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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Cyprinid Corner
  L# Gold Danio?
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SubscribeGold Danio?
Big Fish
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Registered: 04-Nov-2005
male usa
well, i am looking for a surface fish for a community tank and i wanted to find out if anyone has any experience with gold danios. they would be almost perfect according to their profile, because they stay small, can be kept in pairs, and like the surface.

now, some questions...whats their temperment like? are they agressive or peacefull? do they nip? will a pair have enough swimming room in a 29 gallon with 5(may up the school to 6)lemon tetras,7 corydoras,and a bolivian ram?

the tetras are very peacefull, the ram is a big wuss(is afraid of the corys), so as long as the gold danios are peacefull i would think it should be ok.

there is one they like strong current? i have the nasty habit of over filtering my tanks...i not only have a air stone in one corner of the tank, but on both back corners i have 2 over the back 20-30 gallon filters...surface agitation is fair, its not too bad, but, if they are surface fish i kinda want to know if they mind current before i throw them in there

anyway, thanks for the help!!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 21-May-2003
male usa us-newjersey
Danios do best in groups of at least 6 to spread their agression. I've kept them with small peaceful tetras, rams, and cories for alomst three years without a problem. They are very active swimmers.

Just don't mix up your danios and get giant danios, I wouldn't mix them with your fish.

Last edited by SJinNJ at 15-Jan-2006 08:34
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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