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  L# 1Gal Stocking Tank
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Subscribe1Gal Stocking Tank
Fish Addict
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
female usa
Hello, yet again! I have SEVERAL one gallon tanks about the home (currently occuping guppies while thier tank cycles, but as of next week, they will be ready to go into thier new homes) and that leaves me with a few one gallons. I already know I will be purchasing at least one betta, but I would like some one gallon stocking ideas that are unique, even though that isnt exactly alot of room to work with.... I was thinking of setting one up for ghost shrimp (well planted), but I dont know if this will be enough room for them or how many Id be able to have in there. Also, I have a coffee pot (never used for coffee) that I used for transporting fish, and Im wondering if I can make that into a small, permenent tank?

Post InfoPosted 20-Jan-2007 23:52Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
I wouldn't use 1g tanks for anything but shrimp and snails. Personally I don't think that's even enough space for an adult betta. You could put 3-5shrimp in there so long as you watch water parameters. Shrimp don't handle ammonia well but they hardly produce any so it usually works out fine. Nitrates are rarely an issue on shrimp tanks. I had over a dozen in a 5g with low light and a couple slow growing plants and the nitrates wouldn't even registered after several weeks of feeding them daily.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 00:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female usa
As long as it's not too turbulent, a 1-gallon is plenty big for a betta. I believe my oldest betta is still alive (last I checked he was anyway) in a 1-gallon bowl. I got him in January 2002.

You could try using them for culturing other live foods as well...

Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 03:02Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 09-Jan-2007
male usa
Yea, a betta is good, I have a 1.5 gallon tank with a Betta and a dwarf frog, as a scavenger As for the coffee pot how big is it?

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Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 19:53Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Bleeding Blue
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male usa
I don't like keeping bettas in something that small. They COULD live in little cups or 1 gallon tanks but then I could live in a closet my whole life too. Give him a 5 gallon so he can swim around.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 20:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
female usa
Typically, I get my bettas very young, and will probubly move it before it reaches adulthood. The coffee pot is a little under one gallon, but now I am thinking it may be too small. Do you think an apple snail would be okay in a 1g (that is until it starts to grow depending on the species)? Are there any small fish that would do okay in a small tank?

Post InfoPosted 21-Jan-2007 21:42Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
YEs, there are small fish that would do ok in such
tanks. Heterandia formosa comes to mind.
Stock at a rate of 5 hets per gallon.
Some kinds of killifish would probably work in
1 gallon tanks too.
Shrimp nano-planted tanks would look nice too.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 22-Jan-2007 00:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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