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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# General Freshwater
  L# Butis Butis
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SubscribeButis Butis
Posts: 165
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Registered: 05-Dec-2002
male usa
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this fish, I noticed them at the lfs a while ago. Would one or more do well in a 29 gallon? It currently has 4 zebra danios, 3-4 ghost shrimp and 3 cories, which could be put in my other tank or I could finally setup my 10 gallon again. If it would work in a 29 would be some good tank mates and food source?

What does that mean, Bob? "Till the cows come home." Where have the cows been?
Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2007 07:05Profile PM Edit Report 
Dangerous Dave
Posts: 144
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Registered: 15-Jul-2002
male australia
To quote the profile on this site:

Temperament: Predatory; Can be aggressive toward conspecifics and other territorial fish. However, with a rather inactive lifestyle often situated in planted or corner sections of the tank, it rarely causes trouble.
Diet: Carnivore; Live foods such as small fish, worms, ghost shrimp. Has been known to accept carnivore diet dry foods, but rarely does so.
Care: Originates from brackish water but can be adapted to a fresh water environment with gradual acclimation. Provide plenty of high foliage for it to reside near. Keep with fish at least 2/3 of its size to prevent predation.

The fact that it easly grows to nearly six inches would indicate that this is probably not a good fish for your tank.

Good luck
Post InfoPosted 02-Feb-2007 07:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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