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  L# I saw this ram today at a petstore
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SubscribeI saw this ram today at a petstore
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Registered: 23-Jun-2005
male canada
I saw these rams, it didn't say what kind they are, but they look very odd to me, the body shape is like a body shape of a blood parrot ciclid with the colors of a german ram, all the fins were long, i don't know the if the fish was natural or if it's genes were modified in some way=P
Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2006 08:52Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
nano reefer
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male uk
There jumbo rams and are deformed quite alot
Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2006 08:55Profile Homepage MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
After the Dyed Fish & the Parrot Fish, now they are also experimenting on a beautiful colourful fish, as the Ram.

Who needs Jombo Rams, anyway?. Please don't buy them.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 01-Apr-2006 22:55Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
they are probably a ram/ angel hybrid that i have seen at my lfs. it is strange looking for sure. what i have noticed is that most suppliers somehow make some lfs buy them as part of the package. they seem to show up spontaneously in a multitude of stores all at once. my lfs said that his supplier does this every once in a while. that is probably how a lot of the glolite tetras were introduced to so many stores at once. you read about them in the fish magazines and they were in the stores the next week. in my mind, just another unneeded hybrid. are there not enough beautifull "normal" fish out there? is it me, or do the asian breeders seem to be making most of these strange cross-breeds?
Post InfoPosted 02-Apr-2006 04:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 23-Jun-2005
male canada
I just got back home from the same petstore, it says "balloon rams", I got kicked out for trying to take pictures of it. does anyone have any idea what species were used to create this hybrid?
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 01:48Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 23-Jun-2005
male canada
I'll try to go back the store and take a pics of the "balloon rams" maybe on friday and put it on this site.
Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 01:49Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 06-Apr-2006 05:28
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Mega Fish
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female australia
I love that you got kicked out for agitation. You get the Tartan Day award

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Post InfoPosted 06-Apr-2006 05:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Oct-2004
female usa
Have you checked the Profile of the bolivian ram? It's larger than a german ram. I have seen them being sold by different names.

I've got a fever... and the only prescription... is more cowbell!
Post InfoPosted 14-Apr-2006 22:59Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
I've never seen a jumbo ram. Do you have a pic? I don't want to wind up with one when I go to buy my ram pair. I am slightly angered that they would try to make a perfectly good fish more colorful or whatever. >< People annoy me

Post InfoPosted 15-Apr-2006 01:26Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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