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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# General Freshwater
  L# Dwarf frog compatibility
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SubscribeDwarf frog compatibility
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Registered: 09-Jan-2004
female usa
Hi. I just acquired 2 African Dwarf frogs. They have been acclimented to a 10 gallon cycled tank. Tankmates are 3 baby platies, and 3 Balloon mollies. Will they be okay there with lots of hiding places? Thanks
Post InfoPosted 16-Sep-2006 16:46Profile Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Communications Specialist
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Yea, they should be ok with some hiding spots where the platies can't get in. Just keep an eye on the legs, some fish will pick at them, but the frogs are usually pretty quick and able to get away in time. I really think you'll be ok
Post InfoPosted 17-Sep-2006 09:40Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 09-Jan-2004
female usa
Thanks Fallout. They are in there and seem content, zipping all over the place. Hard to find when it's naptime though!
Post InfoPosted 17-Sep-2006 12:13Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
The main problem with dwarf frogs kept in with fish is feeding. They are horrible at finding food and very slow to eat. Most of the time the fish get all the food before the frogs even realize it's there. You'll probably have to take the time to put the food right in front of them to keep them from starving.
Post InfoPosted 17-Sep-2006 22:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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