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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Having Fun Feeding My Frog
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SubscribeHaving Fun Feeding My Frog
Fish Guru
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Registered: 17-Sep-2002
female uk
I've been really worried about my ACF for a while now, he doesn't seem to be eating. Until the day before yesterday, when I splished his water as I was putting the food in. Instant action!! He swam straight for the splish and yomped up the food as soon as he grabbed it. It's so much fun now, splishing the food in then steering it about cos his aim isn't too good, so he doesn't necessarily grab the food first time, then seems to lose interest.

He's great - I like my frog!!/:'

I like to think that whoever designed marine life was thinking of it as basically an entertainment medium. That would explain some of the things down there, some of the unearthly biological contraptions
Post InfoPosted 26-Jul-2007 14:20Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
The frogs respond to movement in the water the best. I always sucked the bloodworms up into a large dropper and then wiggled them around at the end while the frogs snapped at them. They aren't the greatest hunters but so long as there is movement they will keep snapping away until they catch something. I also had good luck with frozen squid chunks that I could hold between my fingers or tweezers and wave around in front of them.
Post InfoPosted 27-Jul-2007 04:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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