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  L# What to add to a 30 gallon Curviceps tank?
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SubscribeWhat to add to a 30 gallon Curviceps tank?
Small Fry
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Registered: 27-Jul-2008
A while back I set up a 30 gallon tank with drift wood, anubias, and sword plants. I originally wanted a pair of kribs for the tank. I couldn't find any but eventually ended up with a male and female curviceps. They tend to stay on opposite sides of the tank from each other and don't make for very exciting fish viewing.

Now fast forward three months. I now have access to all the kribs I could ever want (of course). I would like to add to add a pair to the original tank. Is this possible without causing a ruckus? Maybe if I add more plants and cover spots? Or will it just depend on the temperment of the fish?

Any opinions are welcome and ideas are more than appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2008 03:53Profile PM Edit Report 
Big E
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Kribs can be really aggressive when breeding in a 30 gallon tank (I know from experience - several different pairs of kribs in a 36" long tank).

I'd get dithers and try to track down a 2nd female curviceps or even 2 female curviceps. They're pretty picky about mates.

Either that, or trade in the curviceps for a pair of kribs.

Post InfoPosted 28-Jul-2008 05:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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What about adding 2 or 3 blue rams to the mix?
Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2008 01:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big E
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I think a pair of blue rams could work with your bolivians with regard to their temperament. Bolivian rams usually like it cooler and more neutral pH-wise than blue rams, but if the blues are locally bred or accustomed to your water they'll probably be fine.

Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2008 03:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 27-Jul-2008
I don't have bolivians. The only fish I have in the tank right are the two curveys. I was thinking about adding either kribs, rams, or a dither fish(maybe a school of tiger barbs?) of some sort to it.

Does anyone have experience using a dither fish with curviceps? Mine seem very shy, I was hoping more fish would bring them out a bit more.

Post InfoPosted 30-Jul-2008 18:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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I don't have bolivians. The only fish I have in the tank right are the two curveys. I was thinking about adding either kribs, rams, or a dither fish(maybe a school of tiger barbs?) of some sort to it.

Does anyone have experience using a dither fish with curviceps? Mine seem very shy, I was hoping more fish would bring them out a bit more.

I think anytime you have a dwarf cichlid dither fish are a must to make them feel comfy. Another issue is making sure you have enough cover so that they can hid if they wish or feel the need to.

I would personally start with the dithers and make sure you have enough cover then think about adding another female or two.

You could also play the game of trading in the curviceps for the kribs you have if the LFS will play that game.

55G Planted tank thread
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Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2008 00:43Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa us-ohio
If the plan is to eventually breed them, I would use caution in getting some dither fish. As many will eat the fry.

If there is no plans on breeding, then I would suggest most any live bearers. As many live bearers come from the same area/waters as the curviceps. And they should get along just fine.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 31-Jul-2008 13:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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