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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Bully Neon!
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SubscribeBully Neon!
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
i have 2 neons that i have had since i reset up my tank, several perished in the moved to the tanks new location. so about a week ago i bought 6 more neons to get a small school goin. one died in that bag on the way home and the other shortly after realeasing him in that tank so now i have a total of six. my problem comes in about 2-3 days ago i noticed one of my fish looked like he was on his death bed. i noticed he pepped up after the light had be on for a while. every each morning same thing he looks like a gone-er but peps up after the lights come on. i also noticed one eye is missing. after a little investigation i noticed one of the new neons is going around and bullying the other neons, he was chasing the one eyed one for a while but now he goes after one of the healthier ones. i thought neons where scaredy cats(er fish) i never knew that they could be nippy or semi aggresive. he even nipped at a peguin tetra nearly double his size. anyone have any idea of what it could be or what i could do

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 23:29Profile PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk

Quick question - is your "bully Neon" a slender specimen or well rounded?

If it's slender, it's a male. Probably in breeding condition and frustrated because the other Neons are all juveniles and sexually immature.

My now infamous cave dwelling Cardinal Tetra chases other Cardinals around when it's frisky. Then it heads for its cave and tries to lure passing females in. It only does this, however, when it's in breeding mood. And in case you're wondering, I have had Cardinals spawn (not very often admittedly!) in the community aquarium they share with the Panda Corys - so my water chemistry must be suitable for them.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 23:51Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
hmmm but too the point of hurting them or do you think that was damage done at the lfs?

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 21-Mar-2007 09:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk
I haven't heard any accounts of Neons inflicting that kind of damage on other fishes, though of course they do possess teeth (however, be advised that some Characins only have teeth in one jaw for some strange reason).

However, Neons aren't equipped to be dedicated predators, and certainly not predators on fishes other than perhaps tiny fry.

Incidentally, you mention that you have Penguin Tetras in the same aquarium. They're much more robust, and with a reputation for fin nipping into the bargain. I'd keep a close watch on those and see if they exhibit any undesirable behaviour.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 21-Mar-2007 22:58Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
well i only have two penquins and they tend to hang around the upper part of the tank near the filter, i never really had any problem with them being nippy except with each other. this morning i noticed lumps on several of the neons and think there may be a problem with infection or something of the sorts, as i have posted in the hospital section. my next big concern is that i have a young bgk in the tank as well.

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 00:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk

Hang on have a Black Ghost Knife Fish in this aquarium too?

That puts a different complexion on things.

Even juveniles are substantial fish. Once the lights are out, it'll go hunting ... and your Neons are probably on its menu even at the juvenile stage. Once that fish grows, not only will you need a LARGE aquarium for it, but you won't be able to trust it with Neons at all ...

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 06:35Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
ya i know i realised that after i got him. he is still small right now about 3-4 inch.

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 07:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
oh ya i forgot how big do you think he will be before he starts goin after the neons?

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 07:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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Registered: 10-Feb-2003
male uk

At 4 inches, he's on the verge of being big enough to do it now in my view ...

Of course, others who keep these fishes may disagree. But I suspect you won't have to wait that long for him to become large enough to treat the Neons as a snack if he isn't large enough now. I'd say that once he's 6 inches long, he'll be happily helping himself to Neon burger ...

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 14:12Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 02-Nov-2006
male usa
yea i can imagine. well since the bgk was a gift for my girlfriend chance are im gonna have to give up the neons.maybe ill give them to my brother. (i manage his tank as well)

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 21:54Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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