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  L# Mooth Brooding Electric Yellow Cichlid
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SubscribeMooth Brooding Electric Yellow Cichlid
Posts: 22
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Registered: 03-Jan-2006
male usa
I have a Mooth Brooding Electric Yellow Cichlid, probably 1-2 weeks of visably expanded jaw. I have not been very successful @ breeding other species...came close with angels and have pix to prove it. I need suggestions. I have a crowded tank and expect the fry will be eaten as soon as they start to swim. I have a breeding box and could put together a breeding talk if needed but I would really rather not set it up.

Let me hear some suggestions please! I'll try to get pix up soon.
Post InfoPosted 23-Feb-2008 21:33Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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female australia
I have had heaps of experience in this field considering mine never seem to stop!

Im not sure how big your tank is however i have mine in a 55g and i just set up one of those breeding nets and line the bottom with gravel. When you believe your cichlid has held them for as long as possible (you can sometimes see the fry inside her mouth so you can determine the growth) net the female and very quickly grab her gently with her mouth forward place her over the breeding net slightly in the water and grab her bottom lip with either your fingernail or the side of your thumb on your other hand and ease her mouth open. The fry will swim out and into the breeding net.

Just check by looking in her mouth that the fry are all out.

Then just feed them fry liquid food or BBS moving onto flake when they look big enough. Then release them into the tank when the look big enough not to become a snack.

Truth doesn't always win friends but it influences them
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2008 00:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 22
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Registered: 03-Jan-2006
male usa
Thanks for the advice. If we make it past the yoke sack stage, I'll try live BBS once a day and liquid food 2-3 times per day. I have a 37g tank and cannot go larger. She is already in the breeding box and seems to be happy to have a break from being chased around. The strange thing is that I moved the breeder box around a bit and she has a deffinite preference to be placed over the spot where she was hiding out. The male checks in on her every once in a while. Just as I have read, she has no interest in food.
Post InfoPosted 25-Feb-2008 20:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male canada
she wont eat untill shes expelled the young
i strip all but my zebras for my yellows i usually strip them a day or two before they are to hatch it is not advisible to do so by many but i have made a an air tumbler that works extremely well and my hatch and survival rate is about 98% effective this way

for some reason my yellows were swallowing there own fry after they hatched taht is why i strip them early
Post InfoPosted 08-Mar-2008 20:35Profile ICQ MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 22
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Registered: 03-Jan-2006
male usa
Thanks for the tip...she is small and is not letting me see them much but from what little I can see there are visable eyes and the color has changed from black to bronze...I expect that they are about to hatch. Any advice on stripping the fry?

Also, it has been at least a month now since I noticed that she was brooding.
Post InfoPosted 10-Mar-2008 04:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 18-Apr-2004
female australia
Sounds like she should be ready. I usually wait till mine look like their mouths are way too full and you can see the fry inside.

Like i said above the way i usually strip which has turned out to be quite successful in every case, net the fish, grab it gently with your hand and carefully peel down the bottom lip whilst the fish is over the breeding net. The fry will simply swim out and into the net.

goodluck and hope it all goes well! /:'

Truth doesn't always win friends but it influences them
Post InfoPosted 10-Mar-2008 23:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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