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Cherry barb in a 5g?
I've read that they can benkept in pairs in small tanks, but i've also read that they can be terretorial. Would I be able to keep a pair, or even just...
Ferox1127-Oct-2004 16:27
Highest possible temp for WCMM's?
Just asking a quick question - what is the highest possible temperature to keep WCMMs in? I ask because I'm thinking about amalgamating my WCMM tank...
jappy1326-Oct-2004 04:01
my cherry barbs are going vegeterian
they seem to care more for the occasional zuccini i throw in for my otos than for their flakes, dried worms or anything else. i keep seeing them nibli...
fry325-Oct-2004 17:19
Irrendesent(?) sharks? info...
Ok i thnk i spelled the name of the shark wrong, but hopefully u can still read it, ok i just like want to know how big they get how agressive and are...
PlatiesAREcool425-Oct-2004 01:28
cyprinids good with angels
what are some good cyprinids that are good with angelfish. as in they won't get eaten and they wont pick at the angels fins...
greenmonkey51524-Oct-2004 17:40
another "how many" question... h. rasboras
i know, these questions are kind of lame, but I'm not at the point where I feel completely comfortable properly assessing how many fish I can add, so...
NowherMan61124-Oct-2004 14:41
Tiger Barb Tankmate Suggestions.
[font color="#C00000"]I'm getting a 29 gal soon, and I was wondering what a good tankmate would be for Tiger Barbs. At the very very very least I wan...
DragonPhoenix424-Oct-2004 00:35
My danios have gone crazy! I just added 6 black neon tetras and the danios have gone crazy and keep chasing the tetras around. I think they were hung...
ericm723-Oct-2004 04:46
Questions about Cherry Barbs.....
Hi! This is my first time posting in the Cyprinid forum. I purchased two male Cherry Barbs and I put them in a ten gallon with a Friendly betta. At f...
Pammy522-Oct-2004 17:16
Harlequin Rasbora picture
This is a few of my Harlequins in the 55 gallon tank, I have 18 of them in there. Hope you enjoy the picture. blondie attached this image: [img...
blondie721-Oct-2004 05:16
White cloud eggs
i am still very curious about my wcmm's i have yet foud out if there eggs float or what they look like plzz can some one help me?????????? thanks a...
whitecloudandy220-Oct-2004 07:43
my rasboras are socially confused *lol*
i always though of harlequin rasboras as being just, you know, every fish is the same kind of schoolers as opposed to each having a personality. I've...
devon7420-Oct-2004 02:48
tiger barba and neon tetras
quick question, my brother had 1 neon tetra and is shutting his tank down, he dosen't have the time at the moment to dedicate enough time to the tank,...
CanadianJohn718-Oct-2004 07:35
White Clouds
Very simple question here. How can you tell if they are pregnant?...
RESET1217-Oct-2004 10:10
giant danios
What do you think is a good number of giant danios to keep in a 55 gallon with a jack dempsey and a convict? I wanted 6 or 7 but would like to know w...
smnst517-Oct-2004 08:10
the truth about cherry barbs?
Okay, I have read that cherry barbs should be kept in schools of 6 or more; however, I have also read that they are shy to thier own kind and should o...
jenbabe2561013-Oct-2004 17:19
black ruby barbs
how do you think they differ from Tigers other than appearance? (i.e. temperament, size, activity, etc.)...
apologeticus413-Oct-2004 17:10
rainbow sharks
We bought two rainbow sharks at the lfs about 3-4 months ago. We have a 55. It's tankmates include 1 raphael catfish, 1 clown pl*c, cories, 3 swordt...
jr8sr3313-Oct-2004 00:17
Tiger Barb Question/Opinion...?
Ok everybody from other forums say that it is ok to keep less than 6 in a tank. Someone said they have 2 tiger barbs with MALE guppies and other fish!...
PlatiesAREcool1012-Oct-2004 06:45
bala shark
making a post for a friend:- what is the minimum/recommended tank size for bala sharks...
lou911-Oct-2004 23:39
Increasing tiger barb school
Hi all. I currently have 9 tiger barbs, but I want to increase the school. I read somewhere (probably here ) that tigers should be kept in multiple...
just_one_more611-Oct-2004 23:37
RTBS tankmates???
I eventually plan on getting a 75 gallon tank and a RTBS. What I was wondering is, can Boesemani Rainbows, Praecox Rainbow, and Swordtails go in a tan...
T/A305-Oct-2004 07:01
Zebra Danios and breeding some Questions...
Ok i am gettting a 10gl. with a marbled bottom filter lighting and maybe a heater, depends on the temp. with out the heater, and lots of plants and 6...
PlatiesAREcool205-Oct-2004 02:18
I would sincerely doubt that you could put 50 fish in a 29 gallon, unless they were fry or something. To tell you whether you'd be able to fit a schoo...
FishProfiles.com904-Oct-2004 16:12
in theory.... (rosy barbs)
well I dont have the money for a new tank right now as I am just getting my 29 gallon going... BUT! In theory, how large of a tank would one need in o...
devon7401-Oct-2004 00:11
Danio Fry
Well i havenow 2 danio fry that i know of and a bunch of other fry (6- that i'm not sure what they are...They do not look like the danio fry. They jus...
kelso330-Sep-2004 15:44
Strange acting zebra danios
Okay, Today I got a BN pleco. About an hour after adding it to my 90 gallon tank, my 8 zebra danios started actively shoaling! They are doing this rig...
fishnewbie330-Sep-2004 03:02
red tail shark tankmates?
what could i get that could handle a bossy...rts....i love him to death but he is agressive and chases everything to death......any ideas? i hate to l...
pennykate329-Sep-2004 07:38
2 Rosy this tank:
Ok my friend had a 29gl. that i gave him cuz i already have 1 so it cycled and everything now he has : 6 black phantoms 6 neons 6 black neons and 6...
PlatiesAREcool228-Sep-2004 23:21
flouresent GloZebrafish??????/
what do you guys think about these fish. would you buy them check it out tell me what yall think. There just zebra daino with a flo...
brtaylor20001428-Sep-2004 05:22
Bala sharks with smaller tetras?
I am in the process of setting up my community 150, and have seen conflicting info about them with small tetras on the web. Please give me your perso...
Alkyne628-Sep-2004 05:15
Danio fry...what do i do with them?!?!
Well i did a gravel siphoning this morning and i found danio what do i do with them? lol...
kelso728-Sep-2004 01:41
what next?
I'm a beginner. i've had my tank (55ltr, 60x30,30) for 9 days. I started with 2 small balas, then 10 neon tetras, then 1 sailfin pleco. everything is...
keith326-Sep-2004 07:20
tiger barb disaster.
I have a 40 gallon high with 6 tiger barbs. There was 12 tiger barbs at one time. First, 2 of the tiger barbs developed swollen nasal areas and were...
fishfool35426-Sep-2004 02:56
How many danios and white clouds?
30gl. 1 f/betta 1 dwarf gouramie and 6 neons 2 cherry barbs 1 minnow 1 cory...can i put a school of danios or white clouds in it? If i cant then i am...
PlatiesAREcool310-Sep-2004 13:26
Zebra Danio
Hey lol...i've been noticing for about a week now that one of my danios is quite fat...i don't know how to tell the difference between a guy and a gir...
kelso510-Sep-2004 03:43
silver sharks behaving strangly?
i bought 2 silver sharks today, but since i released them all they have done is sit at the bottom of the tank breathing quite heavily.... anyone know...
tomsparsons409-Sep-2004 20:09
Hows this for my new 20g ?
Just started a new 20g here at school. Just put the water in today and put in some dechlorifier and gonna let it filter for a few days and test it, wh...
mvicano909-Sep-2004 16:47
Redtailed plz!
any info on them ill take it! Really i just wanna know how big they get and can they be kept in a 10gl. or a 30gl. and do they get along with livebear...
PlatiesAREcool1909-Sep-2004 10:22
i brought 3 small ZDs and the 1&2 day i got them they didnt do much chasing just alittle they basically sticked together. But today as i woke up they...
brtaylor20001109-Sep-2004 07:17
harliquin rasbora
how do u breed them and how to sex?...
bratyboy2408-Sep-2004 18:45
rosy barb question
I've noticed that some of the rosy barbs in my lfs have longer flowing fins, while others look more "normal." Why is this? Is it a male/female disti...
apologeticus405-Sep-2004 05:03
is this something to worry about?
just brought 3 danios for my 20g tank for the cycling prosses. 2 of them seem to be adjusting fine one of them seems to like the bubbkes coming from t...
brtaylor2000305-Sep-2004 04:32
Ok i am getting a few (not longfinned) cichleds(dont know what kind yet!) in a 30gl. i wanted to know how many can i get and also i have 2 cherries to...
PlatiesAREcool303-Sep-2004 00:55
pronounciation of CYPRINID ?
how the heck do you properly ounce the word CYPRINID ?????? hahaha thanks.......
mvicano301-Sep-2004 12:56
Tiger Barb community tank
How does this sound for a community tank? 1 x Redtail Shark 2-4 x Rosy Barbs 8-10 x Tiger Barbs 10-12 x Harlequin Rasboras They will be going in a 5...
aquaman18231-Aug-2004 22:23
squeezing my tiger barb tank
Can i fit one other single fish into the setup? Something that might ruffle them once and awhile, i love how it looks now, but i was just seeing if i...
tweaky431-Aug-2004 22:16
tiger barb troubles
I just started a 5 gallon tank for my daughter. I set it up, waited 24 hours, and then put in one tiger barb. He seemed to do fine, but then a few d...
apologeticus630-Aug-2004 19:13
55g tiger barb tank
i have an empty 55g and im trying to think of some ideas. i have had tiger barbs and was seriously thinking of putting a massive school in my 75g. im...
greenmonkey511230-Aug-2004 11:29
black shark keepers?
Anybody keeping black sharks? Especially interested in growth rate, how long 530L will do? Do they show aggression against other fish? Thanks...
jungle labyrinth729-Aug-2004 22:26
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