:53
Butterfly Pleco
I was wondering what the conditions for this fish to be kept properly are? thanks for the help...
Sesshoumaru129-Jul-2004 19:41
panda cory compatability
I have african dwarf clawed frogs and dwarf gouramis. does anyone know if these are good tank mates for the panda cories?...
damien3429-Jul-2004 19:28
Breeding brochis splendens
I've heard that it is very tough to breed these little guys, buy once I have a group of six, I would like to expand it a little. Is breeding them any...
sirbooks229-Jul-2004 18:58
Try either the emerald cories or the albino cories. They are readily availible at most lfs, and are pretty hardy. Most any type of cory will do, just...
FishProfiles.com429-Jul-2004 14:59
feeding yoyo loaches
how many tetra min bottom feeder wafers should i feed my 5 yoyo loaches. there in the 75g now so add 1 more because the severum likes them....
greenmonkey51129-Jul-2004 08:02
what kind of algae eater, need quick adivce
what kind of algae eater is small enough to go into a 20 gallon tank? it has one real plant, one fake, some fake rock hidey type things, and lots of...
kaley822528-Jul-2004 16:38
Bottom feeder question
I currently have a dojo loach and 4 gold barbs in my 29 gallon tank. I was thinking about getting some cory catfish and I was just wondering if the t...
jenbabe256128-Jul-2004 10:50
Clown loach
Hey guys... about 7 months ago we got 3 clown loaches. At the store, there were 2 that were bright colored, and the rest were paler. We got the 2 col...
victimizati0n828-Jul-2004 09:34
Kuhli feeding.
What should Kuhlis be fed (other than leftovers flakes)? Shrimp pellets? What do you feed your Kuhlis?...
nattereri228-Jul-2004 06:43
Otocinclus Eating Bloodworm Part 2
I've just fed a big batch of Bloodworm and Daphnia to the fish. And again, the Otocinclus have shown a taste for Bloodworm. They actually prefe...
Calilasseia228-Jul-2004 05:52
Pygmie Cories!!!! yay
hello i just wanted to know a little about pygmie cories! they are sooo cute! i also wanted to know where to get them...? thanks inm advance!1!1!...
PlatiesAREcool228-Jul-2004 02:44
cory schools
I have right now two emerald cories, if I got some different ones, say panda cories, and I had six, would they still all hang out with each other, or...
sirbooks528-Jul-2004 00:40
otos or bristlenose?
Which is a better choice for a 20 gal tank, some otos, or a bn. If the otos, then how many?...
sirbooks728-Jul-2004 00:38
Which algae eater?
After the unexpected and unexplained death of my poor albino BN plec, I am left with a tank that has been cultivated for algae. I miss my poor Daffy D...
kitten727-Jul-2004 23:35
DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS TYPE OF CORY. NEAREST I can find seems to be a lepord but my lfs assures me that the proper name is sterbia cory....
petefest527-Jul-2004 22:39
feeding dojo loach
Okay, so I just got my dojo about 3 days ago. As far as I can tell he is not eating (ofcourse he could be scavenging at night because I rarely see hi...
jenbabe256327-Jul-2004 20:38
Best Algae Eater
I need an algae eater for a 55g. It has some semi-aggresive fish such as spiny eels, africa butterflyfish and more. It needs to be able to eat algae...
Perky927-Jul-2004 18:55
Doing what cories do best ...
Just sitting and lounging! This is one of my pgymy cories hanging out on one of my tiger lotus leaves. Yes, my tank is darkish. It's due to the...
ceridwen1227-Jul-2004 17:02
Dojo Question
What is the circumference and/or diameter of a full grown dojo loach? Thanks...
Connor333327-Jul-2004 15:40
Common Pleco waste???
i just got a 12inch common pleco and i noticed long white pieces of string floating around. so is this his waste?...
BeastKeeper627-Jul-2004 04:46
Need Advice-Best Alge Eater your opinions, what is the best alge eater? Brandi...
chocobobabe1027-Jul-2004 03:32
otto help?
I'm thinking about buying some ottos for algae cleaning in my 20 gal. Does anyone know how many I should get? I don't have too much algae, and I'd fee...
sirbooks327-Jul-2004 00:31
Peaceful algae eater for 125 gal community?
So far, I know I'm probably going with 8 Pearl Gouramies, 24 Julii Cories, 10-15 Long Finned BLack Widow Tetras (or some other tetra)..and I may plant...
girlunderrainbow1126-Jul-2004 20:20
Adding bottom dweller to community
I have all the fish listed below in my 20 gallon and the guy at the fish store told me i could add a school of small bottom feeders but i was worried...
Hooktor1426-Jul-2004 20:16
Why cant Australia import loaches???
One of my favourite fish in the entire fish world would have to be loaches they are interesting fish to look at and have interesting habits but unfort...
wilsta1126-Jul-2004 15:41
We love this new plant mum.
I brought a new silk plant. The next day I couldn't find my Pepper Corys. I looked all over the tank. Found them!. They are laying on the leafs on my...
TigerAngel226-Jul-2004 15:11
Shovelnose Catfish
Anyone have any info on these? We used to have a pair of 10" ones at the LFS where I worked, we fed them feeder goldfish...they tapped around the tan...
jungle-jim926-Jul-2004 14:48
I need help with my Chinese Algae Eaters
I have two Algae eaters, I got them both at the same time, and they were about the same size. Now one of them has doubled in size, and he chases the...
MissChelle226-Jul-2004 13:21
replacement for pleco
well, my pleco is getting too big for my tank now, it knocks my plants down because its tail just swings everywhere]:| and its poop is just gigantic...
greenfootball1026-Jul-2004 05:07
Talking loach?
well, that was a bit of a suprise I was just feeding the fish, and because about half my fish hide (unless there is food around ), i always watc...
Fish_Tank926-Jul-2004 03:09
clown loaches in malawi tank
could i do this so as i get a wee bit more colour into my tank its a 55gallon(uk) so what do you all think?...
nano reefer726-Jul-2004 02:03
food and feeding.
i'm having trouble feeding my 5 cory jullii. i use stinking pellets and waffers. my h. rasbora and swordtails would eat the pellets before reached the...
SheKoi825-Jul-2004 17:35
bristle nose plac
is 10 to expensive for a 3.5-4" bristle nose plec???? plzz reply...
fish king 161425-Jul-2004 16:53
Now say haaa.
My Golden Chinese Algae Eater. Telling me (the doctor) that he is ok. These are lovely fish but can be a bit on the aggessive side. This one is ab...
TigerAngel025-Jul-2004 12:42
We love this plant mum.
I brought a new silk plant. The next day I couldn't find my Pepper Corys. I looked all over the tank. Found them!. They are laying on the leafs on my...
TigerAngel025-Jul-2004 12:26
Gold Barbs and Loaches?
I have a 29 gallon aquarium. I have 4 Gold Barbs and was wanting to add either kuhli or dojo loaches and I was wondering if the barbs would nip at/pi...
jenbabe256424-Jul-2004 22:33
otos are too full?
i have 4 otos in my 29 planted tank, and i can see areas on my glass have some algea, and its been there for 2 days now, and the otos seems to be suck...
greenfootball124-Jul-2004 19:23
Kuhli Loaches -Lack there of..
Pages: 1, 2, 3
Is it just me in New Orleans or is there a major shortage of kuhli loaches. I have asked about 6 LFS's not including wally world and pet smart. No o...
freeblaze4424-Jul-2004 11:45
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