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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# General Freshwater
  L# 20 Gal Stocking
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Subscribe20 Gal Stocking
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Registered: 10-Sep-2005
male usa
I recently got a 20 long to move my blue gourami into. I also want to move my cories into it and get a few more to total 6. Is there anything else that would work well in the tank? I always feel like my gourami is unstimulated. Is there another fish that would make him happier?
Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 04:19Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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Registered: 25-Mar-2005
female usa
Maybe add a school of tetras. Lemon tetras are small and playful...maybe they will cheer up the gourami.

I would stay away from guppies and anything that resembles a gourami...might make him aggressive.

I am having problems with my opaline gourami, so I will tell you to pick tankmates carefully.

So far mine has been aggressive towards a bolivian ram and neon and glowlight tetras.

Lemon tetras are a little bigger than neons and glowlights. They are also a little less timid, so maybe they will work.

Post InfoPosted 12-Jun-2006 05:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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