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  L# Breeding Rasbora Espei
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SubscribeBreeding Rasbora Espei
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi All,
I am now the proud owner of 12 rambunctious little
Lambchop Rasboras (T. Espei), and I would like to try
breeding them.
I have a 5g empty and ready to go.
Some of the females are fat and ripe with eggs,
and I have been conditioning them on frozen foods for the past week-10 days now.
Ive read some things online, but more info would be needed.
So far I gather that they prefer a shallow water level, with some plants like java fern or similar, and soft peat filtered water.
Any advice would be welcomed! Thanks in advance!

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2007 05:08Profile PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
According to my Braz Walker pocket book, morning sunshine is recorded as a spawning stimulus for T. heteromorpha, so it might be worth your while siting the proposed breeding aquarium where it receives morning sunshine. Also, the same source states that if T. heteromorpha is kept in hard, alkaline water for proonged periods, the individuals may become sterile, so it's just possible that the species is susceptible to elevated calcium levels in the water as reported by TFH magazine for Rummy Nosed Tetras.

This of course assumes that T. espei follows the same model as T. heteromorpha sufficiently closely.

For plant choices, if you have access to Cryptocoryne species, Aponogeton species (except those Madagascar Lace Leaf Plants of course!), and possibly Amazon Swords, they would probably make good choices of spawn receptacle. Java Fern, however, I am a bit wary of initially, even though it's found in some of the places that T. espei is found in the wild, because the underside is pretty rough to the touch (at least my Java Ferns are) and I suspect that your fishes might prefer to rub their ovipositors on something a little less abrasive. However, if you only have Java Ferns to hand as crown-type plants, and your fishes spawn successfully on that, then I'll be happy to update my database.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2007 15:34Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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male usa
I believe that is the fish about which Ingo(i think) had an article published in a recent TFH. Hopefully he will see this thread and reply.

If I remember right, they were the only fish in a large very planted tank. I will try to come up with the issue it was in. I remember being very impressed by one of our own writing such an article.
Post InfoPosted 15-Feb-2007 22:59Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 13-Apr-2004
male usa
Hey, Ingo's screen name is little fish, if anyone could help, it would be him.
Post InfoPosted 22-Feb-2007 23:09Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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