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  L# Any experience with African Clawed Frogs?
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SubscribeAny experience with African Clawed Frogs?
El Tiburon Tailandes
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Registered: 10-Jan-2007
male costarica
I have one, not sure how popular they are or readily available where you guys are at, dont see em much around here but I was wondering if u guys have any experience with them?

If you do, holla back, Id love to compare mine with yours (that sounds naughty)

Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 18:34Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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I have 4 breeding adults! Great frogs, easy to care for, and they all have personalities of there own. They do get kinda messy but if you keep the tank clean they shoouldnt be too bad. Remember at least 10 gallons per frog.
Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 20:20Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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be sure that you give them time to eat their food. If in a tank with active fish, often the fish eat all the food before the frogs find much. They also love frozen foods such as brine shrimp and blood worms. Good luck, I enjoy my frogs a whole lot.
Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 21:25Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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I also reccomend having two. They are quite social and enjoy the company of other frogs. Remember if you ahve them in a tank with fish that you will soon mysteriously missing fish and your frog will be getting very fat. Once they aer two years old a a female can reach 5 inches snout to vent length - thats not including legs, and a male can get 3 inches snout to vent legnth not includng legs. The males will start to sing around 5 months old and will develop nupital pads which they use to grasp females when mating. Feed the commercial food, earthworms, frozen foods, earthworms, and feeder guppies. I dont reccomend blood worms as it can make them bloated. I do reccomend beefheart as a good treat as they love it but you need to feed sparingly as it will make them too obese and clog thier arteries.

They are easy to sex also...Males are smaller and have nupital pads. Nupital pads are what they use to raps femals with. They are black and extend from tips of fingers up to the under arm pit. Females are sicnificantly larger and have a small extenstion at their vent called a cloaca males dotn have one.

Your frog will come to know you and he will let you hold him in the water, pet his head, eat from your hand, and will sing for you when you walk in the room-at least thats what my males do. They will bring you 15-20 great years of freindship and make great little companions.

A few tips:

-Always keep a lid on the tank!
-Keep them in their own tank with their own kind!
-Barebottom tanks work best!...they can swallow gravel and become impacted!
-Smooth decor- They have sensitive skin that damages easy!
-Use Stress Coat!...Helps them build up thier slime coating.
- Temps of 69-75...They like cooler water.

I hope you find this useful and have fun with your frog!

p.s Is he albino or pigmented? male or female?
Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 21:38Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
El Tiburon Tailandes
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Registered: 10-Jan-2007
male costarica
Wow, definitely very cool....

Im wondering, exactly how easy are they to breed? I would be interested in such a thing if it werent too difficult.

Mines shorts summary is this.

It lives in a 10 gallon tank with 2 pearl gouramis and one talking Raphael cat. The frog will eat smaller fish but with those 3 it gets along well.

The gouramis mind their own business and are extremely peaceful and the cat is completely indifferent about the others.

The frog does not attempt to eat any of em.

Not sure if it is a male or a female, have always wondered that and it is pinkish colored, ive always thought its not an albino cause its kind of pink (very light orange) but am not 100% sure.

I would love to breed them though, that would be amazing.

How difficult is it? what would i have to do?

Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 23:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
El Tiburon Tailandes
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Registered: 10-Jan-2007
male costarica
Oh and ive never heard him/her sing...then again the catfish never has talked either, although supposedly mostly do that when out of the water.
Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 23:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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female uk
I have 1 frog in a 13g. I only have 1 cos of the tank size.

Its name is McGuyver, but I believe it is actually a female. It is albino

I water change every 2 weeks, I don't find she gets too messy. Her filter broke about a month ago, and I now keep the tank without a filter. I find that my frog is much more active and seems much happier without the filter - they don't seem to like strong currents.

They are widely available at my local LFS's.

I don't use stresscoat - I don't like it as I have found it can trigger saddleback columnaris in Bettas and I like using the same dechlor for all my tanks. They are sensitive to airborne pollution, so you do need to be careful if cleaning around their tank.

I like to think that whoever designed marine life was thinking of it as basically an entertainment medium. That would explain some of the things down there, some of the unearthly biological contraptions
Post InfoPosted 14-Jan-2007 23:41Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Im sure your frog is fine with the qouramis if they are larger than him/her.

I am worried about the cat...if your frog ever tries to eat the cat then it could be injured on the spines.

Breeding is very easy. You need a male and a female and they breed best at a year old. Tadpole raising is the hard part. Whenever I raise tads I let my frogs eat most of the eggs then I take out a few eggs, however many I want, then I put them in their own ten gallon tank halfway filled, get a heater at about 78 degrees then you feed them reptomin very finely crushed or you feed them hikari first bites. Overall the raising isnt that much work but it all depends on how many tadpoles you will be raising. You have to think in advance what you are going to do with all those little froggies?

Sounds like you have an albino. How big is he/she?
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 00:14Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
I have a friend with an african clawed
frog. Kermit was just into the vet for her annual
checkup (was named before gender was determined),
as we have a frog/amphibian vet in our area.
Kermit is 9 years old, and measures 8.7 inches from
snout to bum, and is about 5 inches wide.
She is kept in a 75 gallon tank with her friend
the Oscar.
I dont think she would even fit in a 10g tank,
my friend always recommends 30 gallons minimum
for these frogs to people. Hes been keeping them for
about 50 years now.
Myself Im not a big fan, but they are neat creatures.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 00:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
I am sure your friend has a wild caught African clawed frog. The ones that are sold in most stores are the domesticated kind. And yes I would say 30 gallons for the wild caught types casue they are huge. But the domesticated ones are about how big I said in the above post.
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 01:16Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
El Tiburon Tailandes
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Registered: 10-Jan-2007
male costarica
I would doubt the frog would attempt to eat the cat, its rather large, a bit bigger than the frog itself. those cats are impressive though, it is built like a tank.

Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 06:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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i have three, one albino. they are all great. very agressive, especially around feeding. fun to watch. they love blood worms, feeder fish and reptomin sticks are great. i dont recomend keeping them with other fish as they get older. one of my frogs actually pulled they eye out of one of my black moors. he has been fine, but not great to look at.
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 14:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
El Tiburon Tailandes
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Registered: 10-Jan-2007
male costarica
When I bought the frog at the LFS they were not aware of how carnivorous they are, took it home, put it in a tank with 16 neon and cardinal tetras.

i would count them abotu every other day to make sure everything was ok (since there were so many)



1,2,3,4......15...15? hmmm again....1..2....15...hmmm15...I must have missed one...

then...1..2..3..4...14...thats strange..

then 13......

thus I did research, went to the LFS, said hey that frog is carnivorous, they were like yeah, we found that out shortly thereafter..

I had lost 3 tetras which Im sure the frog was responsible for...

Ever since her demotion (or promotion) not sure how she/he took it, the frog has been ok......not once does she go after the gouramis or the big catfish, then again I wouldnt dare go after the catfish and Im 6'1 so I dont exactly blame the frog for not going after the Tank, I mean, the Cat.

Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 17:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 01-Nov-2006
male usa
I had ACF for about ten years when I was a kid and they are fantastic. We kept a male and a female in a 29Gal and kept the tank about 3/4 of the way filled will a large log that poked out of the water and no gravel. Obviously my dad did most of the tending but I would feed them every night. And they would take the food out of your hand and they most defiantly will start to recognize you. We finally gave them away when I was in high school but they will live for a very long time so keep that in mind. Also do not keep in your bedroom unless you like the sound of the male keeping you up all night.

"No whammy, No whammy, No whammy, STOP!!"

1984-Michael Larsen On Press Your Luck
Post InfoPosted 15-Jan-2007 19:42Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
I just want to mention that my friends ACF
was a domestic one, not a wild caught one.
The LFS he got it from is one in our area that
does not ever stock, or believe in, the sale
of wild fish, and have no sold any wild caught fish in
well over 15 years.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 16-Jan-2007 00:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Oh, wow ok Sneaky thank you that is really cool. I have never heard of one getting that large. I would love to see one that large!
Post InfoPosted 16-Jan-2007 01:32Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Ill try to get a picture next time Im over there!
Its really quite the impressive frog. I never thought they got that big either.
It could just be a particularly large one, much more
so than average.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 16-Jan-2007 09:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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