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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# *Sigh* Gotta Love Older Sister's Boyfriend
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Subscribe*Sigh* Gotta Love Older Sister's Boyfriend
Fish Guru
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Registered: 29-Feb-2004
yup, I have to say i realy like htis one lol, he told me that hes going to get me another 55 gallon with a stand! he used it for his gerbil, but with a bit of bleech, and a good rince, it should be alright, I used my 55 for all sorts of things before i fonay broke down and put fish in it lol and the fish are fine...

But, i'm thinking about selling my 55 to my friend and using his tank for my native tank *already have the fish for the tank lol, but most are still too small to go together*

but i hope to get it soon, because i'm getting rid of the 2 twin sized beds in my room, and geting a full, which should give me more room for that extra 55

*oh, did I mention I have the biggest room in the gouse and already have 3 10 gallons, 2 20 gallons, a 29 gallon, a 55 gallon, and multipule one gallons plus 2 twin beds, and other desks lol...all fitting comfortably, with more than enough room left over to run around lol..*

I'm very happy lol
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 19:22Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 06-Mar-2003
male usa
I would make sure that the seals have not been damaged by the gerbils! I remember when I was young, I had gerbils in a tank and they tore at the seals. When I moved them to another tank, I checked the seals and they had scratched them all up.

Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 19:56Profile AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Posts: 343
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Registered: 16-Jun-2006
male pakistan
Lucky you
My parents are going to throw me out of the house along with my three tanks if i try to add even a single gallon to it
Post InfoPosted 15-Aug-2006 20:07Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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