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55G And 29G Stocking.. Help Me Guys!! | |
Rookie_Boy1 Hobbyist Posts: 53 Kudos: 27 Votes: 0 Registered: 14-Apr-2007 | I have a empty 55g and a 29g that's been going for years. Currently, the 29g has; A single neon; the last of twelve. three cories. four platies - two definte males and two unknown. loads of guppies - I would say - about 50. Defintely two khuli loaches, I've seen two at the same time, am unsure about whether the third one is still alive or not. The 55g is empty, I was planning to stock it gradually with; 3 angels, 12 Rummy nose tetras, 8 marbled or common hatchets, black widows or harlequins. (what would you pick?) 6 glass catfish, 9 cories. If I saw like, five marbled and three common hatchets could I combine the two species to make one school? would these fish be compatible? And more importantly, the tank be overstocked with these fishes? Let me know and I'll rethink the stocking. And now, for the 29g. I was planning to stock it with.. 1 Dwarf Gourami or a pair of honey gourami, (which option would you pick?) 8 neons, # Guppies, 4-6 Khuli loaches, And a pair of german rams. Same questions as above, but it's for the 29g this time. would these fish be compatible? && Would the tank be overstocked with these fishes? Many thanks in advance! I've recieved good advice from you guys in the past, I hope I will get the same in this thread. Rookie_Boy1 |
Posted 10-Jun-2008 18:39 | |
truestar Enthusiast Young Pup Posts: 233 Kudos: 92 Votes: 147 Registered: 23-Aug-2007 | German Rams are very sensitive, so I would try to keep the bio-load very low in the 29. I'd just get rid of the Guppies all together, they prefer hard water while the Neons, Rams, and Loaches prefer it softer. |
Posted 10-Jun-2008 20:17 | |
ScottF Fish Addict Addiction Hurts!! Posts: 542 Kudos: 330 Votes: 355 Registered: 28-May-2007 | I would def rebuild the neons, and go with a pair of Honey Gouramis in the 29... I'd split some guppies outta the 29,and consider Rams (Bolivians are my faves) in the 55g rather than the 29. Rummies are breathtaking in groups, I'd throw a bunch of those in the 55g if I were you. I have 8 in my 20g and am considering more if I can move some of the other fish out of the 20g, into the 55g. I have 6 gold pristella tetras that would go great in my new 55g. As for Corys, you jsut cannot go wrong with Pandas. They are like th dogs (or puppies) of the fish world.. so playful and full of personality! Keep us updated and welcome to FP! |
Posted 11-Jun-2008 03:03 | |
brandeeno Mega Fish Posts: 929 Kudos: 636 Registered: 13-Sep-2007 | i would agree inthe nixing of the guppies as they are just going to over populate the tank and make it yucky. i would say go with the single dwarf gourami if you are going to get a pair of rams (bolivians are hardier and germans are less robust) also instead of neons try cardinals or soething a bit more interesting... in the 55g you should get a different fish than angels. a number of three will loose youone eventually. also if you shoose to get glass cats you will want a high current tank, somthing corries and angels dont like... so loose them and get another schholong fish. maybe get cardinals and discus? also i would recommend the harlies more than the other fish as hatchets jump, and blackwidows are agressive for tetras. \\\\\\\"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure\\\\\\\" |
Posted 11-Jun-2008 04:20 | |
Rookie_Boy1 Hobbyist Posts: 53 Kudos: 27 Votes: 0 Registered: 14-Apr-2007 | Hi guys. Getting rid of the guppies is not an option, I'm afraid. I used to have over a hundred guppies back then when I used to catch and put into breeder boxes every single fry I found. I don't do that now, I just leave it to mother nature.. to try and cut down on the no. of guppies in the tank. It's survival of the fittest for them. Discus are really expensive around here, averaging £100 each. Which would be roughly $200 to you americans. I haven't got that much money. I've had panda cories in the past. One time I bought 3, (I wanted to get a few first to check that they would survive in my tank.) One died a few days later. about a fortnight later I bought another three to make five. They survived for a year or so when they began dying one by one. Now I don't have any pandas, I only have a albino and two jullis that I've had from before the pandas. && Pandas were what I was planning to get. As for the ghost cat/angel water issue, my friend has a 60g with six angels with three balas sharks and six tiger barbs, and 3 giantic tinfoil barbs.(not a good mix I know, I've told them repeatedly but they don't listen. ) Anyway, their angels seem pretty happy, happy enough for four of the angels to pair off and lay eggs at the opposite ends of the tank. There is a huge filter in the tank that blows out water strongly, but they seem pretty happy, they've been living in that tank for two years. Plus, I was planning on putting in large pieces of driftwood, rocks etc that would break up the water flow & give any fish a break if they need it. So I'm sure that they'd be fine after they adapt? brandeeno, I prefer german rams for some reason. Cardinals? I've never had them.. I've always had neons, I don't like cardinals for some reason but I'll give them a try in the 55g. I heard that three angels is better than two because then the bullying by the dominant fish is spread out onto the two sub-servients? Orginally, I wanted two angels but I'm getting three for the reason stated above. Thanks for your advice guys.. The decided tank stocking will be revealed.. after I've had a long and good think about it. Thanks for now, R_Boy1 |
Posted 12-Jun-2008 09:56 | |
truestar Enthusiast Young Pup Posts: 233 Kudos: 92 Votes: 147 Registered: 23-Aug-2007 | The reason you don't want to get 3 Angels is because if a pair develops the 3rd Angel will constantly be bullied. If you get 3 I'd remove the 3rd Angel if/when a pair develops, or just get a bigger group of Angels, depending on what else you put in the tank and the filtration it has you might be able to keep a group of 5-6. |
Posted 13-Jun-2008 04:10 | |
Rookie_Boy1 Hobbyist Posts: 53 Kudos: 27 Votes: 0 Registered: 14-Apr-2007 | |
Posted 13-Jun-2008 08:35 |
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