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 Freshwater Species
 Bottom Feeder Frenzy
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Sand pit for loaches and corydoras?
I plan to get some corydora catfish for new tank setups soon and I already have yoyo and kuhli loaches in my other 2 tanks. The tanks will all be pla...
MO1424-Jul-2004 07:45
Unknown Catfish
Pages: 1, 2
There are many catfish at the LFS, and there are many of them that don't have positive ID's. So, I'm creating a thread for anyone who wants to help me...
Natalie2023-Jul-2004 22:56
Panda cories
anyone know anything about panda cories? My lfs has some baby ones that I thought were just about the cutest things. I am just curious about them. The...
jefferysgirl1323-Jul-2004 17:48
Are all loaches friendly with each other??
Do all loaches get along or do some species quarrel? For my 90g tank I decided to leave the corys in the 25g with the livebearers, and am going to g...
So_Very_Sneaky323-Jul-2004 16:05
I'm a grandad ... aww ... In the early hours of Sunday Morning (18th July 2004), my Panda eggs have become little wriggling fry. Free-swimming fry a...
Calilasseia923-Jul-2004 06:06
What veggies should I feed my BN
What vegetables should i feed my Bristlenose and how many vegies. [span class="edited"][Edited by 2004-07-20 05:04][/span]...
kickflip_dan1023-Jul-2004 05:49
Can Ottos be kept in a 2.5gal Minibow - with no heater?
I read in the fish profiles that Ottos are schooling fish and that the temp should be 68-79.... My grandson's 2.5 gal Minibow is kept in his room and...
dreamweaver8891323-Jul-2004 02:40
Otos as scavengers
Today i picked up an oto. I dont have an algae problem. I was actually looking for ghosties to help clean the gravel (along with the Gravel Vac, of co...
katieb522-Jul-2004 21:53
Clown loach Frenzy!
Oh boy.. as they grow older.. they DEFINITALLY become more of a clown. Mine just did a new stunt - laying in the plants almost upside down. Never se...
victimizati0n322-Jul-2004 18:19
oto's and sand substrate
im going to start a brackish aquarium that will have two green spotted puffers. the tank is a 30usg and i will use sand substrate. but i was also told...
BeastKeeper322-Jul-2004 15:47
Red Faced?
No not me, my BN.. well not really a red face but red lips and underside down to just past his pectoral fins.. I noticed it this morning. I'm wonde...
Curare322-Jul-2004 12:07
What exactly are the L-numbered plecs?
I have heard a lot about plecs being refered to as L-something. What is this? I'm just wondering as I have heard a lot of this and never fully unders...
gartenzwerfe322-Jul-2004 06:33
Cory eggs?
Could someone tell me if cories put their eggs on glass? I found some eggs on the glass tonight and I think it may have been my cories' eggs. I don't...
CeltGirl621-Jul-2004 15:29
Some New Fish
I bought 3 Siamese Flying Foxes due to our algae problem. The other was just a one off and I know it is bad to walk in and come out with fish you kno...
Perky221-Jul-2004 14:44
cory cats
I feel so bad! I have two albino corys that I did not know were male and female. There were eggs on the plants and glass of my tank and I didnt know t...
tmg333421-Jul-2004 02:41
Loach ID
I have a loach that was called a zebra loach when I boght it, but now that I look at the pictures in the profile, mine doesn't look like that. The one...
Mr421-Jul-2004 00:52
Whats a good, small, snail-eating loach?
I want to put something in my 20gal planted tank in case I get snails....
girlunderrainbow520-Jul-2004 23:09
cory's and loaches compatible?
i have 6 julii cory and i just recently got 3 coolie loaches, will they be okay together or should i be worried about the loaches bitting the cory's o...
LadyInBlue04420-Jul-2004 21:00
bottom feeder for a 60g?
in my 60 gallon ill have mid and top dwelling fish and i would need a bottom feeder to clean up all the exess food and stuff like that i have been thi...
never say die520-Jul-2004 15:00
higher pH Cory?
My local water is hard, and high pH (8.2-8.4). Can someone suggest a (fairly common) cory catfish that would be happy in such conditions? Fairly com...
Bignose720-Jul-2004 08:15
Cory Sizes???
well i have a bandit cory, and i was wondering how big they get at full size??? because i have heard 2 and then 3 inches so i am not sure....
kj fishy-finn320-Jul-2004 01:25
Some Questions about bristlenose catfish and albino catfish
How do i make my albino catfish grow really big really fast and the same with my bristlenose catfish. [span class="edited"][Edited by 2004-07-17 06:...
kickflip_dan419-Jul-2004 21:34
Rhino Plec ??
I just bought a Rhino Plec. He is one ugly dude, but seems to be earning his keep by getting rid of the algae. Does anyone else out there have one?...
rasboramary619-Jul-2004 14:39
The Great Eel Mystery
Pages: 1, 2
Well here we go. My b/f got a new eel yesterday. It was sold under the name "tiretrack eel". We couldn't find any information on it other than the fac...
chocobobabe2019-Jul-2004 14:33
Big Pims Part Two!
Some time ago, I wrote a feature entitled "Big Pims", in which I featured a number of truly huge catfish for the specialist big catfish keeper. Well,...
Calilasseia219-Jul-2004 14:24
another unknown fish
This is a fish that has been donated to my partners tank in her biology class any ideas ,i think it is some type of cory but as i have never kept them...
krige419-Jul-2004 06:50
Feeding Otos
How can I tell if my Otos are getting enough to eat ? They cleaned my tank of all algae within the first day and I never see them eat. I put in alga...
Meg's Mom1019-Jul-2004 02:35
Need help!
I want a catfish other than a pl*co to go with my convicts in my 55. right now I Ihave 2 male convicts and a clown pl*co but want something abit diff...
cichlidiot119-Jul-2004 00:45
another unknown fish
Does anybody have any idea what this is it looks like a cory but which one.It is part of a setup at my partners school in her biology lab which was do...
krige018-Jul-2004 11:58
mountain loaches
any info on them? they look pretty mean lol I bought 2 today...stupid me not looking them up first. they're long look like a weather loach/CAE. so far...
gnr4ever8794518-Jul-2004 07:58
Sailfin Marble Pleco
Hi! I am looking for any info I can get on the Sailfin Marble Plecostomus, such as how big do they get and how common are they? I have been trying t...
HeatherH118-Jul-2004 05:29
today i went to PETCO and bought a 12inch sailfin pleco for only $20.00. was he a good buy? [span class="edited"][Edited by BeastKeeper 2004-07-16 20...
BeastKeeper618-Jul-2004 04:40
How many Ottos versus tank size.....
Is there any general rule - and note, I did say general - to determine how many Ottos would be needed versus size of aquarium... I realize through ot...
dreamweaver8891217-Jul-2004 12:52
Pleco ID (With a pic)
At first I thought this guy was a bristlenose but now I am not so sure. Anybody know what kind he is? sorry for the blurry pic. It's the best I could...
Connor3331517-Jul-2004 07:49
yoyo loach growth
how fast do yoyos grow....
greenmonkey51217-Jul-2004 07:45
my pictis
i have 3 pictis cats i wood like to no how big th'll get in a 30 gal tank and what kind of food shulde i get them to grow nice and big and also to kee...
[F-I-I]Link917-Jul-2004 06:39
how bigger and how fast do common plecos grow
i am looking in the future to stock some common plecos in my 6ft aqaurium but i don't really now how big or how fast they can grow i heard around 45 c...
oscar_man717-Jul-2004 03:03
list of fresh VEGGIES?
could someone help me maybe by starting a list of fresh veggies for my Pl*co?...
Cichlid Kid317-Jul-2004 02:52
hi all is 10 a gd price for a bristle nose plec??? thanx...
fish king 16516-Jul-2004 18:33
A few BN questions?
Pages: 1, 2
Hi, someone else directed me to get a BN PLECO but in the species profiles on this website they say it is a BN CATFISH are these one in the same? Als...
Cichlid Kid2016-Jul-2004 18:14
how many Otos...
I decided on getting some Otos for my Cory tank. Currently I have 6 Peppered Cories in this 10 gallon tank. The tank has been fully set up for almost...
T/A1516-Jul-2004 16:26
The Black Adonis Plec
Before I go on to describe this species, a word of warning . This is a HUGE Plec. It can reach a metre in length (39 inches), and is therefore...
Calilasseia016-Jul-2004 16:03
Otocinclus Eating Bloodworm? Read On!
I've just dumped another batch of live food into the community aquarium. And I've just seen something totally unexpected. One of my new batch of...
Calilasseia016-Jul-2004 16:02
stupid plec
my pinapple plec likes to wedge himself in next to the heater, recently I've noticed a large white spot on his head. After careful observation I found...
ungarsaurus1016-Jul-2004 14:33
feeding Advice for a COMMON PL*CO?
I need some i deas besides algea(obviosly)and ALGEA WAFERS(ANOther "obviously" thanks ahead of time Cichlid KID!...
Cichlid Kid1316-Jul-2004 04:48
help for peacock eel
I transfered my eel into its own 29g tank thinking the reason for not comming out was because the others scared it. but still he hides all day and I...
bracguy81715-Jul-2004 11:15
Another stupid question
What do you guys use to weigh down things like cucumber and lettuce...
tessa38uk415-Jul-2004 10:00
stupid questions
I put in some potatoes in the tank for my pleco. so i have two questions about that, 1.) am i supposed to put in raw potato or cooked. 2.) does pleco...
agent_alice215-Jul-2004 03:24
BN Behavior Normal??
I just put an albino BN in my 26 gallon tank about 2 weeks ago. He's very shy. For the most part he stays on the side glass in the stream from an ai...
SUNDERLAND1115-Jul-2004 01:40
Would a Chinese Algae Eater eat Blue Green Algae... anyone know?...
AngelZoo414-Jul-2004 23:14
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