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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# 29g New tank
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Subscribe29g New tank
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Registered: 05-Jul-2007
male usa
Ok i started with a 10 back in december and learned alot what i had in it was 3 black skirt tetras a blue gourami and a i moved up to a 29 2 weeks ago the fish i just mentioned are in it now,i think the tank has just finished cycling except for alittle cloudiness.I have 2 live plants in it an anacharis and an amazon sword.i want to eventually remove all the fake plants and make it fully planted i'm using the 10 right now to grow plants from bulbs.the flourescent in it now is 20watts how well will the plants do in that light?and any suggestions on fish to add in.was thinking about cory's,and maybe hatchets.Any thoughts at all would be helpful.

Est solarus uth mithas,My honor is my life
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 03:25Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
First add 3 more skirt tetras. They are schoolers and are much better with a group of 6+. Then you need to consider what your doing with the cae in the future. These guys will reach 12" and at around 6" they start to become agressive to other fish. They have been known to quite frequently kill even large tankmates. You'll need to find new housing for it in the future or it's going to start causing issues.

After that you could add some cories. Depending on species anywhere from 6-10. They can have very large differences in size so you'll need to decide which species you want. I'm not sure another school would fit with the black skirts. Hatchets are fairly small so it might work to add 6 of them but you'd be pretty well stocked then and I'd most definitely get the cae out of there before doing that.
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 04:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 05-Jul-2007
male usa
Thanks sham!yea i was goin to take the CAE out,my brother was goin to take him off my hands.I was thinking about the bronze cory's i really like those,very interesting,also would cory's eat snails?How many bronze cory's do you think?and if the hatchet's won't work would any other schooling fish be ok or would that be too much for a 29?

Est solarus uth mithas,My honor is my life
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 04:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
I don't really like putting 2 schools in something as short and narrow as a 29g unless they are very small schooling fish like neons. It could be done if you didn't add anything else to the top but I'd prefer to add some other interesting fish that wouldn't take up the same space as schoolers like a dwarf cichlid or a pair of them. A few male livebearers would be an option. If you didn't already have a 3spot(blue gourami) I'd suggest some of the more peaceful gouramis that could be kept in groups but 3 spots can be just plain nasty to other gouramis on occasion. Especially if they are used to living alone and unchallenged. It would be hit or miss to add any other gouramis to the tank. Before you get really set on the schooling fish I'd suggest taking a look through the other fish out there and see if something nonschooling and colorful like a pair of apistos would be of more interest.

Cories don't eat snails. For that you need to look into loaches instead. Luckily for their size bronze cories are not quite as social as some smaller cories so you can get away with 4 instead of the usual 6 and they still seem pretty confident and content. You could probably do 6 since there is nothing else on the bottom but they do spawn fairly frequently in tanks so if the tank is decorated enough that some eggs and fry survive being eaten you could end up with more than you started with. Which isn't entirely a bad thing but if you don't remove them you'll end up overstocked eventually and just try to net baby cories out of a heavily planted tank.
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 05:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 05-Jul-2007
male usa
Thanks,I'll look into the loaches too.I think i'll only do a BS school and get three more of them.The dwarf cichlid are they agressive?

Est solarus uth mithas,My honor is my life
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 05:30Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
Not so much agressive as territorial. They'll pick an area of the tank and defend it especially if they spawn. Anything that leaves that territory when chased is usually left unharmed. You do have to avoid putting fish with them that will challenge them but schoolers and bottom feeders are almost always fine provided the tank is big enough for them to move away. The gourami is the only potential problem but they usually don't see cichlids as a threat, only other gouramis, and gouramis tend to claim top areas of the tank as their territory for making bubblenests while cichlids claim the bottom for laying eggs. The 2 end up not be rivals because of that and will remain a good distance from each other's territory so long as the tank is big enough for it.
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 18:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 05-Jul-2007
male usa
Thanks sham i'll think i'll check my LFS to see if they have any in stock.I was looking at them yesterday and i really like them.

Est solarus uth mithas,My honor is my life
Post InfoPosted 12-Jul-2007 02:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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