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  L# Couple Questions -Vac and Temp
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SubscribeCouple Questions -Vac and Temp
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male usa
Hi All,

A couple easy questons for you I am sure.
First question. Can you all recommend a good gravel vac? I currently use the suction one and dont like it as its a mess and also so much water is emptied while doing the vac, which is ok if I am doing a large water change but sometimes I just want to do a quick clean and not lose so much water. I have seen the battery operated vacs with the mesh bag. Do those work?
Second question. When I recently went thru my ick illness I had turned the heat up in the tank to 84.4 degrees.
The ick is gone and I have not turned the heat down yet as the fish seem to like it warm. I now only have the 2 upside down catfish a gourami and several danios. I lost the rest of the fish to the ick and have not replaced yet.
Can I leave the temp where its at? Any harm if I do or ?
Thanks ahead of time for your help and tips etc.
Post InfoPosted 09-May-2007 16:43Profile PM Edit Report 
Catfish/Oddball Fan
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I have not tried the battery operated, so I won't comment on that. But when I was starting out, I actually bought a hand-operated siphon. I make it sound like a while ago, but I don't know if those siphons are still around... Anyway, it does the job, with a little elbow grease. Another option may be a good turkey baster to remove specific particles.

The high temperature doesn't do that much harm in itself. However, there are a number of factors that go along with high temperature. First of all, warm water holds less oxygen than cooler water. This may be problematic; the gourami won't care too much, but other fish may not like that. Another factor is the accelerated metabolism and breakdown of everything. Fish eat, breathe, and grow more (and faster) in warmer temperatures (to a maximum point before they start to fail), which actually compounds the problem of low oxygen, as they will simultaneously need more oxygen to maintain a higher metabolism. I have also seen indication by some that because of this accelerated growth, the life span of the fish may be shortened (though they are more active and lively).

I would try to gradually lower the temperature. 84.4 F is getting rather high. It's not a danger in itself, but it can compound certain effects such as low oxygenation of the water.

The aquarist is one who must learn the ways of the biologist, the chemist, and the veterinarian.
Post InfoPosted 09-May-2007 19:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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I'm not sure why you would want to go through all the trouble to vac you tank and not do a water change at the same time but any how you should look at the python maintenance tools. This hooks up to the sink and starts the the syphon for you and then when your finished you just turn the water on and fill the tank up with clean water and than add your chemicals to the tank itself. I not big on them as I feel they waste money,chemicels and water, But it sounds like you are looking for less messy way of cleaning the tank. As far as the battery power gravel filters they are only good for 24" depth tanks I have not been able to find one that could be used completely under the water, maybe another member has, but ounce again you are put old water back into the tank, maybe for SW tanks.

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 09-May-2007 19:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by So_Very_Sneaky
I too would recommend a Python. They hook up to the tap and work very well.
I too dont understand why anyone would want to gravel vac and not water change. Its definitely necessary to change the water too.

Theres also a slightly cheaper version of the Python system, the Lees one.
Both shoudl work great.

About the temp, Id lower it. Doesnt have to go far.
I keep all my tanks at 82F, but wouldnt keep it above that for extended periods of time.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 09-May-2007 23:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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It is possible with lateral thinking to get away without replacing any products (I am a cheap skate! )

This is for cases where you have done the required water exchange but want more silt or broken down plant material out of your gravel. But if you were to keep vacuuming you would end up doing a 40% water change. So....

Vacuum and let the silt settle in the bucket. Tip the water (with the right chemistry/temp/bacteria) gently back into the tank. The few inches at the bottom of the bucket will be silty water and goes onto the garden.

~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2007 01:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
fish patty
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zookeper- Please excuse me for pointing out what I consider to be the obvious, as many people do not think of things if it is not obvious to THEM. I also had the problem of removing too much water when I vacuumed. To fix this problem, I vacuumed with one hand & with the other hand I held the end of the hose where the water came out into a bucket. When I vacuumed just the one spot as big as the end of the siphon & was ready to move onto another spot, I would slip my thumb over the end of the hose where it was draining, to stop the water flow. When I had the siphon securely embedded into a new spot of gravel I would release my thumb & the water would flow again.Continuing to do this assured that only the dirtiest water was removed. You will be surprised how much less water you are removing.

The only thing is that a slight spray will come out the end of the hose when you slip your thumb over it. It's not enough to bother me, as I hold my hand in the bucket while doing it. I hope this helps a little anyway.
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2007 04:27Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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i saw a pretty cool idea. i guy took a gravel vac, took the siphone hose and fitted it over the intake tube of a hob filter. so the water would be sucked up run through the filter and back into the tank.

*click *flash *click "whered he go???"
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2007 05:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Just wondering if those of you who have the problem of "changing too much water when vaccuuming" realize that its best to vaccuum no more than 50% of the gravel at one time.
Up to 50% water changed is not too much.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2007 06:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 19-Apr-2007
male usa
Thanks for the replies. I got my answers and some cool ideas.
I am slowly lowering the temp of the tank. I will lower it to around 80 which should be good.
You all are great. Thanks again
Post InfoPosted 10-May-2007 16:14Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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EditedEdited by wish-ga
Up to 50% water changed is not too much.
I am not comfortable taking out that much water in normal circumstances. I do a water change weekly or fortnightly so 50% is a substantial amount that often.

~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~
Post InfoPosted 11-May-2007 06:56Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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I will often go 50% in my ten gallon tank weekly. probablay not on anything bigger. Either that or I might just do 30% twice a week, which does a better job of maintaining parameters.
I have also inquired about the battery and the air powered vacuums with the mesh bags, but received little to no info as peeps don't seem to use them. I like the regular ol gravel vac anyways.
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2007 09:48Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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