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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
Some people may have seen me posting saying that my fluval 4 failed and i have ammonia readings well today I won a brand new Rena XP3 for my 55 gallon tank at half normal retail price it should be here in about 10 days so im going to get enough ammo lock to last that time for now

My next question is how long do you think it will take the new filter to establish to safe levels again.

At the moment i have ammonia of 1.0 ppm and nitrite is around the same mark. I have plenty of bactozyme available to set it up with and hopefully that should work.

A few questions about how the filter works though, does it just feed tubes into the tank? Or do i need to attach it to something in my hood?

thanks for all the help so far this is a really nice forum and sorry if im posting to much ^^''
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2007 01:45Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
EditedEdited by So_Very_Sneaky
Congrats on the win of the xp3, i think you will
be very very happy with that filter.
It should take 1-2 weeks to establish the filter.

Its pretty easy to set up.
The tubes only go in through the back of your hood.
You may need to cut the hood to fit them.
The canister itself will sit back underneath the tank.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2007 03:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
excelent fairly quick filter development then

one of my friends has said she will take some of my fish off me while i cycle the filter

2 Angel fish 1 zebra 1 koi
3 Opeline gourami - one of them is gold variety
2 Long finned rams
2 Key hole cichlids
4 zebra danio
3 bronze cories
2 peppered cories
1 BN plec
1 dojo loach

of these fish which ones do you think are the most likley to survive a recycle in a tank?
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2007 21:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 18-Jul-2006
male usa
I would say that a bristlenose should survive, they are very hardy, atleast in my tank, and the 3 tanks its gone in and out of.

Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2007 21:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
EditedEdited by im-trying
thanks Budzilla yeah ive read that they are quite hardy i also think that my dojo loach will be okay because of how hardy they are. And also ive got my fingers crossed for my corries and the danios because of their reputation as well. Have aranged for someone to look after my keyhole cichlids, rams and angels. Unfortunatly she has gourami that fight as it is and she dsnt want to risk it so im gonna either hope i can find an LFS to look after them or hope they can wing it.
Post InfoPosted 19-Mar-2007 22:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 25-Feb-2007
um just to update people

my filter has arived its set up and the rams and the angel fish are in a friends tank for now. the keyholes are uncatchable so they will have to stay though i will keep trying.

the only fish that seem to be having any trouble are the blue gourami its just their colouration and their fins look a bit off but they are swimming fine no bottom sitting. the cories are fine and the keyholes are looking reallly good tbh no brown and the blue in the fins is showing really bright.

the filter arived right at the right moment because when i got home my entire room smelt like sulpher or rotten eggs so i did a water change and set up the new filter and the smell has gone so far ive given the water bactozyme and also a dose of stress zyme this morning.

things are okay so far and this is the first 24 hours over exactly with the new filter
Post InfoPosted 22-Mar-2007 22:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female australia
Thank goodness for timeley mail delivery!

Hope your tank is healthy and back to being an enjoyable passtime soon!

I often laugh to myself when someone admires my tank and tells me how relaxing keeping an aquarium is.
Boy have I had some of these moments ======>

~~~ My fish blow kisses at me all day long ~~~
Post InfoPosted 28-Mar-2007 05:24Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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