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Breeding or Not? | |
renegade545 Fingerling Posts: 45 Kudos: 24 Votes: 4 Registered: 24-Jan-2007 | Do you breed your fish? if you do please tell us, how successful you have been and what kinds of fish you breed. if you do not see any options, it is because i am not a premium member and it won't let me post polls. please just give us some information about you breeding history liek REDPHANTOM. thanks. Renegade545, king of the frontosa |
Posted 27-Jan-2007 21:37 | |
aquapickle27 Enthusiast Posts: 182 Kudos: 98 Votes: 55 Registered: 28-Jan-2006 | Yeah i have bred a few species of fish. One of the most commonly bred: Guppies. (This was fairly successful, i still have two or three generations of them) I did attempt some Corydoras aeneus, they laid eggs twice, but my parents got sick of all the baby fish, (plus my dad doesn't care for corys). I gave the three Parent corys to a friend, and he has had them breed at least five times since he got them. Now he has about 25 adult cories. That is all i have bred so far, i plan to set up a breeding tank for my Lombardoi (kenyi). I am in the process of setting up a 38 gal tank in which i plan to possibly breed some apisto of some sort. Thats about it. †Aquapickle† |
Posted 28-Jan-2007 19:14 | |
REDPHANTOM Enthusiast Taking life on an angle Posts: 176 Kudos: 46 Votes: 4 Registered: 05-Jan-2007 | I stumbled onto breeding Golden me A month later they had 15+ fry, difficult to tell precisely how many since the parents may have eaten some of them. To avoid this either double bottom the tank with some mesh or use a birthing pen that will separate the parents from the fry. If you use the pen make sure not to keep your fish too long in the device or make sure to circulate water through the pen, water quality inside it can deteriorate quickly. Also I was told by LFS clerks that once the female gives birth it releases a bodily fluid that may be harmful to them and small water changes should be made daily in order to remove the fluid. Dont know if that is completely true but it did not affect my fish for I only made a WC 2 or 3 days after birth, if anyone knows about this possibilty please elaborate on the subject and set us straight for it may just be a local Costa Rican myth. From the lot of 17, 1 I found dead the first day, seemed a little mauled over and may have been partially eaten by parents, apart from that initial death I've only had 1 more cassualty after a WC. So that leaves me with 15 fry, which after almost 2 weeks have grown to fingerlings of about 1.5 cm and may have doubled or tripled their initial girth. First few days I fed them Wardleys fry food every 2 or 3 hours. Moved up to Artemia or Brine shrimp which I highly recommend feeding to small fish. After the first week I would complement the diet with crushed freeze dried plankton or krill, cyclops granules or blood worms. Water changes are done quite regularly, every other day, between the 15 of them they can be very messy buggers, plus uneaten food has to be removed and the paste or liquid store bought fish fry food makes the water very murky so maintanance is very important. I used to breed swordtails as a ten year old kid, but now things are on a different level, so I consider myself a new comer to the techniques and methods. Any suggestions on food types best suited for fry, water conditions, general requirements that have to be met, suggestions, or changes needed are more than welcome, any and all your help is appreciatted. Id like to consider this experience as my first step to breeding fish and hope to be able to rear non livebearers some time in the near future. James |
Posted 28-Jan-2007 21:33 | |
REDPHANTOM Enthusiast Taking life on an angle Posts: 176 Kudos: 46 Votes: 4 Registered: 05-Jan-2007 | BTW: I was not able to vote since there were no options displayed in order to register my vote on your initial post. Anyone else had this problem or was it just me? |
Posted 28-Jan-2007 21:36 | |
aquapickle27 Enthusiast Posts: 182 Kudos: 98 Votes: 55 Registered: 28-Jan-2006 | Same here, i think you would need to make some options like: Yes, i do breed my fish No, i don't breed my fish No, but i am in the process Yes, i used to Something like that. (Not sure how though) †Aquapickle† |
Posted 28-Jan-2007 23:27 | |
renegade545 Fingerling Posts: 45 Kudos: 24 Votes: 4 Registered: 24-Jan-2007 | i tried but it wouldn't let me... i would enter the options but they wouldn't show up. Renegade545, king of the frontosa |
Posted 29-Jan-2007 01:34 | |
REDPHANTOM Enthusiast Taking life on an angle Posts: 176 Kudos: 46 Votes: 4 Registered: 05-Jan-2007 | I have successfully voted, thanks renegade! |
Posted 29-Jan-2007 04:04 | |
Calilasseia *Ultimate Fish Guru* Panda Funster Posts: 5496 Kudos: 2828 Votes: 731 Registered: 10-Feb-2003 | Voted yes. In the past I've had Zebra Danios spawn, Angelfish spawn, and a couple of other things that I can't recall off the top of my head ... plus lots of fry from a female Platy I had as a teenager. More recently, however, my BIG success story has been raising three generations of Panda Corys. The next project I'm hoping to embark upon is Anomalochromis thomasi. If I can persuade that species to breed and produce a nice litter of fry, I'll be VERY happy. |
Posted 29-Jan-2007 06:41 | |
Dangerous Dave Hobbyist Posts: 144 Kudos: 179 Votes: 3 Registered: 15-Jul-2002 | Yep. I have bred the standard livebearers as well as: Convicts Rams Kribs Blue Acara Festivum Bolivian Butterflies Angelfish Discus Cyprichromis Leptosoma Neolamprologous Leleupi Bristlenose Columbian Tetras I think thats it!!! I have found that if you keep the fish well fed with clean water, they will breed pretty much on their own. Cheers, |
Posted 29-Jan-2007 12:03 | |
stallion81 Big Fish Posts: 327 Kudos: 255 Votes: 143 Registered: 17-Jan-2004 | Yes. My small list includes Ngara peacocks(over 250 fry), Oto Lithobates(100+), Hap 44's(100+), and Synodontis Multipunctatus(20+). I am currently trying Kapampa Frontosa and Syno Petricola, along with the others. I've been fairly sucessful, but the Fronts will be a true test. |
Posted 29-Jan-2007 17:12 | |
divertran Fish Addict Posts: 784 Kudos: 469 Votes: 165 Registered: 14-Nov-2004 | |
Posted 30-Jan-2007 11:16 | |
mughal113 Big Fish Posts: 343 Kudos: 160 Votes: 64 Registered: 16-Jun-2006 | Voted YES. Started with livebearers. Then I got opaline gouramis to spawn. In a coldwater tank, I got 500+ oranda fry. My next attempt is going to be on Malawis. |
Posted 30-Jan-2007 14:01 | |
aaronfry Hobbyist ? Posts: 76 Kudos: 55 Votes: 159 Registered: 01-Nov-2006 | Yup Zebra Danios and Pineapple Swords many many times with the same male and female pair that seem to balk at the general notion gestation period. It seems atleast once a week i see a new baby sword hiding in the plants. I would like next to try my hand at German Rams if i can get some quality youths to pair. "No whammy, No whammy, No whammy, STOP!!" 1984-Michael Larsen On Press Your Luck |
Posted 30-Jan-2007 17:55 | |
Cup_of_Lifenoodles Fish Guru Posts: 2755 Kudos: 1957 Votes: 30 Registered: 09-Sep-2004 | Corydoras panda, aeneus, adolfoi, weitzmani (constantly infertile), peru orange stripe, sterbai, paleatus Aspidoras sp. "black pantom" Hypancistrus zebra (infertile first spawn), L-66, L-316, L-270 Peckoltia of the Tocantins sp., though difficult to determine which Ancistrus domesticus, triradiatus, L-183 (infertile) Numerous [dwarf] cichlids, many of which were credited towards my parents, but I'll list them anyways...discus, dom. angels, apistos (cacs and aggs), rams, kribs, convicts, blockheads, as well as livebearers, mostly run of the mill species |
Posted 30-Jan-2007 20:42 | |
Fallout Moderator Communications Specialist Posts: 6416 Kudos: 4053 Votes: 742 Registered: 29-Jul-2000 | I've had swords/platies/mollies breed, but heck, anyone can do that, all they need is water. My aneus cories spawn all the time, my boesemani rainbows, my macculocchi rainbows, celebes, etc etc breed all the time, but they never make it because there's always a trail of fish behind them scooping up the free protien. I've bred bettas, neon dwarf gouramis, and checkered barbs on purpose and were successful |
Posted 30-Jan-2007 21:42 | |
Theresa_M Moderator Queen of Zoom Posts: 3649 Kudos: 4280 Votes: 790 Registered: 04-Jan-2004 | Other than Endler's,I'm one of those people who never had much luck with livebearers breeding I've had paradise fish and cories spawn unsuccessfully. My GT and blue acara spawned a number of times. Fry were generally eaten by tankmates after lights out; I was only able to save 1 the entire time I had the pair. I had very good luck with shellies, both multies and brevis. My daughter has a young pair of pearl gouramis that we might try to condition for breeding. And I have a young pair of cons that spawned 3 days after I bought them ~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is water at the bottom of the ocean |
Posted 30-Jan-2007 23:55 | |
riri1 Fish Addict Posts: 537 Kudos: 435 Votes: 44 Registered: 04-Mar-2005 | i have breed a lot of cichlids and im trying a couple redtail catfish in a 2000 gallon pond in my back yeard covered and heated. |
Posted 01-Feb-2007 06:50 | |
PurestDJ Hobbyist Posts: 64 Kudos: 21 Registered: 12-Feb-2006 | I've reccently noticed my Platies breeding, I think they have been for a while but my now decieced Angelfish was gobbling all the fry. Before I replaced the Angelfish with some Pearl Gourami the Platies managed to raise three fry! The other night we noticed a Platy giving birth, the fry swam about 3 inches before getting chomped by a Gourami I guess we won't see many moremaking it past the first few minutes. I'm hoping to get the Gourami's breeding next but need some surface plants first. |
Posted 01-Feb-2007 20:02 | |
wish-ga Mega Fish Dial 1800-Positive-Posts Posts: 1198 Kudos: 640 Registered: 07-Aug-2001 | I do not breed fish. I don't want the extra set ups. I have had some breed without me setting out to raise fry. I am sure lots of people are in the same situation.... those crazy kids! Aquapickle.... what a great name! ~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~ |
Posted 05-Feb-2007 04:55 | |
aquapickle27 Enthusiast Posts: 182 Kudos: 98 Votes: 55 Registered: 28-Jan-2006 | Thanks! †Aquapickle† |
Posted 05-Feb-2007 05:06 | |
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