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  L# Is my tank overcrowded?
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SubscribeIs my tank overcrowded?
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Registered: 22-Jul-2005
It's a 10g freshwater tank.
1 texas cichlid (2 inches)
1 red devil (1.5 inches)
1 oscar (2 inches)
1 five star general (3 inches)
1 firemouth (2 inches)
Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 03:29Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 08-Jun-2005
male australia
I have no personal experience keeping any of those fish you listed, but I don't think any of them belong in a 10g tank for any decent length of time. You can check out the profiles of some of those fish here and see how big they eventually get. I think an oscar on its own can get to almost as big as a 10g tank.

Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 03:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
for now you arent overstocked, but you MUST get a larger tank (at the very least a 75g) soon.
Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 03:55Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-indiana
I'm sorry to tell you that yes your tank is very overcrowded. the fish in that tank will most likely die from ammonia poisoning within 3-4 months if not even sooner. a brief rundown of the fish you have in there:

1 texas cichlid (2 inches)--texas cichlids can grow up to 10-12" and are pretty aggressive. a 75 gallon tank would be best for an adult
1 red devil (1.5 inches)--most likely a "pet store red devil" which is usually a hybrid of a red devil and midas. these fish can grow anywhere from 10-16" and are usually extremely aggressive. a smaller adult max'd out at 10" might do ok in a 55 gallon, but a 75 would be best
1 oscar (2 inches)--these can grow usually from 13-15" and are rather docile as far as larger cichlids go. they do create a lot of waste though and a 75 gallon would really be the minimum tank size
1 five star general (3 inches)--inch for inch, one of the most aggressive of all cichlids. they grow to around 6-8" and from all I've read are completely intollerant of pretty much anything else in the tank. a 55 gallon would probably be the minimum size tank for these
1 firemouth (2 inches)--a rather docile, medium sized cichlid that will top out at around 6". a pair could be kept in a 29 gallon or 30 long but these guys don't stand a chance with the other cichlids you have.

to try keeping all of these together you would need a huge tank, and by huge I mean in the 200-300 gallon range due to the aggressiveness of the 5 star general, red devil and texas and because of the adult size of most of all but the firemouth. if you don't have access to a larger tank or the ability to purchase a larger tank within the next month or so then I'd say your best bet is to return all your fish to your lfs and we can help you figure out something more appropriate for your 10 gallon.
Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 04:43Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 22-Jul-2005
Is the firemouth a nice enough fish that it could go in my 29g with a bunch of mollys, neons, zebra danios, ghost shrimp and i think thats all thats in there.
Post InfoPosted 27-Feb-2006 07:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 26-Feb-2006
female canada
I agree with the overstocking comment. I purchased a 2" Red Devil and within 1 1/2 years he was likely 17". Plus very aggressive. My Jack Dempsy was floating at the surface waving a fin in the air for help. I would definitely try to return them while you still can.

As to the fire mouth I am not sure of their aggression but the neons kinda sound like snacks to me...
Post InfoPosted 07-Mar-2006 00:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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