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Black Rasboras?
I was at my LFS today to buy a small school of Harlequin Rasboras to cycle my new 20 gal with. (Along with a packet of Bio-Spria to add tomorrow; we'l...
KathyB91725-Jan-2005 19:01
Glowing danios
You've all probably heard about this already but have a look at this: GE glowing zebra danios.....
fishyfriends224-Jan-2005 23:08
Which decide
Pages: 1, 2
Ok we are about to start our community tank over and so far we have agreed that we will get 1 black veil angel, 1 silver angel, 4 Julli leopard cories...
Nick3123-Jan-2005 04:38
rainbow shark UPDATE: i got him!!!
how carnivorous are they? will they eat, 1 cm platty fry, and a little over 1 cm guppy fry? oh, the shark is a around 4in and its going into a 30 gall...
fishyhelper2881922-Jan-2005 05:41
Guys i need to know what to put in my new 10 gallon tank...its been running for 2 weeks.....what should i put in there...theres 2 cherry barbs in ther...
Peter17522-Jan-2005 01:44
Harlequin Rasbora tankmates?
This is for a 40 gallon tank. I'm just wondering what people here keep with their rasboras and what they would recommend. I don't have my heart set on...
gnr4ever87941321-Jan-2005 03:26
Older tiger barb needs a friend
First, the basics: 20 gallon tank, 1 tiger barb, 2 cory catfish, 2 abino catfish, 2 fish that we think are either white cloud danios or some sort of...
wheresthemoon920-Jan-2005 17:54
New tank...what kindof fish too have?
i have just set up a new tank about a week and a half ago. it is a ten gallon, with one gold barb and 2 cherry barbs ( one male one female ) in the ta...
Peter17620-Jan-2005 05:58
bala sharks and guppys
i've read that bala sharks can be kept with tetras but what about guppys?:%)...
lou419-Jan-2005 06:22
Random but it's been bothering me lately. Anyone know how long WCMM's remain gravid? I'm fairly sure I've got 3 males 4 females, 2 of the males alwa...
Babelfish518-Jan-2005 07:31
The fatist danio you ever saw
Hey folks, I think I have the fatist danio you ever saw. This fish looks like it swallowed 2 or 3 pees. But it keeeps on going. I have had this fi...
SJinNJ316-Jan-2005 21:08
new to fish hobbie
hi 2 all. i just bought a 55 gallon Aquarium . I cycld it for 3 weeks. I thought it was ready, until my nitrite levels jumped from safe to danger, 5.0...
lue_quin616-Jan-2005 06:33
feeding harleys
Hi all. I'm just wondering what you all are feeding. I have a tank with six harlequine rasboras, some mollies, a dwarf pleco and a pair of blue dwarf...
divertran413-Jan-2005 02:18
giant danios
Could someone please tell me how to sex giant danios? Thanks. ~~~[img]
Theresa_M212-Jan-2005 23:06
perl danio eaten by others
yesterday morning I was shocked to see one of my perl danio missing from the tank. It was there earlier day and even feeding happily. I donno what whe...
bharatk311-Jan-2005 08:17
My cherrybarbs have laied eggs?
my female has laied eggs....i think? i got a bredding net and have the so called "eggs" in the net. What do the eggs look like and when will they hatc...
Peter17211-Jan-2005 05:18
Spotted Rasboras?
I have a book on aquarium fish and I have come across a Spotted Rasbora (Rasbora Maculata). I am very interested in finding out a little more about th...
Nick211-Jan-2005 04:06
Pearl Danios ? ?
The two Pearl Danio's - who are the only fully grown in the tank - both have a white bottom lip. Is this normal? Is it something to do with maturity...
SuperMummy!507-Jan-2005 18:39
Albino Rainbow Shark.
I am looking for info on a fish described to me as an "Albino Rainbow Shark" usually I go straight to the profiles here and find everthing, but no suc...
Aussie Fish guy704-Jan-2005 04:20
what to have with silver sharks?
Pages: 1, 2
Hello, A friend of mine has a 140us Gallon tank and she has 5 silver sharks in it.She would like to know what kind of fish can she have with the shark...
Rob16192003-Jan-2005 14:06
My Cherry Barbs
Quick question, What are some peaceful, non-agressive fish to have with my two cherry barbs? Peter...
Peter17903-Jan-2005 12:03
want to add cherry barb are two...
I have a 10 gallon tank with just 6 zebra danios in it. I was thinking of adding a male cherry barb. Would it be better to add a female cherry barb...
T/A1202-Jan-2005 23:48
Danios with an angel?
I am considering to put an angel in my 32 gallon tank, and i have 5 danios in the tank. I was just wondering if danios and a juvenille angel would go...
ericm1428-Dec-2004 06:46
sibling breeding with egg layer (ZDs)
I was wondering I know live bearers shouldn't Interbreed because they wont have healthy children would about egg la yers the reason im asking im thinki...
brtaylor2000227-Dec-2004 04:19
What size tank would be needed?
Just curious as to what others would suggest. What size tank would be needed for 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Gold Zebra Danios, 6 Pearl Danios, 6 Blue Danios, a...
T/A1421-Dec-2004 21:34
Rosy Barbs....
Could I add a school of 6 or 7 rosy barbs with the following fish ? 7 Serpaes 7 Zebra Danios 4 Platys 3 Mollies 2 Kuhli Loaches 2 YoYo Loaches 1 BN P...
mcfat88619-Dec-2004 21:57
This was weird
One of my cherry Barbs passed away a couple weeks ago. I went out to buy a new one and it was a male. I found out by my lfs that i had two females alr...
brtaylor2000511-Dec-2004 15:11
barbs & danios
can I get some cheery barbs to go into my tank w/ some danio's? There is also a redtail shark & two blue gouramis....
WiseIves408-Dec-2004 19:15
Tiger Barbs: less nippy in schools?
A friend of mine has a 100gal tank that is quite understocked. She added a "regular" Tiger Barb, and a "green" Tiger Barb. Now she tells me some of th...
Beefshank508-Dec-2004 02:01
Black Sharks
i saw a 15" black shark at my lfs and i was wondering what would be the best tank mates and what size tank for them?...
BeastKeeper905-Dec-2004 07:15
tiger barbs
Would 10 be a good number of tiger barbs for a 20 high? They will be the only fish in the tank. Thanks....
smnst304-Dec-2004 15:44
Harlequin Rasboras
How many Harlequin rasboras do you have to have in a tank? Can you have 5? thankyou, Labrakitty...
labrakitty926-Nov-2004 16:28
Red Tailed Black Shark
Would it be possible to add a RTBS to this possible 90 gallon setup: 1 BGK 7 congo tetras 7 emperor tetras 2 BNs 3 Pearl gouramis 2 Dwarf Goura...
fishnewbie1220-Nov-2004 04:52
I have a question i recently got a rtbs from petsmart. Its colors are light right now (i imagine it was stressed being in a tank full of sharks) Quest...
Azrael_Darkness1219-Nov-2004 22:39
lonely cherry barb?
Today I found my female cherry barb dead I'd had her for a long time so I assume it was old age. Is my male going to be ok by himself or should I...
Theresa_M818-Nov-2004 05:27
golden barbs
Would it be possible to keep a small school say five maybe six golden barb in a 10 gallon tank if they were the only inhabitants? Or are they too mess...
beachbabe13185617-Nov-2004 10:01
bala shark teeth?
do bala sharks have teeth? when i feed them they make a sound like gravel being thrown into an aquarium full of water. and it's loud! you can hear i...
bayara315-Nov-2004 18:34
Danio lifespan
Hey folks, I was just wondering how long danios were supposed to live? I have 3 zebras that basically went thru new fish keeper tank hell that have...
SJinNJ315-Nov-2004 06:36
Those GloFish again!
Alright, as some of you might know I'm a happy owner of several Glo Fish, (aka those pink zebra danios). Now, I have some nice examples of them, whi...
AngelZoo514-Nov-2004 08:01
ID these feeder barbs
Ok, so they are ordinary barbs that are just showing their inbreeding a little too much, so they were relegated to the feeder tank. $1 each. thought...
Callatya614-Nov-2004 03:04
Life span of RTBS
[font color="#000080"]A quick question: What is the life span of RTBS? Under the following conditions. Water temperature 30C, food algae flakes and fr...
JQW313-Nov-2004 21:45
whitefinned shark?
my walmart had these sharks that looked like RTBS but had white fins instead of red and i cant remember the name what are these?...
resle613-Nov-2004 07:27
Apollo Sharks?
I got an offer today for a school of 10-13 (the LFS wasn't quite sure) apollo sharks. The man told me they would go well in my 95 gal (3ft long, 2 ft...
tinfoil104-Nov-2004 15:53
White clouds???
I have 10 gallon tank for my Betta and I was thinking of giving him a few tank mates. I heard that white clouds are easy to keep and can be in cooler...
ctt33 704-Nov-2004 14:11
Why do my black sharks fight?
I have a pair of black sharks (silver with more black????) and for the past whole weak, they have been constantly fighting. They are each about 8 inch...
ClownyGirl602-Nov-2004 16:14
Red tail black shark
I have recently bought a red tail black shark and i am wondering which fish will be safest with it, it is in a 4 foot tank so i don't think the size s...
scocky401-Nov-2004 23:27
Medium-big colorful schooler, safe with plants
Pages: 1, 2
I'm looking for suggestions for a schooler/group fish for my 125 - medium-large, colorful and with enough presence to keep the eye, safe with plants,...
littlemousling2501-Nov-2004 02:53
Large Barb thread.
Some time ago Babelfish (at least I think it was her) posted a thread on large barbs. In my reply I said to her that barbus orphoides is a protected s...
tinfoil128-Oct-2004 22:44
rainbow/rtbs which would do better with: 12 tigers? in a 29/30gl. tank? (can the sharks go with guppies?) thanks! Last edited by...
PlatiesAREcool528-Oct-2004 21:03
Small Schoolers and an RTBS (Compatibility)
Ok I want PERSONAL EXPERIENCES about keeping red tailed sharks with small schoolers such as tetra or rasboras. If YOU have kept a red ta...
john.stone627-Oct-2004 21:25
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