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  L# 55 Gallon Tank Stocking.
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Subscribe55 Gallon Tank Stocking.
Fish Addict
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i have a 55 gallon tank and i want to get some peaceful fish for it and i want to get

all i have in there right now is
2 neon blue dwarf gouramies
1 common pleco

does this stocking work
2 neon blue dwarf gouramies
1 common pleco
12 rummy nose tetras
10 glowlight tetras
1 redtail shark
6 rosey barbs
1 fire eel that will be moved to a larger tank and a friend has one with neons and the neons are 1.1" long and the fire eel is about 2.8' long to 3' long and have had them in the same tank for a couple years none have gone missing or died in 2 years.
i need to know if this is alright.
Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2007 07:59Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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male australia
That seems alright except the pleco will get too big for a 55 and im not entirely sure on the fire eel. THe rest is fine

''All the clown fish and yellow tangs in the world cant save you now!''
Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2007 11:42Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
That stocking is fine, but the common pleco
grows much too large for a 55g tank. These fish
reach 18-24 inches depending on species.
Perhaps you can return it for a smaller pleco,
like a bristlenose, green phantom (L200), Inspector (L201), Queen Arabesque, or similar.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2007 12:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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female usa
I agree on the pleco, those things get huge and do a number on your bioload. If you like plecos, you should try a rubbernose they are so cute ^_^ If you got rid of the redtail shark, your options for a bottomfeeder would grow, and I would suggest a school of panda cories or even a few otto cats. As far as the fire eel goes, I would rethink putting it with neons. While the neons haven't gone missing now, when the eel gets to be its full size (24" it may become more aggressive. ^_^

Post InfoPosted 23-Mar-2007 17:25Profile Homepage AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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i have a friend that has a 3' fire eel and it has been with neons for 2 years and none have gone missing is 1 year.
Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2007 00:15Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
as for the bottom feeders i would go with some cory cats. doesnt matter to me which ones (provided they are compatible) i like um all.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2007 05:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
as for the bottom feeders i would go with some cory cats. doesnt matter to me which ones (provided they are compatible) i like um all.

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Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2007 05:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Sure, trade the pleco for some cory cats.
Corys are schooling fish that prefer groups of 6 or more of the same species.
A group of 8-12 of one type would look excellent.
Id avoid the smaller corys due to the fire eel, and keep in mind it may decide your glowlights are snacks one day,
so keep it well fed

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2007 22:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
A few years ago Liverpool Museum had three Fire Eels in a huge display aquarium.

These fish were three feet long. Their aquarium was a monster 1,000 gallon affair. Moreover, it was a species aquarium - they were the only occupants of all that water. They had heads the size of my clenched fist!

This should tell you all you need to know about Fire Eels and their requirements. Remember that ALL Mastacembelid Eels are stealth predators that sit and wait for small fishes to stray too close, and are most active during twylight hours when their prey is unlikely to be at maximum awareness. It won't take long for that Fire Eel to reach a size where it considers the small Tetras to be lunch, and at some point you'll be looking at a VERY large aquarium for it, even if it's on its own. Plus, Fire Eels are the most demanding of the Mastacembelid Eels, they're VERY sensitive to fluctuations in water chemistry, and ar apt to succumb to a host of diseases if they're not kept in optimum conditions.

Oh, and the Common Plec is an instant candidate for a rehouse. Why oh WHY stores keep selling these totally unsuitable juggernauts when there are far better choices available that remain a reasonable size is beyond me. If you're looking for something that's a much more reasonable size, try L-288, one of the Peckoltia species, which is a drop dead gorgeous little fish that will only hit 4 inches in your aquarium (and what's more in a 55 you could keep a male and female pair and possibly see them spawning!). OK, Peckoltia species aren' great algae eaters (they like a fair amount of meaty food in their diet, at least L-288 does) but at least they won't outgrow your 55.

Check out the Peckoltia species here and chances are you'll find something FAR more suitable for your 55 that's also a LOT more attractive to look at than a Common Plec!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2007 23:33Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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